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Character Full Name: Rakiah

Character In-Game Name: Rakiah

Nickname(s): None

Association(s): The Exodar

Race: Draenei

Class: Priestess

Age: 3250 years

Sex: Female

Hair: Black

Eyes: Sky-Blue

Weight: 180lbs.

Height: 7'0"


She prefers to look humble and decent, not wearing clothes that are too expensive, or revealing. She carries a dagger with her, more for a sense of security, rather then any aggressive intention.


Even though she seems severe, Rakiah has a gentle, loving spirit. Lack of experiance, or more lack of socialisation has made her somewhat gruff; She doesn't always find it easy to get along with all of the people, all of the time. A harsh history has left her, as it would anyone else at that age rather edgy; She was tought from a young age to mend and abide by the light, following her mother's example. These days she tries her best no to end up like her mother, trying to sleep and rest. Habbits are hard to break, as such her insomnia has left her slightly quirky over years.


Rakiah lived only a tenth of the time from when the Draenei first left Argus and began their journey; For her and her mother, a loving, but aged and devoted anchorite tended to her daughter at all times, devoting what little time she had left to teaching her daughter the path of the Light. Year by year passed, Rakiah prospered under her mother's guidance.

As time went by, the young priestess noticed her mother's health slowly deteriorate; She hardly slept, hardly ate...ever since she was first aware of it, her mother was a severe workaholic, spending nights on end tending to the sick and injured, to her and seemingly everything else but herself. Still, Rakiah did as she was asked of and taught, not seconding her mother's word thinking she knew best. The drudging trip from planet to planet, world to world drained more and more not only from Rakiah, but from her mother and father as well; Over time she grew...desperate.

Her mother would not cease in her actions, zealously tending to each life, once again but her own. With time Rakiah retreated fully to her study tending only to the wounded, the sick, her books and her beloved parents, not so much as perking an eyebrow to whatever was going on outside. Years passed once more, Rakiah growing ever more knowledgeable; Finally the time came for rest and respite - Draenor the one land where there was no sight or sound of anything demonic, or demon related.

Life was finally enjoyable; Rakiah's mother finally rested, her father finally kicked his feet up a well, and thank the gods for the lack of change Rakiah was still the ever ambitious earthworm. On the mention of 'outside' she would happily grunt and gently close the door to her quarters once more. Bliss ended with the arrival of their corrupted brethren, the Man'ari Eredar, Eredar of the Burning Legion. Following the corruption of the Mag'har, who were allies to the Draenei in this strange new world, they began fleeing again, their race ravaged by their former allies, they headed to Zangarmarsh, where Rakiah lost her father, and helped her mother, until the aging anchorite fell to dementia, due to the many losses, and fell ill, with no cure, and eventually died. Having no mother or father, Rakiah showed no remorse or care, but kept working, slowly and unknowingly following her mother's footsteps into dementia and death.

She kept working days and nights, barely sleeping and barely eating, but sometimes, in those few hours she did sleep, she was heard crying into the night, letting out some of the burden. They arrived at the Exodar, the wing of the Tempest Keep in Netherstorm. Assaulted by Sin'Dorei, who sabotaged their ship, they fled, just to find out they were losing control, and about to crash Azeroth, on Azuremyst Isle. Rakiah couldn't take it. Working so hard, trying to save the injured, failing to save so many had its price on her spirit, and she fell ill, just like her mother. Seeing the grim sign in her future, she decided to rest, taking the time to study the new world they landed on.

Feeling better and back at her feet, she took an oath, and worked just a bit less hours, sleeping just a bit more, and regaining her strength. A mere month after her recovery, she met a scout in the town of Azure Watch, finding the scout to be charming and interesting. Curious, both about the world beyond the little port she never dared crossing and about the scout, she decided to join her on her travels, leaving forever the clutches of priesthood and her mother's dire fate, in favor of the knowledge the world offers her. Now travelling from town to town, from region to region, learning more and more about the world, hoping the journey will teach her well, and her life to be different, before she falls, just like her mother.