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Player: JVNemesis

Character Full Name: Rakanis Laethansyr

Character In-Game Name: Rakanis

Nickname(s): None

Association(s): Silvermoon, Kirin Tor, Sunreavers

Race: Blood Elf

Class: Mage

Age: 334

Sex: Male

Hair: White, with a matching goatee.

Eyes: Fel green

Weight: 159 lbs.

Height: 6'


Robes, generally the red and gold of the Sunreavers. Nearly always carries his staff, more for supporting his old bones than the magical focus aid the shaft provides.


Alignment: Neutral.

Rakanis, being over three hundred years old, is very set in his ways. He does things how he has always done them, and no whelp half his age is going to tell him otherwise. He has no tolerance for rudeness or disrespect, but (hypocritically) is blunt to the point of rudeness himself, and is very dismissive of those he considers a waste of time. His temper is mercurial at the best of times, the elderly elf sometimes snapping violently at an innocent jest, and sometimes merely chuckling about some grievous offense. His memory is beginning to get hazy as well, but he still remembers well enough to constantly complain about how different things are now.

Rakanis looks down on nearly all the other races of the Horde and Alliance both as they are “Short-lived vermin, and they breed like them too.” The only exception to this rule is the Wildhammer dwarves, who were staunch supporters of the elves for a long time. This superiority comes in part from the supposed “uncouth” ways of the other races, but also the fact that Rakanis has seen the great-grandchildren of humans he once knew grow old and die. He regards them in a similar manner as a cat: 'Sometimes nice to have around, but always troublesome and sticking its nose in where it doesn't belong. Short-lived, of course, but there's always more where that one came from.' The mage has a deep-seated hatred of trolls, coming from the constant threat of the Amani trolls throughout his life. Amani, Darkspear, or otherwise, if it has tusks, Rakanis hates it.

Rakanis tolerates, if not always respects, mages from other races, as they have a discipline and mindset he can appreciate.

While his magical prowess is nothing to be scoffed at, Rakanis is no longer a fully able battle mage. He can bring huge amounts of arcane power to bear on offenders, but he is easily exhausted, and doesn't have the energy required for long campaigns. His magical defenses are significant, but offset by his comparatively weaker offensive power. Still, the fury of blood elven fire magic is nothing to regard lightly.


Rakanis was born a full three hundred years before the first opening of the Dark Portal, and has trained in the ways of magic for the vast majority of those. Much of his youth was spent either in Silvermoon or Dalaran, honing his magical talents. His interest in the creation of magical artifacts led him to become quite an able Enchanter over the centuries, and he has a magpie-like obsession with items of power. Rakanis has amassed a huge collection of such objects, more for the sake of having them than actually doing anything with them.

Rakanis participated in the Second War as one of the Kirin Tor mages dispatched to aid the Alliance against the Orcish Horde. His fury at the burning of Quel'Thalas's woods was immense, and he slaughtered orcs and trolls with the same flames they used to desecrate his homeland. Rakanis was not among those that pushed through the Dark Portal upon its reopening, instead returning to Dalaran to continue his studies.

He remained there for nearly two decades, until the Scourge swept across the land. Though the magi of the Kirin Tor fought valiantly, Rakanis among them, their magical might was not enough, and the undead legions overran the defenders. Arthas succeeded in sacking the city and stealing the Book of Medivh.

Rakanis and some of the surviving elves fled the city mere hours before its destruction, arriving with shock and horror in the ruins of Silvermoon. They banded together with all the survivors they could find, and began the long and arduous process of rebuilding their homeland.

Rakanis soon learned, however, that the elves' problems were not yet finished. With the fouling of the Sunwell, the high elves had lost their source of power, and it quickly began to show. Kael'thas, claiming the leadership position left vacant by his slain father, promised his people a new magical source and set out from Quel'Thalas, rechristening his people 'blood elves'. Though these new elves, Rakanis among them, were eager to avenge their fallen kin, they were rapidly beginning to suffer from arcane withdrawal. As he had long since become used to the Sunwell's emanations, Rakanis was unable to cope with the sudden removal of magical energy.

Magister Rommath's return from Kael'thas' side, with the knowledge of techniques to drain mana from anything arcane, was a godsend. Rakanis recovered from the throes of withdrawal and immediately set about helping with the restoration of Silvermoon, using his arcane talents wherever possible.

Soon after, Rakanis moved back to the ruins of Dalaran, assisting the magi there in their efforts to rebuild the destroyed city as much as he could (he was certainly getting on in age). Over these years, Rakanis gained considerable knowledge into the aspects of magical construction, furthering his abilities as an enchanter and mage alike.

When the Kirin Tor moved Dalaran to Northrend Rakanis accompanied them, assisting them in the war against Malygos. The dragon's ultimatum was something of a personal insult to Rakanis, and he worked with the Kirin Tor forces in Borean Tundra up until the point of Malygos' defeat. After the Nexus War had ended, Rakanis decided it was high time he stopped running around like some brash youngster and returned to Dalaran to rest his weary bones. His is an ardent supporter of the Sunreavers' cause, and is a proud member. He now spends his time traveling between the mage city and Silvermoon, pushing for the acceptance of the blood elves into the Kirin Tor, and toying with his artifact collection.