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Player: Laarune

Character Full Name: Quinn Autumn-Wintry.

Character In-Game Name: Quinn.

Nickname(s): None thus far.

Association(s): <The Lambent Sovreignty>.

Race: Human.

Class: Priest (Civilian).

Age: 21 years.

Sex: Female.

Hair: Chestnut color, rich, and well-cared for. Kept down and mid-short, right side almost always tucked behind her ear.

Eyes: Brown.

Weight: 119. (She's petite.)

Height: 5'2".

Alignment: Lawful Good. "A Lawful good character is the type of character which one might associate most with a pacifist nature or character, willing to do what they believe is right and benevolent without wishing to break the laws, yet unwilling to allow the innocent to suffer."


Clean, white medical robes - Often with a white apron tied around her, either prepared for surgery, or having just gotten out of surgery. A pair of gloves are more often than not present, as well as her Pince-Nez spectacles, bronze and well-polished, which rest upon the bridge of her nose. She is never seen without her spectacles, represented in-game by a monocle, for she is legally blind without them.


Shy. Quirky. Sweet. Neutral. Ambitious. These are all words which describe current-day Quinn, which isn't a long way off from past-day Quinn. The most notable aspect of her personality is her being Shy; Her stuttering doesn't help this fact much, and is often the main cause for her being shy. Beside this, though, she generally opens up the more she's around someone, and once past the barrier of nervousness and shyness, she expands into a much more developed, sweet, good-loving person. When in surgery, or treating someone by any other medical means, that is when she is at her most courageous/ambitious.

Other: Due to childhood tragedy, regarding an immense fire, she has since developed an uncontrollable stutter which increases with rising anxiety or nervousness. Going hand in hand with this, she bears a paralyzing fear of large amounts of fire. It isn't uncommon for her to experience flashbacks when stuck in a situation under these conditions. Also, for class, when I say Priest (Civilian), it means that she isn't ACTUALLY a Priestess IC. Her class may be priest, but In-Character, she is a magic-less Civilian, unable to wield Holy magic or otherwise. Rather, she uses her medical knowledge to help the world where she can, using science to her utmost advantage.


Life, for young Quinn, was peaceful, and bright. Living in the King's Lands proved to be prosperous for her mother and father, despite the fact that so many things had been going wrong at the time, at the Kingdom.

Of course, she wasn't living in the Kingdom at that time. No, Quinn had been born into a small, loving family. Her mother, who had been a Doctor specializing in Surgery often served on the battle front as a field medic in her younger years, and her Father, who.. more or less covered everything else medicinally, had been working as a village doctor for the neighboring village of Goldshire.

Well, as one could easily assume, it was their professions that brought them together in the end. Both decided to retire from their original work, and remain as stay-at-home parents, though would treat people who came to their home for what medical maladies they needed solved. Almost a year later, after they had bought and fixed up an old cottage, Quinn was born. A healthy, beautiful baby girl, whom they cherished, and showed the utmost care and love for through her upbringing in this peaceful corner of the forest.

Of course, Quinn grew up without being around other children, save for the times she'd ride into town with her father to pick up medical supplies and whatever else they may have needed at the time. This meant that she was always a shy girl, and the fact that she'd had to wear glasses quite early in her life hadn't helped that much either. But she'd led a good life up until about the age of seven, and two years before, age of five, was when she'd begun her medical studies as her Father and Mother had both agreed that she had the potential to retain the knowledge learned at such a young age.

It was dark. The middle of the night bore no light to show on such a cloudy night, but the flourishing canopies above their home likely wouldn't have yielded anything even if the moon had light to spare. The sound of hooves upon the grass was soft, and virtually undetectable to the sleeping family inside the cottage they circled.

BANG! Crash!

Two Molotov cocktails had been thrown upon the home, as the assailant continued to circle. One upon the straw roof, the other through the kitchen window. Quinn's family had been awoken to the startling explosions, and in much of a hurry and panic, tried to gather what they could before trying to escape.

Little did they know, however, that the entire house was aflame, on the outside. Various liquors had been sloshed up against the sides of the home, and so the fire spread quickly, deteriorating the structure of the mostly-wooden home by every ticking second. They'd managed to gather up precious family heirlooms and items, and with that, Quinn's Father covered his wife and child in a blanket, and ushered them to the door.

Crack.. CRASH!

The beam above the front door came down upon them, flaming. In an attempt to save his family, Quinn's Father pushed his wife and child out of the way, consequently losing his life as the flaming beam came down upon him. Quinn had skid from her mother's arms, unknowing that her mother had hit her head, and was unconscious. The assailant had fled by now, and relished in Quinn's cries as she called for her mother.

After several cries, and with no answer to come, she curled up in the fireplace after having tossed the logs from it, closed the curtain, and wrapped herself in a blanket to keep from breathing too much smoke in. The fire burned.. and she waited.

It wasn't until several hours later, when the fire had burned its self out, and nothing but smoldering remains were left, that Quinn heard, faintly, her mother calling among many other voices. Quinn's mother had escaped! She'd woken up before the entire home came down upon her, and escaped, having taken her husband's horse into the nearest village to bring back help.

Quinn was found an hour after the searching party had arrived, safe, if not traumatized, coughing, and dehydrated in the stone hearth which had kept her free from harm during this all. It was sheer miracle that the chimney had been the only part of the home left standing. They plucked her from the ashes and rubble, offering Quinn and her mother a place to stay within the village until morning's light, when they could sift through the rubble for the father's remains.

Many years passed, and the Innkeeper of The Lion's Pride had allowed Quinn and her other to stay in a spare room until they could get back on their feet, so long as Quinn's mother took up her husband's old job of working as village Doctor. It paid, and allowed them what they needed. Quinn's mother raised her child with the knowledge of her father's research that had been tossed out the window by her father during the fire, and Medical situations had been all that Quinn knew, or ever wanted to know, for the longest time.

But it wasn't over.

The assailant had come forth later, confessing himself to be a member of a petty bandit gang, who had just a week before the tragedy, been harassing Quinn's father for medical supplies for his gang, which had fallen ill to a mysterious, but non-lethal illness drifting around at the time. Quinn's father had explained that he wouldn't treat bandits of any kind, and had offered him information as to what alternative, natural remedies he could use to ease the illness until it remedied its self - But the bandit hadn't listened, and in a rage, warned that Quinn's father had made a mistake. The bandit had confessed to what he'd done, though it was a mystery why exactly he'd come forth, and by penalty of law, had been hanged for his crime. They supposed it was guilt, in the end.

Seven yearss later, only days after Quinn's 14th birthday.. Her mother fell ill.

It was not the same sickness that had plagued the Bandit Gang. Rather, it was something much more serious - Something that rendered Quinn's mother unable to walk, stand, and rendered her hardly able to breathe.

When Quinn had first made her venture into life, (and when I had first RP'd her on COTH) she was at the age of 19. Shy, stuttering, and hardly able to put her medical studies to use, what with that barrier to social oddities. She'd taken care of her mother from the time she first fell ill, to the time stated above - And now?

After Quinn's mother had eventually passed away, Quinn took it upon herself to continue her medical career, what little there was, in the name of her Mother and Father. Gathering up all of the Medical Research her father had compiled, and that her mother had added upon it since, she'd momentarily left <The Lambent Sovreignty>, to pursue her career as a Civilian Doctor and Surgeon. Now at the developed age of 21 years, she seeks to join <The Lambent Sovreignty> once more, utilizing her new found knowledge and career to further help where she can. She may not be able to use magic, and she may still be as short as she was as a teenager, but b'damned, she'll fight for their cause as long as the last members stay standing.