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Player: Swimer94

Character Full Name: Pyrokar Malvae

Character In-Game Name: Pyrokar

Nickname(s: None

Association(s): Silvermoon

Race: Blood Elf

Class: Warlock

Age: 133

Sex: Male

Hair: Pyrokar has black hair that hung near his cheeks to frame his face. He has a black ponytail tail which he obscured with his robes usually.

Eyes: Green (Fel)

Weight: 162lbs

Height: 6'3


Pyrokar usually wears robes that are either black, green or red, he wears shoulder for protection and balance, when he is enjoying the tavern life he is wearing a black shirt and black pants.


Pyrokar is a miserly individual, arranging goals in terms of the highest gain of knowledge or power and is often unwilling to involve himself in something unless there is something to gain. He usually displays a cold, serious and obsessed personality and he is very impatient towards others, often cursing others for their lack of timing to arrive at meetings, despite his impatience he has shown to be quite respectful to others that are actually capable of thinking. He despises arrogance, that is a why he hates most of his race often enraged because of them and their noble attitude. He is very ambitions and would not allow anything to stop into his pursued of gaining power trough any means necessary. Pyrokar doesn't trust anyone, he often shown being paranoid towards others, he is very cautions man never letting his guard down and never seen eating or drinking from others. He also sleeps very little, when he does he experience constant nightmares that are caused by the dark arts. Even trough as being a servant of the dark arts Pyrokar doesn't look intimidating, apart from the intensity of his eyes.


Pyrokar was brought into of Azeroth on a black cold night. When Pyrokar was born, the family was overjoyed, especially his mother witch was a young sorceress that spent most of her time with her nose struck into books, little time for her husband or a child, even trough the child was not planned she dedicated like any other mom would do and loved the boy. His father was a ranger, he was a simple man, kind and loving man, patient with his wife which was a bit to busy.

His early childhood was a normal one, he was a shy, retreated boy often seen reading. Because of his parents often arguing at home witch resulted into violent fights among them, Pyrokar found sanctuary in reading, and studying trough books. When he hit the age of 11 years old his father left his mother because they where obviously bad match, and the man thought he was not good enough for the wife.

His mother was naturally devastated, and the little boy was sad however his mother did its best to raise him to be a good man. Even trough the kid had a good constitution he was physically frail and he was often sick so his mother gave him a simple test; witch was disguised as a game to see if the kid had inherited her trails of preferring intelligence over strength, that turned out to be the true, the kid was shown to be more profiled towards magic as a mean of combat than raw strength wielding a weapon. His mother gave her son a choice, either become a politician or a merchant, either chouse the path of magic. Thrilled, Pyrokar chouse the path of magic so he began to be instructed into the circle of magic at the age of twenty. Time past and at the age of 51 he left the mother's nest and moved on to further improve his skills at Dalaran. His mother was overjoyed because her son followed her steps but sad in the same time because she would not see him for the next decades.

Back at Dalaran, this ambitious high elven kid started a new life, with little money in his pockets and surrounded by strangers Pyrokar first gotten a job, to blend in and to earn his keep. He searched thoroughly trough every merchant or store if they needed an assistant or if they will take on an apprentice. First he applied at a blacksmith however because he did not had experience nor the strength to stay behind the anvil he was kicked out, after wandering the streets of Dalaran he entered an alchemy store. There, an old arrogant man lived, he was a loner since the beginning of the time, or that is what people told him and he did not taken an apprentice in ages, grumpy he looked at Pyrokar, he noticed right away that the man has zero experience so he gave him a simple list of herbs written on it, confident that he would not find the herbs the old man told the young elf that he will take him as an apprentice if he would find all the herbs needed.

Pyrokar was once again into a pinch, having not a single clue of how the herbs looked like he had no choice but to sign on the arcane classes, he had enough money for two months of scholarship so he began learning among the classes about herbs, three weeks later he had gone into the forest to look for herbs, not wandering to long he encountered a wolf, his first real-combat experience, he has focused and managed to strike down the beast with a small fireball, or at least knock him down. The day later he showed up at the alchemist, with all the herbs needed. The man was impressive, or at least impressive enough to take him on as an apprentice. Because of his job requiring to gather plants he had to spent a lot of time into nature, there he found deep silence and peace, the best possible place to study and to exercise what he learned into classes on the nature. Even trough he theoretical understand most of the formulas and spells on practice he did not did better than average, he has shown talent into the school of fire, so he began working shaping that element.

Time past and Pyrokar became close friend with his master, even trough the old man did not showed his feelings, and always being cocky and arrogant towards him they where buddies, often drinking after class or after the job. When the elf turned 60 his master was lying on the bed, he was dying of old age, the man told his apprentice that he imagined himself dying a thousand times, but never watching a person him as the light leaves his body, the old man died with a smile on his face, Pyrokar on that moment he was very proud, perhaps the first time he was even proud of himself, time past and he has finished his scholarship, now he needed a master, for that he went back to Silvermoon to be trained by his very own mother.

Further improving his skills Pyrokar believe that he will do the same thing for another one hundred years however was just a small obstacle. The third war came, and the scourge at the city's doorstep, Pyrokar joined the army and began fighting the scourge along with his comrades from Dalaran and with his mother, supporting the army with offensive spells they hold out as much as they could until the scourge become to overrun them, the high generals sounded the retreat horn, people began running and the sky was filled with arrows, his mom tried to protect her son by jumping over him however she was completely impaled, saving her son life she died in the process. Pyrokar was devastated about that, simple puted he couldn't to leave his mother. He was knocked out by a friend of his and removed by force from the battleground, when Pyrokar awake he was on his friend's back, seeing people running for their lives and being slaughtered like sheep he was afraid, for the first time he was afraid of death, he survived only to start a cursed new life. Seeing that defeat is inevitable he witnessed the destruction of Sunwell, he and a handfull of elfs hiden from the scourge, they flee away. The elders knew that their magic was lost, they no longer had the sunwell, so they where introduced to a cult of warlocks. All the former mages began to train into the fel arts, Pyrokar as well, without knowledge of what might happen to him he has sworn that no matter how dark the path will be, or how hard will be, he will obtain power and become stronger, for the next war will come he will defend others, not let himself be protected. After ten years they went back to Silvermoon, the city was ruined however it was slowly rebuilt. they did their best to help.

Pyrokar personality was altered in all this time, by the time he realizes that he was almost gone, it was to late, he made a decision that he will obtain power,in time he had found out that is the exact same person, just a better version of his former self, he has somehow managed to got control of his emotions, but the damage was already done, by the time he learned to control the magic he was almost gone, now he is struggling with himself every time when the light fades from the sky to not loss himself. Being at a step away from madness, and the magic addiction gowning even higher, the future doesn't seem to bright.