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Player: Presidium

Character Full Name: Anthony Molsen is his given name, but after his family was killed, he took on the first name Presidium.

Character In-Game Name: Presidium

Nickname: Pres

Associations: The Alliance, Stormwind, The People's Militia

Race: Human

Class: Protection Paladin

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Hair: Black, unkempt, and dull, grown slightly long so it covers his neck but not his face.

Eyes: Hazel

Weight: 195 lbs.

Height: 6'2"

Alignment: Lawful Good


Always wears a tabard; always wears updated armor with either a sword or hammer with a shield, ready to defend; takes off helmet when inside talking to someone.

Other: Presidium spends time in solitude everyday, actually communicating with the Light so he is ready to respond with patience instead of anger.


Presidium is extremely loyal, and is incapable of passing by one who is suffering without at least offering assistance. He hates the hypocrisy of the modern church priests, and only will trust Duthorian Rall in the Cathedral of Light of Stormwind with his training as a Paladin. He also loathes the intolerance of the Scarlet Crusade because of their hatred towards all Undead, even including the Forsaken, whom he knows to be much like humans. Presidium's personal goals in life include: protecting the innocent from those who would do them harm; trying to establish peace throughout Azeroth by secretly meeting with members of the Sin'sholai and Horde who also want to establish peace; preserving the Alliance; furthering what little Democracy exists throughout Azeroth by attempting to introduce its ideas into local governments; and gaining a mutual understanding of and with the Light, implementing what he learns from It in his daily life.


Anthony Molsen was born and raised on the Molsen farmstead in Westfall. His family included his father, his mother, and his brother. His father was very tall with black hair. He was extremely strong, yet kind; stern, but loving. His mother was on the short side, with blonde hair. She was also very gentle, and she and Anthony's father had a very loving relationship. His brother was the polar opposite: ungrateful, selfish, disrespectful, spiteful, and scheming. He was two years Antony's senior. After Anthony was born, his parents, though they tried, were not able to have any more children, which made farm life very difficult. Each of the four had to carry his or her own weight. On the Molsen farm, depending on the time of year, they grew either oats, hops, or wheat.

It is from his mother and father that Anthony learned about the Light; and with great adoration he learned. His brother was always unreceptive to the Light and refused to believe in something he could not see or touch. But Anthony certainly could feel the Light within him. When he was 12 years old, his parents used what little money they had to send young Anthony to train as a Paladin in the Cathedral of Light in Stormwind City. He took frequent trips, about three days out of every month, to travel to Stormwind to receive his training in the ways of the Light. His brother always resented both Anthony and his parents for this. Anthony was taught by the young Paladin Duthorian Rall, who immediately took a liking to the ambitious boy. Anthony would learn, as the years went by, the ways of the Retribution Paladin, as his instructor Duthorian would teach him.

It was about four years after Anthony began his training as a Paladin that a new cult known as the Defias Brotherhood infiltrated and ransacked the local town of Moonbrook, adopting it as their headquarters. Anthony, his brother, and his father were constantly forced to defend their home from the Defias, often killing intruders on their farm wearing red bandannas. At first, this band of cutthroat thieves was just an unorganized minor threat. But as time went on, Anthony heard rumors from within Stormwind that a new leader of the Defias Brotherhood had emerged, and that they had burrowed deep into the mines near Moonbrook to plan. But what they were planning, and who this leader was, he would find out too late.

When he was 18, Anthony married his 19 year old sweetheart Bailey Saldean, who lived on the farm directly to their east. The Molsens built another small house on the their property for the new couple to live in. They were very happy together, and their love was strong. After their fifth month together, they learned that Bailey was about 3 months pregnant. The whole family was ecstatic when they heard the news! Even his brother was optimistic, looking forward to having a nephew. As time went on, and as Anthony's wife grew closer to giving birth, the attacks by the Defias became more frequent. Finally, a local group of volunteer militia known as The People's Militia was formed to protect the people of Westfall against the encroaching threat of the Defias. Headed by Gryan Stoutmantle of Stormwind, The People's Militia grew in numbers and in influence until Anthony's father himself volunteered as a reserve Militiaman. During the ninth month of her pregnancy, Bailey Molsen gave birth to a baby girl, much to the disappointment of Anthony's brother. They named her Patricia, simply for the reason that it was a beautiful name. And beautiful the child was.

When Patricia was two months old, Anthony and his brother traveled to Stormwind together. It was rare for two of the three defenders of the Molsen clan to leave at the same time, but Militia presence was heavy at the time, so they thought it safe. Anthony brought Patricia along with them to be baptized in the Cathedral of Light, and his brother came along with the purpose of enlisting in the Valiance Expedition, led by King Wrynn of Stormwind. As they returned, Anthony Molsen held his beautiful daughter in his arms, looking into her innocent, curious eyes. He had never been so content in his life.

As he exited Elwynn Forest, walking over the bridge to Westfall, he noticed something wrong. There was usually a Militiaman posted on the bridge. But he told himself that they must be switching shifts. He continued his journey, venturing along the road near the Jansen Stead, when he noticed another peculiar sign: The Jansens' small cargo wagon was not parked in front of their house. It was on the side of the road, abandoned, and clearly broken into. Chills ran up his spine as he heard a shrill scream far off in the distance to his left. That could only mean one thing: home. His brother unsheathed his sword as they ran up to the Saldean farm on their way home, Anthony holding the crying Patricia in his arms. As they walked by the Saldeans' house, three men with red bandannas and cutlasses ambushed them from behind. With no time to react, Anthony pulled his shield off his back with his left hand, holding Patricia in his right, and blocked a possibly lethal blow to his head. His brother, with amazing speed, charged toward them, swinging his broadsword, striking deep, lethal gashes into the sides of two of the three assailants. Anthony's eyes were locked on the last attacker, the one who had struck at him, and firmly planted his right foot, but freeing his left foot forward, ready to pounce. The enemy brought his cutlass high, ready to bring it down at a difficult-to-block angle, when Anthony jumped forward, jamming edge of his shield into his attacker's neck with amazing force. The cutlass never touched Anthony or his daughter. The thug fell to the ground, bleeding profusely from his neck, defeated. Wasting no time, Anthony and his brother turned and ran towards the Molsen farmstead, their beloved home, fearing the worst. Entering the house with swords drawn, the brothers saw on the floor of their home nothing less than the worst: the Molsen family, slain. If there ever was one thought that simultaneously ran through the minds of these two brothers, it was not of anguish, but of burning anger. Anthony placed his beloved child, all that was left of his family except for his brother, safely in her crib. Following his brother, Anthony ran as fast as he could to meet the ones responsible for the murder of his family in battle. They found themselves staring north, into an entire army of red masked monsters, wielding not only swords and shields, but also covered in the blood of dozens of innocent men, women, and children. At the forefront of this massive battlegroup was one tall, dark figure, wearing a red bandanna, black and yellow armor, and wielding two swords. Though his face was covered with a mask, Anthony could still see his menacing smile. These two men locked gazes for but a second, but he will never forget the coldness in that mans eyes, if he was indeed human. They clearly stood no chance, and he and his brother had no choice but to run back home, get Patricia, and retreat south to Sentinel Hill, the headquarters of The People's Militia. And they did just that, with Lightspeed.

Upon arriving to Sentinel Hill, Anthony did not meet with Commander Stoutmantle, attempt to locate friends, plan a counter-attack, or even console with his brother. He took his daughter and left for Stormwind. With no other place to turn, Anthony Molsen staggered into the orphanage in Stormwind, with desperation and anger in his heart, and was forced to give his beloved daughter as an orphan, having no way to support her. Anthony marched into the Cathedral of Light with a newfound anger he had never felt. Duthorian Rall sensed the overwhelming emotion radiating from the troubled young Paladin, and brought him to a private room to console with him. Anthony said not a word as his teacher reminded him of his commitment to protect, not destroy; to love, not to hate. Anthony stayed silent, with tears running down his cheeks and an unspeakable pain in his heart.

Anthony stayed at the Cathedral of Light for many days before officially moving into one of the abandoned lower rooms as his residence. After this horrific experience, Anthony Molsen swore an oath to always protect anyone under oppression, and to pursue their trespassers to justice. He adopted the name Presidium, an offshoot of the word Protector from an Old Arathi dialect, as a constant reminder of his duty to the people of Azeroth and especially to the people of Westfall. Though he seeks to spread the Light, uphold truth and honor, and protect the innocent, one thought still burns in his skull to this day, and will continue to haunt him until he gets his revenge........... .......Van Cleef.......