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Player: Rensin

Character Full Name: Johnny "Fireball" Narles

Character In-Game Name: Narles

Nickname(s): Narly, Fireball, Pyro

Association(s): Stormwind

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Age: 28

Sex: Male

Hair: Black and long

Eyes: Bright blue

Weight: 190 lbs.

Height: 5'9

Alignment: Neutral Good


He loves to wear flashy clothing, robes, and whatnot. If it has flare, he'll wear it.

Other: He's got a nicely cut goatee.


Johnny is a wee bit full of himself. He likes to think that he's the most noble of nobles, and the mageiest mage, and loves to point out how much better he is than the normal trainee. Almost all of his actions are grandiose, and broad. If he can find a way to draw attention to himself, he will.

He also fancies himself a ladies man... even though his huge ego gets in the way of that frequently. It wouldn't be odd to assume that he'd fall in love with a mirror over a woman, seeing as how he carries one with him at almost all times.


John was born and raised in Stormwind. He was of noble birth, and raised in the same way as most nobles. He was shown how to be a mage, through extensive learning and training.

However, his motivation behind his extensive training wasn't very standard. John's parrents were quite aloof, and he had to really work for their attention. He was raised by the servants, rather than his Mother and Father, which made him constantly try to get his image out there. He had to be the best, at all times, and if he wasn't, he felt like a failure.

Sadly, this is what spawned his personality. He's stuck in the mindset that he is amazing, and seldom lets people say otherwise.

Right now, Johnny can be seen walking around Stormwind in his gaudy outfits, 'gracing' whatever area he is in.