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Player: Lendri

Character Full Name: Mynxii Flinziaar

Character In-Game Name: Mynxii

Nickname(s): Mynx, and Kitty

Association(s): The book club

Race: Night Elf

Class: Priest

Age: 807

Sex: Female

Hair: Braided in two hoops on the back of her head. Purple

Eyes: Bluish gray aura

Weight: 120 lbs

Height: 5'7

Usual Garments/Armor: Priestly robes, with priestly gloves and some sandals.

Other: Wears a staff on her back and a knapsack on her belt-loop that carries her books.

Alignment: Lawful good.

Personality: Mynxii is very shy when she is around a group of people. She usually doesn't talk much. But when around one or two people, she can talk normally and not feel embarrassed. She is always seen writing in her book, thinking, or alone some isolated place where not many people venture to. She is a very caring and thoughtful young Kaldorei once you spend the time to get to know her.

History: Little Mynxii was born in the town of Astranaar eight-hundred and seven years ago. She was always an energetic little baby, running around screaming for her father when she stubbed a toe or got a scraped knee. Her mother was gone most of the time providing healing for the injured that had come into her little clinic she had setup in Astranaar. Mynxii's father on the other hand, had a full-time job of taking care of Mynxii, which he loved that job better than any in the world.

Mynxii looked up to her father, as did any little girl. Labeled as a 'daddy's girl,' she proudly took that title as she tried to act like her father everyday. When she turned six or so in human years, about one-hundred in Nightelf age, she would always try to help in the kitchen with her father. She would get up on a stool and cook stew in a pot over a fire until it was done. This helped her father out a bunch, but only when it wasn't burnt!

As she grew older and became a young child in her teenage years, she was always fascinated about books. When she learned to read, she couldn't stop. She would always write her own little stories in some parchments and show them to her father. Her mother wasn't around at all during those times, just afew rare occasions she would drop by and say hello. Mynxii never knew what it was like to grow up with a mother. She so desperately wanted to learn more about her beautiful mom, but she never had the time or chance to ask anything about her to her personally.

All she knew about her was told to her by Mynxii's father. He told her that she was gifted in the healing magics from Elune, and would always go pray to her for the power of healing. She was going to be a priest like her mother, but only if her mother could show her the ways. It turns out her father had to, since her mother always told her father everything about what she would do when she would praise Elune and recieve her magical healing powers. Mynxii was excited to get to heal others, as she did not like death nor destruction at all.

Mynxii turned into a matured teenager soon after. She kept on writing her books and visiting the wells from which she drew the essence of Elune into her body so that she could have the healing magic she desperately sought for. Afterall, it was so she could have something to remember her mother for. Unfortunately, she wish she could have seen her more before her passing. Mynxii was arriving home from her 'special place' she would go to so that she would be alone and completely focus on her writing when she found her father crying on his bed.

She asked him what was wrong, and he just couldn't tell her. Not yet. He said that her mother was going to not make any visits anytime soon, for she was a very busy woman and needed to be left alone so that she could focus entirely on her healing magics for the greater good of their people. Mynxii thought that was heroic. She would visit her mother that evening at her clinic at the far edge of town, but her father stopped her before she could leave. He said to her that the reason he was crying earlier, was because Mynxii's mother had wanted to be so involved in her studies, that she transferred her clinic business somewhere else. Mynxii was devastated. She atleast wanted to tell her mother goodbye before she left. What she didn't know was that her mother wasn't going to ever return back for her.

Adult years came. And that is when the aging has ceased. The world tree did wonders for the Nightelves, making them immortal and stopping their aging at approximately twenty in human years. Mynxii decided to pursue her god-given talent of writing, and begin to make books. She wrote many, but never that were to be published and shipped all around northern Kalimdor. It was to those people only in Astranaar that got to read her amazing romantic novels. Crying, laughter, sorrow, cheer. All the emotions in a great book, there were!

She eventually was going to make a series of real books and get them published. But that time never came, even though she had six-hundred plus years to do it in. She was so busy spending time with her father, traveling different places in all of Northern Kalimdor. The sights she saw in Moonglade, and the beautiful waterfall in Darkshore. Everything was so surreal, so magnificent. It would always be this way, she thought. It will never change, and I will be able to cherish the wonderful things our gods have given us. Nature, beauty, wondrous never-ending life. What more could she ask for?

The years flew by, so much knowledge she took in, so much beauty. And, a whole new book of recipes she wrote herself. She also made abit of money selling her wares and recipes to other Nightelves. Life couldn't get any better. One day, Mynxii and her father were traveling to their little shrine south of Astranaar, when they heard a roar of ferocity. Mynxii had heard about the orcs crossing in their land, and potential war breaking out. Soon enough, it seemed it was coming true as an enormous band of orcs started to invade their territory.

They had stakes and torches, axes and knives. They were ready to kill. Mynxii didn't want to die, she couldn't. Not yet! She had so much to live for, with herself and her father. She'd be a famous author one day, and sharing the amazing works of art romantic novels she would compose. A beautiful song sung by only words, a melody that danced across the page in a literate form. She had to flee with her father, she wanted nothing apart of this! Sure, she could stand back and heal those that are wounded. Just like her mother would have done. Wait, her mother!

She had to find her mom, and she pleaded and begged for her father to help her find her before those terrible orcs could kill her. He insisted he didn't know of anything about her where-a-bouts. Mynxii just had to wait, and hope her mother at the end of the war would be okay, where ever she was. Not only did the orcs invade their land, soon after when their forces were weak, the band of the Burning Legion infiltrated their lands aswell. The skies burned red, and demons flew in the skies. Their gorgeous homes.. Their lands! Destroyed, ravaged!

Mynxii hid in an underground cave with her father, and afew other nightelves that were like them and were scared, wishing not to fight. They took what they could from the towns they had come from, and barricaded themselves inside the cave. Food was scarce, as they took only afew months of dried goods of food supply. They would have to venture out sometime. But Mynxii was so scared.

The time had come where they had to find food. Mynxii's father volunteered, even when she pleaded him not to go. He told her everything was going to be alright, and left the safety of their cave. While they were gone, the cave got attacked by feral cats. Those poor kitties, Mynxi thought, as the people within the cave killed them. She cried, and cried. Waiting for her father to come back, he didn't for several hours. She was worried. What if something happened to him? He came back eventually, late that night. He was badly beaten, and was not going to make it. Mynxii tried healing him, but it was no good. His wounds were grave, and no healing could help him now. He salvaged what he could, and with one mouth left to feed, it would keep them going for afew weeks more. Before he passed, he told Mynxii the truth about her mother.

She died that day when he was sitting on the bed crying, when Mynxii was but a teenager. Lenore Flinziaar, was attacked by a pack of rabid bog fiends, and had perished then. He didn't want her to know, he couldn't take her feeling guilty. Mynxii's father passed later that night in the dawn hours. Their last spent hours was reminiscing about the good times.

Venturing out to get food over the year and a half they hid in the cave, one other nightelf dying due to lack of food and starvation, only three came out that day when the war was over. Mynxii herself, Lianne and Tiasko Doreisella. They have all become close friends with one another during the year and a half they spent huddled in a cave. How time passed, they don't know. It could have been two years. But nonetheless, the war was over. And everything was destroyed. Buildings toppled, trees fumbled. Mynxii was heartbroken that her land had been molested by the terrors of which she had never thought would happen.

She felt the weight of the world pressing down on her. She had never felt this before, she felt like she was.. Aging. It turned out that she actually was. The damned demons from the army of the Burning Legion had taken something so precious to them; The World Tree. The substance that made their life immortal. It was now gone.

Mynxii and the siblings traveled together for a long time after that, about five years. They split to go in their own ways. Mynxii to be an aspiring author, and the siblings to get a career as traveling musicians. They vowed to meet again one day, but until then, Mynxii dedicated her upcoming book to them. So that when they do finally meet, she will have something to show them that they can finally be proud of her for.