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Player: Kenshiro

Character Full Name: Thane Munin Ironchest

Character In-Game Name: Munin

Nickname(s): Thane Ironchest, Ironchest, Mun

Association(s): The Alliance

Race: Dwarf

Class: Mountain King (Warrior)

Skills and Abilities:

Literacy: He can read, write and has a basic knowledge of the world, through various readings.

Left Brew, Right Brew: The only weapons that Munin is capable of wielding are the axe and the hammer, the weapons dwarves are most commonly associated with, that were made for him. Their enchantments are made specifically for him and his fighting style. He is at a -heavy- disadvantage, when using any other weapon.

Clumsy Power: His overall strength is above the average for a normal dwarf. His connecting strikes are incredibly powerful, able to temporarily send an opponent reeling back. His power, however, comes with the cost of recklessness and causes the dwarf to become extremely unbalanced if he misses.

Stormbolt: He is able to throw, both his hammer and his axe, at the enemy in order to slow or cripple them(Only if extremely unarmored and already weak). Once it makes contact with something, it returns to Munin' hand.

Spark of the Titans: An ability that must be activated in order to gain access to Avatar. Mountain Kings have learned to fan the spark of the titans, a force within all dwarves, into a powerful flame. His strength has a minor increase and his balance has a major increase. He may only use this ability against Evil-aligned characters.

Lightning Clap: An improved version of the Thunderclap, only usable with Spark of the Titans, Lightning Clap creates a stronger shock wave of electricity, covering more area.

Avatar of Iron: His strongest ability. May only be activated with Spark of the Titans. Munin grows an extra foot, as his skin hardens into Iron. His strength increases massively in this form, along with his defense and his magic resistance. However, he is only able to maintain this form for fifteen minutes. Once fifteen minutes has past, he must rest for a few hours, before being able to use this skill again.

Age: 118

Sex: Male

Hair: His hair is in a top-knot, blonde and kept up by a thin iron bar. His beard is short, and held with iron bars.

Eyes: Black

Weight: 207 lbs

Height: 4'4"


Most of the time, Munin can be seen in his full plate armor. It covers every inch of his body and makes him seem MASSIVE. When not in battle, he usually won't wear any sort of helmet, unless it is a formal occasion in which he will be wearing a plate face-crown.

When not in his armor, he's in a white and black leather shirt and some lightly armored leather pants and boots. He is still carrying his 'brews' even when dressed casually.

Left Brew and Right Brew are an enchanted one handed axe and mace, respectively. The weapons are lightning charged and weigh much more than the average, in order to push his strength.

Other: In Avatar form, his eyes glow blue and lightning shocks fire in random directions from his body. He resembles an Iron Dwarf, quite closely, in this form.


Alignment:(Optional.) Lawful Neutral

Munin is, generally, a pretty laid-back and fun dwarf. When he's around, he likes to have a good drink, good food and good friends. A hearty chuckle is usually accompanied with Munin' presence. He is very protective of his friends and loves to brawl, especially when he's drunk.

On the other hand, he is reckless and brutal. He doesn't really care whether he's 'too truthful' or too mean. He takes his fighting very seriously and doesn't usually give the enemy a chance to do anything. He's very in-your-face, but he means well. He's very ambitious, cocky and reckless and he usually doesn't take -too- much time to think about things before he acts.


“Dandel Ironchest. Th' first Mountain King in our family. Ya know, he could take hammer swings, straight t' th' chest! No armor! Nothin'! When he wore his battleplate... Ouuu! Ge's meh exci'ed jus' thinkin' abou' it! But wha' really ge's meh, is th' Avatar o' Iron! I' was said tha' he could hold tha' form for days! How could he have died, ya ask? Well, tha's fer another time.”

“Faaather! Ah wanna hear tha' part!” The child pouted.

“Hahaha! Ya'll hear abou' i' one day, Munin!” He chuckles heartily and stands. The boy' father stood in full plate armor. He stood proudly, a look of happiness painted on his face as he stared down at the child. “Now, ge' some rest. Ya'll be needin' it.” The boy simply grunted and turned in his bed, going to sleep.

Filbi Ironchest grabbed his dual axes from the side of the door and meandered over to the stairs. Travelling through his stone home, deep within Ironforge, he entered a doorway and saw his beautiful wife, peacefully sleeping. He sighed deeply before turning from the room. Lifting a thick letter from his belt, he placed it on the table and walked outside. He took one final look to the house, as he began to tear up, and walked away.

Munin was born into the Ironchest nobility and lived a life equal to dwarven nobles. He had one sibling, an older sister and they lived with their parents in a large home built in the city of Ironforge. As a small child, he loved to hear stories of his ancestors, the literal MOUNTAIN Kings, who led the dwarf clans centuries ago. His father, Filbi, would tell him the story in parts in order to instil some motivation and excitement into the child. It worked, as to this day, he still wishes to carve his name into Ironforge' history. He spent much of his young childhood taken good care of and learning about his ancestry.

Although he was nobility, he never felt entitled to anything. When people would go out of their way for him, he felt uneasy about it, even if they worked for his family. Such as his butler, who would bend-over backwards for him. His sister, on the other hand, loved it. She tried to instil some of this pride into Munin, but she failed. Munin was too stubborn. When he played outside, it was always with other nobility and he had little contact with the middle-class and lower.

One night, his father was telling him the story of Dandel, before he died. As he was going to finish the story, he decided to wait for next time. When he went out that night, he never returned. It was general consensus that he died fighting off frost trolls, but no one is 100% sure. He grew from a small child into a healthy boy.

He was taught by a private tutor. He learned about math, reading, writing and history. Great battles, wins/losses and went into greater detail about his family tree. He wasn't very quick at learning the first three subjects, but he excelled at history. The stories of his great-grandfather especially got him excited as he studied. During this time, he had little contact with anyone but his tutor and his family. He spent so much time studying, which he felt was not required, but he would sneak around later at night and exercise. He figured he didn't want to be some bookworm; he wanted people to tell stories of him. War stories of glorious battles. But, he did it. After the tutor was content, he was done his studies and by the age of seventeen, began to train his body much more.

For the next few years, Munin spent his time sparring against his sister and cousins and going to bars. There, he felt that others held some disdain for him. He figured that they simply didn't like them. Maybe they were too loud or annoying or something. This was not the case, as obvious as it may seem. They were jealous of his life, his money. Although Munin did not take this to heart, he still tried to make friends with some. There was one, by the name of Mirfhall. He was on the lower-side of the status scale and his family had very little money. At first, Mirfhall thought Munin was trying to trick him, but over time, he learned that he was actually very sincere.

Over a drunken night, they decided that together, they would go out and hunt frost trolls. Munin stumbled into his home and grabbed his mail armor and axe, mace combo. Meeting Mirfhall at the gates, he noticed Mirfhall' armor. Low quality, stained, color fading. Resembled very much a hand-me-down. Shrugging it off, the two ventured out into the cold of Dun Morogh. Together, they found a small scouting group of frost trolls. In a drunken haze, they charged towards the group and stirred up a fight. To say the least, it went well. They emerged victorious, albeit tired, as the alcohol began to clear their systems, they called it a night and returned home.

He woke to his sister, pissed. Munin went outside of the city and simply caused trouble with the frost trolls. This could be extremely problematic and, it was plain stupid. Munin simply nodded and agreed with his brother and when he left, he laughed. His stubbornness wouldn't let his sister tell him what to do. He had fun, he potentially saved lives, he was right. Things of this sort, continued for several weeks until finally, his mother approached him with a letter. She looked upset, ready to smack him, but she did no such thing and handed him the letter. Angrily, he took it, went to his room and opened it. It read...

Dear Munin,

First of all, I'd like to tell you how much I love you. You're my only son. A strong, healthy boy. You've really inherited the spirit of the family. You look like your grand-father. Let me tell you something. I can tell, by looking at you, you're going to grow into a strong dwarf. I'm writing this letter, to tell you that I won't be in your life too long. I'm sorry, but a job is a job. This leads me to what I want to talk to you about.

If you go to the basement, you'll see the workbench. On top of it, there is an unlit torch. I want you to go there and pull it towards you. You will find the secret of the Mountain Kings, written upon the walls. I can see you growing up into a trouble maker. So, I hope you will take the information you find, and use it to carve the name Munin into the history of Ironforge.

Love, Dad.

P.S. Don't forget the others.

He read, re-read and re-re-read the letter. Following his father' advice, he travelled into the basement of his home. Inside, he found the torch and the workbench. Pulling down on the torch, a loud CLUNK was heard. The workbench flattened against the wall. The sound of gears rolling together could be heard. When it reached the wall, it split in two opening a passage into a new room. It was dark, and he could hear his heart pumping. Upon stepping into the room, a massive lantern lit up in the center of the room, illuminating the walls. The bronze walls were filled with writing and portraits of several other, unfamiliar, dwarves. Staring in amazement at the walls, he scratched the back of his head and sighed. At least now, he knew why he needed to study. He thanked his tutor before heading to the left side of the wall, to begin his readings.

It was not fun. Nor was it easy. But it needed to be done. He wanted to be the best warrior that Ironforge has ever seen. According the reading, the first thing was to ‘fan the spark of the titans, into a raging flame.' He had no idea what this meant, but he simply sat in the room and meditated. In his mind, he would picture two rocks smashing together, creating a spark. But he could not do anything with it. After thinking deeply, he just couldn't point out what it meant. Decidedly, he took a break. He casually brought up the ‘spark' to his sister and his mother, but they had no idea what he was talking about. Starting to become frustrated, he met up with Mirfhall. They sat at the bar drinking and Munin casually brought up the spark of the titans. Mirfhall nodded and explained, the spark of the titans is in every dwarf. It is a force from the creator Khaz'goroth, which he instilled within every dwarf, in order to make them stronger. To fan it properly, one must be prepared to lose everything. So his mother told him, of course. Face palming, Munin thanked Mirfhall greatly and ran home.

Making sure no one was in the house, he charged straight to the hidden room and sat. He stared at the lantern in the middle of the room and finally, shut his eyes. Thoughts of his family, his friends, his city, and his people ran through his mind. Suddenly, he thought of the many enemies against his family. The Dark Irons, frost trolls, dragons, troggs and horrific creatures from deep within his mind. Opening his eyes, he could feel a power inside of him open up. It felt like a candle had lit up inside of him. He stood, feeling strange. He punched his palm and headed to the armory in his home. He gathered his armor, axe and hammer and left the city, eager to test his new-found strength.

The make-shift cave was empty. Not because the troggs had left, but because they had been lured out. On the outside of the cave, lay seven troggs. The troggs seemed to have either been felled by a crushing hammer blow or blood loss due to loss of limbs. Munin stood in the middle, breathing heavily. He let out a bestial war cry. The candle that he had once had burning was now a powerful flame. Several years had passed and the dwarf had joined the military, along with his good friend Mirfhall. Sent on missions, he slowly gained some influence within the military, his nobility helping greatly.

It was not long after, that he heard the loss for the Alliance during the First War. He was outraged and upset. He wondered how the humans could have lost one of their cities to some big green losers. When Terenas asked the dwarves for help in the Second War, Munin offered up his services against these vile orcs, who would threaten the life of the dwarves. He was stationed in Loch Modan. He fought the battles of Thandol Span, whose control would switch back and forth between the Horde and the Alliance.

Loch Modan fell to the Horde' onslaught and pushed the dwarves and gnomes back into Ironforge. This allowed the orcs to capture more of the Wetlands, including Dun Modr, Dun Algaz and Grim Batol. Although Munin used his powers to fight off the orcs, he alone was unable to make a lasting difference in the fight. He managed to survive and thwart all Horde assaults on Ironforge. He also was with the group who destroyed the small kingdom of Alterac, when it was found that they were conspiring against the Alliance.

The final battle of the Second War, the siege of Blackrock Fortress, was Munin' shining victory. The Alliance managed to take the fortress albeit at the lost of Lord Lothar. However, Turalyon, the second in command, was able to lead the Alliance on a march to send the orcs back to the Dark Portal and destroy it. However, this was the war' most bloody battle. Munin had charged in with the Alliance, fuelled by the spark of the titans and the morale of the Alliance, he crushed bones with magic hammers and removed limbs with his axe. The orcs were rounded up and put in the internment camps and the Dark Portal was destroyed. Although, Munin would have preferred to just kill them all. They tried to touch dwarven lands, an unforgiveable crime.

Landing himself with a group of warriors, including his friend Mirfhall, they travelled north to counter the Scourge threat. To no avail, as the Scourge was relentless. He fought under the command of Arthas and Uther the Lightbringer. That is, until the Culling of Stratholme. Munin couldn't bring himself to do this and instead, followed the young magus Jaina and Uther. Eventually, he found himself following the woman all the way to Kalimdor. A battle of such magnitude, he could not say no to. The Third War brought about much death for all the mortal races. Mirfhall was killed, along with Munin' mother. Although he did his best to protect them, he failed, resulting in much too much drinking in the days after the war. In fact, he completely ignored the re-opening of the Dark Portal.

He did, however, spend a lot of time in Alterac Valley, trying to fight off the Frostwolves. He left the skirmishes and traveled north to Northrend, with the Expedition. He was with other Alliance warriors, defending the Explorer' League from the forces of Ulduar. He spent the entire time in the Storm Peaks, until being ordered to return to Stormwind for diplomatic purposes. He now spends his time between the two cities, waiting for something of colossal importance to happen.