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Player: Genekitty

Character Full Name: Mistinia Jade Kimmark

Character In-Game Name: Mistinia

Nickname(s): Mist, Misty

Association(s): The Alliance

Race: Human

Class: Mage, a Frosty Mage

Age: 22

Sex: Female

Hair: Bright Blonde, falls to her shoulders and is very slightly wavy.

Eyes: Ice blue, almost looking frosty.

Weight: 122 lbs.

Height: 5'5"

Other: She has a small scar on the underside of her left cheekbone. It's not a scar she's particularly proud of. She carries a small flask in her pocket or on her belt at all times.

Alignment: Neutral Good


Robes, favoring whites and blues and anything that catches her eye. Is sometimes known to wear pants and shirts when things are getting dirty or rowdy.


Mist is very quick to sarcasm and is known to be almost to the point of rudeness when under the influence of drink. Ordinarily though, she is typically kind and will give people a chance to prove they're not stupid before turning her shoulder to seek conversation elsewhere. Her aura resonates with her powers of cold, but that doesn't stop her from being a generally warm person. When she makes a friend, she considers them family and will fight for their safety and general well-being.


Mistinia was born to a well-to-do upper-middle class family in Stormwind. She is the youngest of three sisters, but the only one that found life was more interesting outside of the upper echelon. Her family, tired of her tomboyish ways and general disinterest into bettering herself for a good marriage, took her to the mages of Stormwind and practically begged them to take her in and teach her what they could.

Mist found things much more enjoyable in the stuffy mage tower than with her own family and took to her lessons quickly and with a passion that surprised even her tutors. Her natural ability served her well in her years in the tower, but as she came closer and closer to her 20th birthday, the more she started to hate her position in the tower. She began skipping off during the day to spend time in the cathedral square, starting up games of kick-the-ball with the orphans when she could. She had just made it past apprentice and onto learning more from her chosen talent path when war kicked up closer to home. Mist took the opportunity to offer her talents up to defending her homeland.

Released from constant studying, Mist took up a more general position as an almost mercenary spellcaster...offering her services to militia, the guard, and any other alliance groups who asked for her assistance. She still returns to the tower from time to time to attend a lesson and prove to her masters that she's still out using her powers to defend the land, keeping both them, and her, happy.