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Player: AmyraTess

Character Full Name: Miori Velsaga

Character In-Game Name: Miori

Nickname(s): Mi

Association(s): Whomever hires her.

Race: Blood Elf

Class: Hunter

Age: 122

Sex: Female

Hair: Black

Eyes: Sharp green glow.

Weight: 125 (Approximately)

Height: 6'1

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


Assortment of leather garments, usually tightly fitting though sparing on her form to either ease her quick and smooth movements or allow the passive flaunting of her appearance she's admittedly guilty of.

Body Markings: A tatoo on her lower back, which appears to simply be a scrawling symbol. It is actually a stylized depiction of the ancient elven script for 'Hunter/tress'. On her high back and the back of her shoulders, a tatoo of some sort of set of wings. Likely a bird of prey---more likely a Hawk.


Miori is a bit of a blacksheep among her kind. Where as they, even in their 'evil' tendancies, tend to be refined... she noticeably more inclined to the brash/rude/blunt side of any interaction. Coupling this with her cunning style does no water down the effect---rather it gives the feel of dealing with a honed huntress rather than a simply obnoxious individual. Most things about her, including her sharp tongue, hold a honed edge of one form or another.


Miori's past isn't widely known because it isn't particularly important to anyone but her. She is not by and large an important factor to anyone's historical knowledge unless they have met her in the past---which is highly unlikely, as she has spent most of her time traveling and remained aside from overly common interaction.

It is known that her family does not particularly like her. Nor to most Sin'dorei---this is no official banishment, they simply do not like her social habits or the fact that she has chosen to mark her body the way she has with tatoos. Miori's extend historical recounting would consist of dozens of 'comings' and 'goings' that can be summed but by assuming she's never happy in one place for long.

She is known to be a huntress. A 'throwback' of sorts to more ancient tendancies of the elven races, she idolizes the virtue of a hunt. Individual skill, cunning, speed and accuracy. This means she has very little qualms about accepting bounties, though this she will often point out is only because that is all that is offered to her. A hunt, she asserts, can be after anything worth having---she'd gladly go after objects or living people too if the pay was right, and the hunt sounded exciting enough.

All and all, she's a background character. That female archeress/huntress one calls when something needs to get somewhere quickly and through resitance if need be. Or something needs retrieving. Or someone needs killing, in an express way. She has always liked this role, and it endears her far more to members of her allegiance of the Orcish descent than it does her own kind, Trolls, or Taurens.