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Player: Torn

Character Full Name: Melvar Flamespark

Character In-Game Name: Melvar

Nickname(s): Grandpa Melvar by a few kids.

Association(s): Gnomeregan, Alliance and Dalaran.

Race: Gnome

Class: Mage

Age: 170

Sex: Male

Hair: Almost bald, with a large white beard.

Eyes: They are blue, with a small gleam.

Weight: Light for his kind.

Height: Average for a Gnome.


His traveling gear consists of: Red robes, embroidered with golden symbols. Although the colour has faded and it is patched in places. And a large red, worn-out pointed hat. A wooden staff that he uses as a walking stick a times.

And then his magic gear: A set of robes embroidered with all kinds of magic symbols and a staff, tipped with floating gems he uses to channel a few spells.


Melvar is a kind old man, with a hint of mischief. He is smart and never passes an opportunity to teach a youngling if he thinks they are doing something wrong.

He has a little prankster in him, wich is one of the reasons children like him. Melvar would use the slightest bit of magic, added to some sleight of hand to entertain kids, often at the expense of others.

But when not entertaining children, he does have a serious side. The fall of Gnomeregan still pains him, and sometimes the jovial old man will just sit quietly and think, smoking a pipe. And when he starts working on something, he is a hard worker, taking his job seriously.


Melvar was born around the time that Gnomeregan was built, and the Dwarves met the Gnomes. His parents were both engineers, making money by aiding in repairs and building of various things around the new city.

Melvar loved growing up in Gnomeregan, although he often visited Ironforge with his parents as a youth. He marveled at the Mountain City, gasped as he laid his eyes upon the Great Forge.. But one part of the city fascinated him above all else. The Mystic Ward.

His parents didn't trust magic, so when he first mentioned his interest, they simply ignored it. Angry as he was, Melvar refused to give up. He practiced what others would call ‘Sleight of hand' using a few small books he had found in the large library of Ironforge.

A couple of years later, he was old enough to travel to Ironforge alone. He was determined to show the mages what he had learned on his own, in the hopes that they would teach him some real magic.

Once Melvar arrived in the great city, he went straight to the Mystic Ward, asking the guards to let him in to see the mages. The dwarves would not budge, until one of his own kind, an elderly gnome invited him inside. Melvar was thrilled, and showed the mage his skills. The younglings hands were fast, and no one could deny his talent.

The elderly mage agreed to teach Melvar, if he would instead help him with day to day chores. So, Melvar packed up his belonings in Gnomeregan and moved into Ironforge. There, he was apprenticed under the old mage for a few years.

Melvar had a natural affinity for magic, he was quick to learn everything he needed to cast certain spells. But when it came to actually –casting- the spell, he had a more difficult time. It took him a long time to just learn how to cast spells without serious effort.

In his free time between classes and doing chores, he read. Everyday Melvar visited the Great Library, reading every book he could get his hands on. If some of them interested him, he would transcribe them and take them home. Soon, he had a litte library of his own.

Melvar was 70 years old when he finally left the old mage. He was now a mage himself. He donned his robes, placed a brand new pointed hat atop his head, took his staff in hand and with some of his most priced books, including his own spellbook, he set out to explore the world.

He briefly visited Lordaeron, traveled Khaz Modan for a while. But finally he ended up in Stormwind. The great human city awed him. He met human mages, skilled in the arts of magic and had more books on the arts than Ironforge. Melvar sought out these humans, seeking to learn even more. No one took him seriously, until he displayed his skills.

He was accepted into an academy of sorts, learning from different humans and studying in this great library. It had only been a couple of years, when he decided it was time he returned home. Melvar had learned alot in Stormwind, honing his magical skills, and learning about the many different kinds of magic.

He returned to Gnomeregan, settling into a home there. He retrieved all of his books and set up his own personal library. He practiced, learned and honed his skills. The gnomes were busy aiding the Alliance for many years, and Melvar felt it his duty to do so aswell. He used magic and intelligence, and for years all was well.

Wars came and went, without too much participation from the gnomes, until they had a war of their own. The troggs came suddenly, and the devastation was horrible. Gasses, and explosions.. People, his people, running in terror and dying. This would stick with the gnome forever.

Only a few thousand made it to Ironforge, and Melvar was horrified. He helped refugees, while trying to keep it together himself. He decided that he had to leave again, once he was sure his people were safe there. And he did.

He traveled to the rebuilt Stormwind, hearing news of what the war had done to it. He studied and practiced in the Mage Tower, traveling between Stormwind and the Tower of Azora. There he stayed, hoping to one day be able to reclaim Gnomeregan with his people.. But to do that he needed magical skill.

Today he lives mostly in Stormwind, sometimes traveling between places of magic. But, he hopes that one day he will be accepted into Dalaran, to learn the greatest of magic.