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Player: Jason

Character Full Name: Marsuvius Black

Character In-Game Name: Marsuvius


Association(s): Himself, being purely independent after his digression from the regular Forsaken.

Race: Forsaken

Class: Priest

Age: 46

Sex: Male

Hair: None to be spoken of.

Eyes: Yellow

Weight: 98

Height: 5'9

Alignment: Neutral Evil


Religious robes and a cowl.

Other: Carries an enchanted orb that draws people into a hypnotic state from which he can easier break into their mind.


Marsuvius believes in balance. Specifically, the balance between Light and Shadow. His entire universe seems to revolve around the idea, like a half-mad overzealous bishop. In his undeath, nothing seemed as important anymore. He believes his resurrection was the will of the Cosmos, and that he was meant to carry on balancing.

Despite such hefty beliefs, he has a quirky personality; macabre and filled with sarcasm. This usually makes up most of his personality, but is occasionally offset by flares of anger. And unlike most, he constantly calls into question his own morality, but more as a detached interest. He attempts to stand at a neutral viewpoint and decide if he had done something good or evil. Whether it was or not effects him little, as the ends certainly justify the means.


Marsuvius was born Jeremiah Finch to a family in Stratholme. A common family, they were often broke, forcing the family's four children to wander the streets as virtual urchins searching for food. To escape poverty, Jeremiah found the Church. Though no stoic follower in the Light, Jeremiah successfully found succor there as a training altar boy.

While he indeed was not particularly religious, he began to succumb to the doctrine of the Light, and became an acolyte at age twelve. At age seventeen he graduated to regular priesthood and began his training in prayers and practical use of the Holy Light. Well into his manhood, he became a full fledged priest. He traveled far, spreading the word of the Light to the far reaches of the Eastern Kingdoms - as far as the Church had the mind to go. With many years of priesthood under his belt, he shacked up in Stratholme for good, remaining there for some time. This was much to his detriment, for he fell to the Scourge invasion there; zombie-fied before he could scream bloody murder. Somehow he was able to avoid being slaughtered by the living, and was subsequently freed from the Scourge by Forsaken Necromancers.

Thus, his renaming of himself, induction into the Cult of the Forgotten Shadow, and education therein. Within he achieved a morose take on the Light, which contradicted his teachings of the Light. Unwilling to shift his beliefs completely to the Shadow, he discreetly forged his own doctrine and operated with it in silence.

In recent years his involvement with the Cult has drastically loosened as he takes frequent, longer lasting incursions to unknown and far off locations for personal reasons. He has employed himself to seeing to the balance of the Universe personally, as the All-mighty wills it (he was subjected to the older doctrine of the Church, and still has belief that the Light is a sapient entity).