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Character Full Name: Lyf Amadel Sera Iesi Brightsong Olik

Character In-Game Name: Lyf

Nickname(s): Lyf

Association(s):..."How much am I getting paid for this, again?"

Clients: Highest Bidder "Oh, yes... yes, that is a very fair price. I just like hearing the number."

Race: Sin'dorei "Some of my kind blame it on the Fel..."

Class: Mage "...and conveniently forget the fires we spread before the fires were green."

Alignment: Lawful Evil "I, on the other hand, do not."

Age: 134

Sex: Female

Hair: Red

Eyes: Fell Green

Weight: 124 lbs.

Height: 5'7"


Robes. Dresses. Things that glow. Things that are pretty. Things that are expensive. Things that don't burn very easily. Clothing that only questionably applies as clothing. Nothing. "I was made this way for a reason---and conveniently, I'm far less flammable than my clothes tend to be. Do you know how much concentration it takes not to set a robe on fire? I bet you don't... You know, our purple faced cousins have a goddess who rather approves of leaving things as they are naturally. I'd rather torch a Kaldorei than speak to one, but if they complimented my complexion during the screaming I would accept it kindly. I do have rather nice skin. Haven't you noticed? I'm only using a light blush today."


Lyf almost immediately comes across as the sultry, hot tempered breed of female who would be fun for five minutes but would be glad to enjoy herself at the expense of her company in three. She's got a very quick wit (stupidity isn't really an option, advanced intellect is sort of required of her knowledge of magic), an even quicker tongue, and an even quicker ignition switch.

This Sin'dorei enjoys lighting things on fire, and makes absolutely no attempt at hiding it. It is always her first option or suggestion, and often her last. Beneath the surface of misused intellect and fiery aggression, is more of the same. Beneath that is likely someone who chose being flooringly powerful over giving any heed to inner weaknesses. If there is a Sin'dorei who can be redeemed, Lyf is not that person.


Lyf's history looks like the history of 95% of Sin'dorei... however, those who start on the 'wrong road' tend to fare a bit better when life shoves them in that direction. In her youth, she basked into the powers granted by the Sunwell---she could not wait to use them. She entered apprenticeship young, and learned with rapt zeal. While she may not have been particular talented in areas of finesse, it was easy to see one strength she certainly possessed---

A complete fascination with the feel of magic flowing through her. Many mage seem to be able to somehow resist the addictive qualities of arcane... Lyf cannot. Does not. Does not attempt to. It remains a wonder at both the beginning and end to her life that she doesn't simply destroy herself---her young body was often exhausted when she went overboard during her learning. In adulthood, the same tends to happen. It is very likely that one day, rather than exhausting herself, she'll just end up incinerating or detonating herself. She didn't care then and doesn't care now.

Lyf comes from a low standing family, who had run into a bit of wealth along the time of her birth. This allowed her to attend a more proper school...for a short while. Luck for the family ran out, but Lyf was not content to take what she knew and apply it to a field or research, or find some practical job. She wanted to learn more, and settled for 'dirty' teachings. Less expensive instruction, the type performed on real targets rather than theoretical ones. While she hasn't crossed the invisible line between chaotic mage and fire-oriented Warlock, she has certainly worked with Warlocks in her life time.

This proved to be her route to survival and insurance of her corruption when suddenly the powers of the Sunwell ceased to feed her people. It is known that she fought against the Scourge---it is also known that others were wary of her. She would happily torch everyone around her to incinerate nearby scourge. Luckily for her, in the chaos that followed the fall of the Sunwell, there was really no time to convict war criminals.

The Sunwell fell, and she immediately turned to darker means of satiating herself. Draining the needed energy from others wasn't a questionable act to her---in fact, she rather enjoyed it. Her kind turned to Fel rather than murdering one another for energy, and she had few qualms in taking in the purer, corrupting form of energy. Finding in the end (despite much meditation required to keep her sanity), that when she used her magic it was only more intense for the Fel within her...something for which she is not the sort to complain.

That she has not drifted into the realms of Warlockery is a wonder---and an even greater one that she did not turn up among the ranks of Rommath supporters when the crazed 'king' took control. That she did not 'turn up' as one of them doesn't quite mean she wasn't, though. Her whereabouts during that conflict are unknown... but she might very well have simply been within the city, and turned apparent allegiances once Rommath was set to lose.

Currently, Lyf tends to wander. Though her residence is certainly still within Silvermoon, she is just so often found...anywhere else. Always in search of excitement, or an excuse to burn something, she's taken to what can only be called mercenary work. Any other term would be far too honorable---she'd take pay from one employer, and take pay the very next day to kill yesterday's client.


A dagger that's on fire as well? Oh, I have to stab someone with this! I just must! Turn around now, will you? Hahah I'm only joking.

Lyf, to a typical nameless shady fellow who turned up very burned and very dead shortly after.

I'm bad. But you're okay with that. Okay, well I'm just okay with that and you need to be more like me.