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Player: Ironhide

Character Full Name: Lor'gall

Character In-Game Name: Lorgall

Nickname(s): "Ironhide"

Association(s): Warsong Outriders, the Warsong Offensive, the Kor'Kron Guard.

Race: Orc

Class: Warrior

Skills and Abilities:

  • Engineering: It is not common for an Orc to grasp an impressive aptitude for engineering. Having been trained by the Goblins of Gadgetzan, he is an artisan in the construction of IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices, such as mines and the rocket launchers that Goblins are famous for), rifles and can do light repair of siege devices and defensive devices, such as the turrets seen on Strand of The Ancients. He still has much to learn, but is still impressive nonetheless.

Age: 34

Sex: Male

Hair: Bluish-Black

Eyes: Red (Right eye discolored)

Weight: 382 Pounds

Height: 6'4"

Usual Garments/Armor: Lor'gall is almost always seen in his plate armor that appears to be shined every day. Made of Titanium, his armor is above entry-level for staying alive in the field of battle. He always has his goggles covering his eyes, that not only appear to be gnomish, but also appear to be sight-enhancing for situations where visibility is reduced.

Other: Lor'gall doesn't need much to be happy in his own space. However, when he feels to be closed in somewhere or forced to stay in a place against his will, he gets severely claustrophobic and paranoid. The longer he is kept someplace, the more disturbed and fragile he becomes.


Lor'gall, as any soldier who has seen a fair share of fighting, tries to be tough as nails on the outside. It is true that Lor'gall has been hardened by the stench of blood and sounds of steel, but nothing will ever get rid of his soft side. Lor'gall, while enjoying tinkering and polishing his armor most of the time, is an intellectual person to a certain extent. He loves story-telling, reading through tomes that tell the history of his beloved Horde, and hearing the stories of his elders and superiors. He is a patriot for The Horde, and a loyal companion. He was never exactly the heart and soul of his comrades -he was usually just the guy who fixed stuff- but he was trustworthy.


Lor'gall was born during the Rise of The Horde 34 years ago. At the age of 11 during the Second War, he and his parents were captured by The Alliance and put in an internment camp, on the outskirts of Alterac Valley. He was raised a slave; his parents taught him never to talk back, never to defy the one in charge. He learnt that the hard way; the slave drivers of his camp forced him to fight his own kind in a twisted competition arranged by them for their own pleasure. He was given the rusty knife at least once a week, and yelled at to step into the ring and fight to the death. One day, he resisted. He threw the knife to the ground, and yelled out into the sky at the top of his lungs; "I was born an Orc! Not a slave!" He attempted to run, to hide. To escape. But to no avail. The Humans captured him, they chained him down. They whipped him, they cut him, they burned him. They made him bite through his own tongue and choke on his own blood, and swallow it to escape suffocation. From that day forward, he was never the same. His childhood was stolen from him the very day he was born, and he was raised a machine; a force of slavery and cruelty. His sense of self was nearly gone.

Until the break.

He was woken in the night by his father, hearing the clash of steel against flesh and the trampling of feet against the hard soil. His father dragged him out of the hut and into the open, hiding behind the cover of the stampede of slaves. His father had tears in his eyes, and a smile on his face. He knelt down, and spoke to the young man that was Lor'gall. He said: "My son, you have experienced nothing but pain and sadness. War is an awful thing. It degrades the hearts of Men, Orcs, Alliance and Horde alike into monstrosities of blood and steel. But, Lor'gall, I see something in you. Your mother sees something in you. The other Orcs here see something in you. That day, when you refused to kill another of your kind, and announced your pride and your soul as loud as you could. You were born to be a harbinger of our Pride. War is hell, it is true, but if it has come to this, it is all but inevitable. We will cover your escape, son, now go. Escape this place while you can. Your mother and I believe in you." He was then cast into the crowd of stampeding Orcs, and he ran. He ran as hard and fast as he could. Straight out the gates of the camp, and he kept going.

He never heard from his parents again.

At the age of 25, Lor'gall achieved what his parents wanted him to do and joined the Warsong Outriders, serving as a Grunt on the frontlines of Warsong Gulch. He battled the Alliance with the hopes of his parents always in his mind, and it empowered him to kill in the name of the Horde, and for the Pride of the Orc. It was at the age of 29 when he was given the rank of Sergeant and was given time off the front lines to either take additional training or to simply relax and live his own. Lor'gall decided it'd be best that he takes a breather from The Horde for a while before called back into the fray once more. He found a hobby of tinkering with little toys built by Goblin Engineers for children, and found that not only did he have a great interest in the workings of these machines the Goblins manufactured, but he also was able to -somewhat- teach himself how these little tinker-toys connected together. It may have not been a lot of knowledge, but it was more than your average Orc could have achieved on his own. He decided that this might serve him well, and packed his things to set off to Tanaris.

He arrived at Gadgetzan and became the apprentice of a Golbin Engineer named Khadzit, and he remained Lor'galls' mentor until he had taught him everything he knew. Lor'gall thanked him one last time before he left Gadgetzan, and travelled to winterspring to recieve training as a Weapons Specialist and Combat Engineer in Everlook. He lived in Everlook until he completed his training at the age of 32 and reported back to duty. Having knowledge of his new training, he was promoted to the rank of Senior Sergeant and was deployed to Warsong Hold in the Borean Tundra, to serve not only as a soldier, but as a Weapons Specialist and Combat Engineer, to keep their weapons sharp, and their siege weapons shiny. For one year in the Tundra, he served actively and almost 24/7 to hold back the Scourge and fight along side his comrades on the shores of Northrend.

At age 33, the Kor'Kron attachment that operated in Agmar's Hammer, out in Dragonblight, caught wind of his efficiency as an Engineer, and requested that he serve the Kor'Kron Guard out in Northrend while he is still in active service. Lor'gall graciously accepted the opportunity to serve the more Elite warriors of The Horde and packed his things, shined his armor and shipped out to Agmar's Hammer. He worked around Agmar's Hammer for an agonizing year of drills and daily inspections, until they deployed him unexpectedly to the Isle of Conquest. They needed an able-bodied Engineer to keep their siege weapons in check, for the ammount of Combat Engineers were dwindling in the ranks of The Horde. He did so, and little did he know -or expect-, he was also tasked with repairing siege equipment even while it was in use in the heat of battle. It was one night when he was fixing a damaged catapult, that an unexpected volley of arrows and catapult rounds from the Alliance rained down upon his Squad.

Thankfully, his reflexes saved his life, but not quick enough to save his eye.

A hunk of debris flew up from an explosion from a catapult and hit him in his right eye, temporarily blinding him. He was carried off the front lines to be treated, and even though his sight did return in due time, his right eye would be discolored and not 100 percent for the rest of his life. For his bravery in the face of danger and for remaining on duty even after a major injury, he was awarded with the rank of First Sergeant. It was only a few months after that he was given leave once more, and returned to Durotar doing whatever he damn well pleases.

But all the same, he polishes his armor every day.