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Player: Lunaxy

Character Full Name: Logar Boneshatter

Character In-Game Name: Logar

Nickname(s): None.

Association(s): Red Vanguard, Horde, Frostwolf clan.

Race: Orc

Class: Bone Crusher

Age: 29

Sex: Male

Hair: Swept back with two braids, and has a beard that is also braided. It seems surprisingly fine, at least until touched.

Eyes: Red.

Weight: 203kg or 448lbs.

Height: 2.02m or 7'2"


He uses plate on his feet, legs and hands, but his torso is only protected by a small leather harness. His weapons of choice are gigantic maces, sometimes wielding two. They are held by thick leather straps on his back.

Other: Nothing out of the usual, his casual clothing consists of leather. Logar's arms and chest are covered with many scars. He keeps them as they are medals, earnt on the battlefield.


Alignment: Neutral.

Logar is a commanding person, and some refer to him as a natural leader. While he possesses leadership capabilities, he is no slave-driver, leading by example rather than by force. He keeps himself calm, showing himself a person with great wisdom and knowledge. He holds practically no grudge against any race, save for the humans which he looks down upon.

Logar tends to be calm and strong of will - it will take more than insults to get on his nerves. Unless, of course, someone insults all of orc-kind. In such cases, he is known to fly into a fearsome rage.

In combat, Logar will always allow the enemy to strike first; a little quirk of his. He'll also remain calm no matter the situation. Even in a life or death fight, he'll keep his honor and self control.

His view on other races is mostly fine. He tolerates blood elves and forsaken, but still considers them 'lacking in muscle'. The orc obviously view orcs as his friends, no matter who they might be. He'll look to any other horde race with a respectful nod.


Logar was born to the Frostwolves and was raised by the capable hands of his father - A mighty warrior - and his mother - a powerful shaman. Two years later Logar's sister was born, pretty much completing the family. Logar never saw Draenor, but grew up hearing stories about it.

When Logar was six, the Second War ended with the orcs losing, but thanks to being with the frostwolves, Logar and his family lived on in the relative peace of Alterac Valley. Logar was trained by his father, the warrior training his son with various different tasks designed to improve his endurance, where he was forced to carry things twice of his weight and endure extreme conditions. Logar's father never let his son sit at ease, their relationship was always one of student and teacher - always training hard.

As the father trained his son, Logar's sister Lethri was taught simple things, like how to cook and fish. Logar had already learned that, not in a simple way, his father was harsh and rough with training, if he wanted to eat, he needed to succeed, and the same went for rest.

It wasn't long before the training started to show results. Logar became rather large even for an orc. At a young age he was almost outsizing his father, and was twice the size of his sister. At this time, Logar's father gave him a challenge to prove himself as a competent warrior, he was challenged to best a bear with his bare hands.

And so, Logar and his father marched until they found a beast judged mighty enough, and the huge bear brought his paws up and then smashed them against the ground, together with a harsh roar. Logar slowly moved forward, and the fear was obvious in his eyes. He knew he needed to best the beast, it was his challenge. He needed to prove himself.

The creature charged toward Logar, who pressed his feet firmly against the ground, digging them into it as his hands moved up to grab the bear's paws. He learnt too late that it was naive of him to think he'd be able to stop the bear with that. He was pinned down by the bear and it's reaction was to try bite and rake at Logar's face, which was quickly shielded by his arms. Logar was in a tight situation. Face to face with the bear, he needed to do something. His muscles contracted as his entire strength was concentrated in his arms, he placed them against the bear's chest and lifted it off of him. It was an amazing scene, Logar lifted it and threw it violently against the ground. It roared in pain, looking up at Logar, whose breath was coming in ragged gasps.

The bear once again tried to charge, only to find Logar had finally realized on how strong he was. He brought his hands down, violently smashing them against the bear's head, who fell. Logar was in a fury, lusting to see the creature dead. He continued punching it's head violently and repeatedly, until it's skull was nothing but shattered bones. This was when he earned his surname. Boneshatter.

Logar's father watched in shock before cracking a wide smile, muttering quietly to himself. "It was worth it...The training was worth it.." And it was worth it indeed. After Logar stopped he looked from the bear to his hand, letting out a sigh of relief. He walked back with his father, his story was told, and he was now known as Logar Boneshatter.

At this time, Thrall raided the Internment camps and freed the orcs, reuniting them and forming what is now called "The New Horde." The Frostwolves gladly followed their young chieftain and warchief. Logar himself pledged his life to the Horde, the young warrior and future Bone Crusher would follow Thrall and the Horde for his life, as most if not all of his family did.

Logar never stopped his training, he used to meditate and exercise for hours, practicing and building his body and mind, slowly becoming the mighty warrior he is today. While that happened, Lethri, Logar's sister was slowly learning shamanism and was already a capable shaman at a young age. She slowly discovered her abilities and enhanced them, but was always able to best her big brother Logar. She was always powerful, and the only things she really learned were how to properly use her abilities and build a strong bond with the spirits.

Logar would soon be called to war. First, he traveled with the Horde to the Darkspear isles, where the orcs freed the trolls from the murlocs. Logar earned his fair share of scars on these islands, but it was worth it to see the trolls join the Horde.

During the Third War, Logar was still a devoted member of the horde. He helped with the founding of Durotar, as well as the construction of the Horde settlements there such as Razor Hill. He settled himself there for the time being, where he continued his excessive training.

Skills and Abilities

Rush A Bone Crusher rushes forward quickly, closing a medium distance in a matter of a few seconds.

Smash A Bone Crusher focuses their strength for a single crushing blow designed to destroy low-quality weaponry or break a limb.

Shield A Bone Crusher withdraws into themselves, entering a state where they are unable to attack but where practically all physical damage is negated. - I'M A MUSCLED MOUNTAIN! - Logar is big - a giant in fact! He can lift extremely heavy things with ease. - Victory doesn't lay in muscles! - As well as his great strength, Logar also holds great knowledge of the battlefield: he has learnt to think before attacking.