Logan Thundermaul

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Player: Gauntra

Character Full Name: Logan Thundermaul

Character In-Game Name: Logan

Nickname(s): Maul

Association(s): Alliance, Wildhammer Clan, Argent Dawn

Race: Wildhammer Dwarf

Class: Warrior

Age: 163

Sex: M

Hair: Brick Orange, long beard made into two large braids, adorned with feathers

Eyes: Brown

Weight: 170 lbs.

Height: 4'3” ft.

Alignment: Lawful Good


Unusual for a Wildhammer, Logan wears dark Plate armor in honor of his Order along with his Argent Dawn tabard draped over his chest. When he journeys to the Aerie Peaks to see his father he can be seen is his Wildhammer regalia consisting of gryphon mail, with feathers from Skyfire jutting from his armor.

Other: Usual for a Wildhammer Dwarf, Logan has many tattoos written all over his body but because of his armor choice they are not visible in battle.


Logan is a true Wildhammer he loves getting in the thick of good bar fight with fist to fist, or clashing sword and hammer with a worthy opponent, all the while humming his battle Hym. But with his newfound discovery of the Light he has learned that peace comes at the cost of blood he has seen too many of his friends fall in the name of freedom, but his logic tells him “If there is blood to be shed, why not have it be me own blood instead of innocent blood.” His friendship is not earned easy but when it is earned there isn't anything Logan will do for them. He almost looks like a mad-dwarf on the battle field, not leaving anything living or unliving, its the Wildhammer blood that flows through his veins. But still with all of his fury he still hopes that one day he can put up his hammer for good and continue learning the ancient ways of his clan with with his father.


Growing up among the windy slopes if the Aerie Peaks, Logan never dreamed of leaving his home. He only longed to become a great gryphon rider and master blacksmith like his father, and his fathers father all the way back before Grim Batol. But when the Green-skinned orcs came through the Dark Portal he was forced to put down his smith hammer and take up a Stormhammer, with his Gryphon companion Skyfire he survived through two wars against the orcs, all that time with his best friend Skyfire at his side. It was only until the beginning of the third war that he began to look at life in a new way rather then the old Wildhammer shamanism. Logan heard of this new faith called the ‘Light' where all things good come together to combat the forced of evil. Seemed like the right path to follow in Logan's eyes, so mounting Skyfire he rode to the town of Hearthglen, he had seen human settlements like this before, large stone walls jutting from the earth, unlike his home which was carved out of the face of the mountain, but he had never come upon this symbol that was draped all over the town, a red flame with a white back drop. Being a survivor of the first two wars he fought with the humans so he hoped to be welcome, but he was only met with distaste because of his dwarf lineage. Calling him names and shouting obscenities even so much as to almost get into a fight with the gate guards for insulting Skyfire all the while hearing the phrase “You are not pure to be among the Scarlet Crusade.” He was shocked to be treated this way only because of his blood line. He thought is hopes of learning of the Light were doomed.

While camping in the forest far from the fires of Hearthglen his camp was attacked by a band of “walking dead.” Like most Wildhammers he was taught to hate such things as the undead, it was an affront to the spirits from which his people prayed to. He quickly took up his hammer against these foes, back to back with Skyfire, suddenly he was joined by a small band of humans draped in black with a white symbol upon there chest.

After the undead were slain the small posse introduced themselves as members of the Argent Dawn, the last ‘true' remnants of the Order of the Silver Hand who combat the undead in attempts to take back there home of Lordaeron. He was invited to there base of Lights Hope Chapel in what they called the Plaugelands. Soon Logan, and Skyfire joined up with the Argent Dawn. He can still be seen in the Plaugelands combating undead with his fellow Dawn members, he now serves as a warrior for the Light.