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Player: Dmitra

Character Full-Name: Liliane Moonspring

Character In-Game Name: Liliane

Nickname(s): none

Association(s): Temple of Elune

Race: Night Elf

Class: Priest

Age: 319

Sex: Female

Hair: Long with slight curls, and it is a shiny silver color.

Eyes: Silver with no pupils

Height: 6 Feet, 6 inches

Weight: 210 pounds


She wears only a simple robe of Elune, some little cloth shoes, and a small one-handed mace on her hip.

Other: She is tall and very lean, with a nice toned look to her. Her face is a bit round with full lips, and her hair is long and silver with a bit of curl in it.


She is very caring about everyone except for the Horde of course; other than that, she is open to everyone. Although her caring demeanor is her main side, if battle is imminent she is ruthless and cunning. She does not mind people being rude, but does not like for people to be overly aggressive or greedy. When alone she is thoughtful and often sad, but when accompanied she is mostly happy and witty. She is trustworthy and respectful to anyone she meets unless they do something that greatly offends or hurts her.


Liliane grew up in a village not far from Ashenvale, which she moved from at a very young age with her parents. She was out playing on the outskirts of their village when a boar attacked her. It gored out the lower part of her digestive system, and her reproductive system. Not being far from her village, her parents heard her scream, and ran out to find their daughter lying on the ground bleeding with her lower torso hanging open. The boar laid dead about 4 yards from her with a priestess of Elune standing over it with a small mace dripping blood in her hand. The priestess walked over to Liliane and bent over her, the priestess holding her hands over Liliane's wounds, praying to Elune to save the little girl that was dying.

The priestess' hands started glowing in a pale silver light that grew in strength until the priestess and Liliane were glowing in it. The parents gasped as they watched their daughter's wounds close up and leave a small scar. Unfortunately the priestess had focused mostly on Liliane's digestive system. Soon enough though Liliane was back on her feet and playing with the butterflies in her parents' yard near the road. She understood what had happened and who she had been saved by. Once old enough, she moved to Ashenvale to train to be a priestess.

During her training she became a great healer, and she isn't too shabby with a small mace. But she was far from the best. At the end of her training, when she was about 205. After she was done with her training, she moved throughout Kalimdor helping the people who needed it. After doing her services to her people and other races, she met another Night Elf whose name was Lar'thion.

He was a warrior who was fighting a band of Orcs that were cutting down the trees in Ashenvale. He and his group had gotten the orders and ridden out, but had to retreat because of the power and the number of the Orcs. They met while she and her group were healing the injured, Lar'thion included. While she was healing him, he came round and touched her, and as she continued to heal him, he couldn't help but feel for her. After their groups got cycled out by new ones, they started spending more and more time with each other. They still did their civil duties of course, but they were spending more and more time with each other.

After a long while, they moved into a small village, ironically the same one Liliane had grown up in. They had a normal marriage, then tried to have a child. About this time Liliane was 260, and fully able to have kids. They both knew this, but after many tries and no success, she sought out her parents as to why she could not have children. They told her of her ordeal as a child, and told her that the priestess that had healed her focused mainly on her digestive system, not the other that was ripped up.

She couldn't believe it, her parents had just told her that she was barren, doomed forever to have no offspring. Even though she knew having children was rare, she was distraught that the chance had been stripped from her. This though, did not take from her happy demeanor, nor from her willingness to help the people as she had been helped. She and Lar'thion spent most of their time together after that moving around Kalimdor helping the people that needed to be helped, but he was inevitably sent back to battle the Orcs while she was sent to another village to help a sick little girl.

She found out months later that he had been killed by Orcs in battle, the death he had wanted. She cried for him, and prayed to Elune that his soul would pass in peace. Once she had managed to heal the little girl, she went back to travel Kalimdor to heal the sick and help the people. She became even more versed in combat in order to honor her dead husband, and got, she felt, closer to Elune. She still remains happy and somewhat exciting in the presence of others, but is thoughtful and melancholic while alone.