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Player: Jackofblades

Character Full Name: Leon Grey

Character In-Game Name: Leon

Nickname(s): Leo or in many case's "Thief"

Association(s): Anything that Pays

Race: Human

Class: Rogue

Age: 34

Sex: Male

Hair: Black

Eyes: A deep sea Blue

Weight: 164 Pounds

Height: 6'2


Leon hates heavy armor and likes to go with Leather or Cloth simple clothing.


Leon is a happy chap who is always friendly...wait no that's a lie. Leon is a cold man who due to his mistreatment became generally destroyed in the mind. He no longer See's what is good or bad and just sees grey. Leon has sticky fingers and loves to steal and occasionally fight. He gives no mercy and regrets nothing he does. Good Ol' Leon has been practicing his voice as of late and seems to get away with it (though he has a tendency to speak out of his acted voice)

Other: Leon is being hunted by Kul Tiras...Not that he cares.


Leon was the son of a Sailor who would sail away without notice Leaving Leon almost fatherless. His Mother looked out for the young lad as best he could but there small town was much to small for the boy who just wanted to see the world. His childhood was not all pure and simple though as Leon was picked on by two larger boy's who would steal his things and beat him up. Leon was sick of it and tried to tell his mother but chickened out after finding threats on notes near his house. Leon sat silently taking the torture drifting further and further away from a happy life and deep into Depression. The Bullies still picked on him, his father was still not there and he was still not allowed to trek far out of town. Two days after Leon's 14th birthday his fathers ship was found destroyed on the rocky coasts a few miles out of town. Leon sunk even deeper and his mother started to feel the same.

Two more years and Leon snapped. While walking through the streets one day Leon walked into one of the bullies. He was alone and didn't really look like he wanted a fight simply replying "Get lost or you'll wind up like your dad" before walking away. Leon roared and tackled the Bully beating him in front of a crowd and getting a swift punch to the face by a guard. Leon awoke in the town Jail charged with Assault but was released soon after. Though his mother understood and tried to talk to a furious Leon, Leon did not calm down and grew a Darker nature. It was on his 18th birthday he finally left the hell hole of a town for good via boat. He arrived in the Stormwind docks and as described by his diary thought this "This city was much larger then my home i must admit but so far its the same..guards and people doing there daily lives..Though these people seem a tad richer then the People i once knew"

Leon for this time attempted to stay out the way of anything and everything. Around the age of 26 Leon had traveled around Stormwind and its forests quite a bit even taking trips in places like Westfall. Leon's dark nature was never purged though and his sudden urge to steal would pop up for days at a time. Leon would rob what ever he could and who ever he wanted as long as he didn't get caught. He did get caught a lot though but usually escaped. Leo started to grow a tad blood thirsty often attacking witnesses and beating them (Though he was usually pushed away or beaten back to the point where Leon would run off).

Twas not till a year ago Leon started to become known (Even if it where just the scum of the place) and Leon decided to take on a partner. It did not end so well with his partner getting killed by a Stray arrow fired by some angry victims of Leon's sticky hands. Leon decided to keep taking on partners until he finds "The Perfect Partner" Usually he will test there mental abilities and of course there Loyalty. Leon Appears to others as a seemingly harmless man if not somewhat drunk at times. He plays a Lute as well adding to his innocent appearance. However this can change when he found his next target being nice to them and watching them before finally robbing them. Leon has been wanted in Stormwind for quite a while now and usually does two things when making his way around either A) Pretends to be someone else..his voice acting and clothing changes help or B) Sticks to the shadows. Leon's mother has been attempting to write to him and one such letter found by guards stated this "Leon im worried about you and all those people you have been working with. You dont have to do this to please me..just dont go through with this crazy idea".