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Character Full Name: Lambert Mayweather

Character In-Game Name: Lambert

Nickname(s): Lamb

Association(s): The Alliance

Race: Human

Class: Warrior

Age: 25

Sex: Male

Hair: Light brown

Eyes: Green

Weight: 157 lbs (71.5 kg)

Height: 5'5" (1,65 m)


Old, battered homemade blacksmith clothing or simple durable clothing.

Other: Normally is dirty, partly covered by dust and with occasional small burns. His hair haven't seen a comb in a while.


Alignment: Chaotic Good

Lambert is talkative, is often smiling, but rarely laughs. He likes to help everyone he can, despite his relatively empty purse. Even though he complains a lot about the taxes and the life on the wilds, he loves his work and his life.

On his free time, he is normally on a tavern drinking (only with company, as he hates to drink alone), or traveling to Lakeshire, where his father lives. He has occasional weeks were he 'stops drinking', starting again some days later.

When talking, he is very difficult to offend, and has a bad tendency of not taking threats seriously, until a weapon is drawn. If threatened, he will not conceive it was a real threat until weapons are drawn. He often says that he is going to chop off someone else's limbs, or kill them for doing or speaking something, but never does it. Though not sensitive about his size, he threatens those who bring it up

He frowns upon the use of needless violence and dislikes to kill anything smart and willingly enough to engage in conversation with him and even though he hates the Horde's very nature he will try to reason with them first.

Even when wounded or when suffering, he will try to remain as calm as possible


Lambert was born to a premature pregnancy. Both his father and mother did not want marriage or any kind of extended relationship. As her parents did not want to raise the children, and a forced marriage would soon be arranged, she ran off to a friend's trade caravan.

He was raised on the road, and the stops on settlements were few and short. Overwhelmed by a great number of strangers, and many things he did not knew, he secluded himself to the cart, full of the usual. The little contact with the outside world in his youth, made him a very shy boy when talking to strangers, but very open to old friends.

His mother, Mary, treated him kindly, but firmly. She was however, absent. She often told him that it is very important to stand up for himself, that the duty must be a higher priority than the fun and to treat other people nicely.

The caravan's leader, who would become his step-father, Raymond, was merchant with a quick tongue and a mind fit for trade. He taught him the theory needed for a merchant to become successful... Market views, mathematics, geography, and often would pretend he was a customer to test Lambert's recently obtained skills.

The caravan's guard, Renault, a veteran of Second War, was the closest thing he had to a father, despite his mother's love for Raymond. The two were often talking during the trips. He taught him how to play (and cheat at) dice, the theory of swordsmanship and a lot of other things a mercenary learns in his path.

During the caravan's stops at towns, fearful of the great amount of strangers, he remained inside the chart, reading the books his mother often purchased for him, both fiction and technical, to further enhance his learning. To further educate him, his mother would normally purchase books for him, both fiction and technical. In time, he secluded himself even more to the chart's interior.

When he was twelve, his mother fell in love with a blacksmith that lived on Lakeshire and decided to abandon the caravan and Raymond for good. Even though he wished to stay with Renault, he was forced to follow his mother's path.

So, he settled on Lakeshire. He took his time to adapt, but eventually managed to do so. His new step-father taught him the art of shaping metal, and every weekend, they camped together on some desolate hill overlooking the lake. Once a month, they went to Stormwind to buy raw materials and tools, all the contact with new people, both from Lakeshire and Stormwind, made him lose his timidity and put to practice what he learned with Raymond about manipulating people.

When he was seventeen, his mother drowned in the lake while bathing and perished. He spent several weeks mourning and eventually decided to leave Lakeshire and find his place in a another trade caravan. Though his father wished him to stay, he gave him four gold coins, money his mother saved during the years to him, and told him to drop by whenever he could. He still has three of them, as a personal memento.

He joined a caravan that was moving towards Westbrook Garrison, but in the road, it was attacked by a group of gnolls. Scared, he ran away into the forest. Lost, in the woods, without money or food, he tried to reach a settlement or even a road for two days without success.

Without hope of ever returning to civilization, tired, thirsty and hungry, he gave up. It was a day later, that Renault, the caravan's guard, found him while hunting. Renault gave him food, water, guided him back to his camp and told him that he failed to protect his uncle during a attack by bandits and decided to stay around Goldshire. The money grew short, and he eventually had to live in a camp, and look for work in the city.

He spent a week with Renault, recovering his strength, and went to Goldshire, looking for work. He managed to find work as a assistant smith, but the pay wasn't good enough, so he decided to live in Renault's camp.

He lived with Renault for two years he often practiced swordsmanship with him and told him stories of the many books he read while he was young. Money permitting, he visited his step-father on Lakeshire monthly.

Until a day Renault simply vanished. Without leaving any notes, all his possessions were gone, save for his old sword, that Lambert while sparring. He searched for him, asked around town, without success. Only hoping that he is now safe, he stayed at Goldshire, working at the smithy and living in the woods.

Without Renault's presence, he was left without friends. Not feeling his place was there any longer, he blended in. Became 'Just the Blacksmith', a perfectly normal person. While that made him feel at home and gain some friends, that brewed a small existencial crisis between normalty and his ambition.

Due the increasing taxes to fund the war, both against the Horde and the Scourge, his life began to be quite harder. His money grew short and he was eventually forced to mine the materials needed from the kobold infested mines instead of purchasing it from normal sources. The constant skirmishes with wild beasts and humanoids served to hone his skills.

Now he stands almost fully independent: He found a 'house' under the bridge at the Valley of Heroes, a camp at northerhn Elwynn and another camp in the small island that separates Westfall,Duskwood and Elwynn. He fishes or hunts in Elwynn to eat, and does smithing for a living. He stays, normally, at his camp in Elwynn, skinning the beasts he kills and cooking their meat. With the money he gains smithing, he buys books and stashes them safely in there.