Kyiera Rev3

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Player: haZei

Character Full Name: Kyiera Moongazer

Character In-Game Name: Kyiera

Nickname(s): Kyr

Association(s): Night Elves, Sentinels, the Alliance, The Wardens, Ironforge Dwarves.

Race: Night Elf

Class: Warden

Age: 3672

Sex: Female

Hair: Long, but neat. Bright silver.

Eyes: Bright silver orbs.

Weight: 212

Height: 6'8


She wears an impressive set of equipment. Her plate armour is clearly incredibly expensive and well made- it features well crafted joints and gaps which allow for fast movement. She often forsakes her helm.

The armour is made of a lightweight but still protective metal; a steel augmented with Khorium. This gives her strong protection but allows for fast movement.

She has the characteristic tools of the Warden - a cloak lined with razor sharp blades shaped as owl wings. She also has the typical Moonblade, the circular weapon of the Wardens. Both of these are made from Elunite.

Other: She has a huge array of tools and weapons, from many different throwing knives to daggers designed for cutting rope, wood and even thin metals.

Her face has a long, thick scar from her top-right forehead down to her jaw, vertical. It looks like a wound from a talon or claw.


Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Kyiera's defining social characteristic is that she is rather talkative and social- she escapes from the dark thoughts of vengeance and prejudice instilled by her training and profession. She is fairly cheerful but there is an underlining of forced happiness; the magic and skills she uses daily bog her down and it is pure willpower to not fall in to the trap of having a one dimensional personality; her lust for vengeance and retribution against all those who have wronged her kind and their closest allies takes over her like a creeping plague.

The influences from her history help to define her as a being; having Maiev Shadowsong as an idol-figure to many of the Wardens including herself has defined her as an incredibly determined individual. She does not give up on her tasks- whether it simply a debate with a friend or her lifelong goals. She is also vindictive, unforgiving and harbours a grudge to the highest extent; sometimes over many millennia.

Some smaller aspects of Kyiera's personality include that she has a soft spot for Dwarves and values their smithing expertise in a high regard, as well as their passion for archaeology, exploration and a good time. She is also fairly rational (as opposed to pious) for her race. While she still definitively believes in Elune and the Ancients, she does not see Deities as truly omnipotent; she trusts science to the extent of weather prediction, growth, crafting etc. While she is no fan of Gnomish technology but her rational outlook leads her to not actively shun or attack the ideals. She also has a passion for fine cheeses, as well as enjoying strange combinations of food. Your friend who likes ketchup on their cereal? That's Kyiera.

Kyiera is slow to anger, but when she is angry she is not one to be trifled with. This is an effect gained from her long life; she tends not to take things seriously. This is not because she sees them as humorous, merely because she has experienced so much that she does not see high priority on smaller problems. She is oblivious to the distaste this may cause in people as she sees this as the logical reaction.

Kyiera has few lifelong goals; things which she has vowed to complete or die trying. These include the removal of the Horde from Ashenvale and the severing of all ties to the opposing faction, the restoration of the world tree, and a few smaller, personal goals. She wishes to set herself up socially, train herself to peak combat potential and successfully fight back the looming darkness that is the Warden's very essence.


Kyiera was born in the outer skirts of Winterspring, up high in the north-east mountains to a self-sufficient family, her Father a skilful fisherman and her mother an ex-soldier now retired to looking after the two others of the family and fending off any wild beasts.

The early years of Kyiera's life featured little outside learning to fish, cook and survive the cold weathers. She was told tales of the mystical Ashenvale forests by the elders in the village a few miles from her hermit-like home. Her mother trained her in combat, but a rusty old Moonglaive and a wooden block to practice on are not the most effective for learning.

By one hundred years of age Kyiera was most ready to leave the frigid wastelands of Winterspring and venture to the true homeland of their people; Ashenvale. She took her mother's dagger, a few coins and supplies enough for the trip. This journey gave her the first chance at real combat- an Azhsharan Naga ambushed her through a pass. Her talent for agility-based combat showed that day when she narrowly avoided the long pike through a long fight, eventually landing enough hits to take down the beast simply with her small dagger. She found her way to the western end of Ashenvale, being brought in to safety by a sentinel. Her exhaustion did not keep her bed-ridden for long, though. She quickly found her way to Astranaar and helped to bring in food for the Town in exchange for a bed and food. Due to the constant exposure to travellers and adventures passing through the town, she encountered many kinds of Elf. The first that took her eye was one of the elusive Wardens, stopping by to purchase supplies. While Kyiera exchanged merely a few words about her profession, the experience and the ideals of such a being stuck with her for life...

"My name is Teyandr... pursue me if you wish."

While she had the knowledge to attempt some more light hearted combat training before she pursued such a path. The personality and dedication of the beings stuck with her and she joined the army; training religiously for the time when she would pursue Teyandr to try her hand. She did not tell a soul of her aspirations out of fear of ridicule; she herself was not totally confident in her ability to take such a mantle. But her determination carried through. She trained a long time and eventually found herself wanting to pursue her goal.

"Do you remember me?"

She began by sparring with Teyandr; they chose a small clearing hidden away in the deepest area of Ashenvale's thick forest. Many blows were exchanged but Teyandr won with relative ease; her Moonblade being used in ways Kyiera never could have imagined. Her excitement and ambition quickly rekindled, accepting herself as a Student. She trained religiously for many months, her expertise over the agility, strength and willpower quickly progressing.

Kyiera's affinity with the vengeance-imbued, mystical magic of the Wardens was particuarly impressive; she quickly picked up the standard spells as well as ideas of her own which she studied relentlessly.

This lasted for a few years until Teyandr finally released herself back in to civilization; armed with her bladed cloak and her Moonblade. She quickly began the work of the Warden, the great defensive agents. She was often called to carry out the shunned activities of Night Elf civilisation; executions, assassinations and other such shady activities.

Her sense of fulfilment never reached her. While she had removed countless threats from the borders; she felt she needed a bigger hurdle to hop.

Then came the war of the Shifting Sands. She was called, as part of the Sentinels, to assist the druids against the Qi'raji. Her elevated status and skill did not give her any special job; the endless swarm had no major figure to assassinate, no special area to protect. She simply cut them down like any other of her kind.

After being left as the last of the band she commanded against a multitude of the Qi'raji, she sliced and cut her way through many of the beasts; but exhaustion affects all and she eventually fell to the swarm, a large bug slicing her face with it's insecticidal talon, rendering her weak and temporarily blind. A Druid and his band of sentinels fended off the remainder of the insects and carried her to safety. She recovered in time to see the closing of the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj and begin the walk home.

This was her life for many hundreds of years; defending the borders from intrusion or threat. This was, until the third war...

Kyiera was quickly sent to Hyjal to aid the defenders; fighting off scourge and Demons alike. While nothing important happened to her individually during the war, the loss of immortality shook her greatly; her determination on her goals required a lengthy time to fulfil. She returned home sad, but still retaining optimism to continue her work as the Warden of the Elves.

She was called for a quite specific assignment. The Bronzebeard dwarves were sending an ambassador to Ashenvale after their unification together in the Alliance. Kyiera was scheduled to meet them at the western and thus dangerous area of the sacred forests. The Dwarves ventured from the safety and their lacking knowledge of the cartograpy surrounding the area left them venturing towards a Warsong camp; Splintertree. The Orcish scouts quickly spotted the well garbed parade and set up an ambush across the path.

Kyiera was nearby when she heard the clashing of axe on sword; she quickly followed the sounds until she was on the cliff originally used as an ambushing point. The Dwarves were outnumberd and one of them had already fallen. Kyiera quickly attacked, slicing the first Orc's throat from behind and blinking behind the next, giving him a similar treatment. A few minutes of fighting left the remaining Dwarves unharmed and she quickly escorted them to Astranaar.

When the party returned to Dun Morogh, Kyiera chose to go with them- she missed the cold, harsh tests of the colder climates and was interested in tales of Dwarven culture she had been told. She spent around 6 months in the villages surrounding Ironforge; doing work for the Dwarves and Gnomes in return for a lodging at night and some food- this was reminiscent of her time in Astranaar and she was happy.

She spent around nine months in Dun Morogh; killing many ice trolls and finding ingredients for many a brew. A Warden can spend only so long away from the forests they have sworn to protect and left; her 'foster family' giving her leave with a set of armour crafted from the finest steels deep in the Great Forges of the Dwarven capitals. Kyiera found her way back to the sacred groves.

Skills and Abilities

Classic Warden abilities, such as:

Imbuing her weapon with the spirit of vengeance, being able to fling magical wrath at her enemies.

Teleporting short distances, leaving behind only a shadowy version of herself for a short amount of time.

Using her magic and experienced combat skill to guide her moonblade when thrown, whether around an obstacle or back to herself.