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Player: McKnighter

Character Full Name: Krestus Brightwood

Character In-Game Name: Krestus

Nickname(s): N/A

Association(s): Silvermoon, The Magistry, The Blood Knights

Race: Sin'dorei

Class: Mage

Age: 147

Sex: Male

Hair: A dark red, well kept and goes down to his shoulders.

Eyes: Fel Green.

Weight: 121 lbs

Height: 6'1"


He almost always wear robes that contain a style that the Sin'dorei possess. He might carry a short sword on the side of his belt, however, to scare off any pickpockets or cut purses.

Other: Carries around a note-pad and an ink pen.


Alignment: Lawful Good

Krestus, off the record, is your typical mage. He dislikes physical conflicts, often loves to bury himself with knowledge, and even likes to show off his arcane skills to assist someone in need of his aid. He cares deeply about his race, and he holds a high amount of respect for the Horde as they fight the Blood Elves' enemies for them. Alliance, however, he normally attempts to avoid due to the fact that they might try to kill him.

Krestus is a coward at times, he will avoid conflict unless he is backed into a corner. He might faint or freak out if he sees his own blood being drawn, depending on the situation.

However, Krestus sometimes needs to act in order to complete his assignments, so he is adapt at covering up his personalty when required. Coupled with his arcane powers, he is also able to change his voice's pitch and turn his hair color different for a short amount of time. He is suited to act as different elves, and even has names prepared for their roles, less he needs to play the character once more.

He takes a great pride in his work, and would be upset if anyone told him that his cause was fool-hearty and useless. He truly does want to help, and would crush him if it turns out to be an utter failure.

Regardless being a mage, Krestus is a firm believer in the Light. He prays to it daily, and hopes it will protect him from harm's way.


Krestus was born in a litter, many brothers and sisters were formed due to the passion and love of their mother and father. The major downside to this explosion of elves is that coins had begun to run short. The Brightwood family was not among the nobles, so as Krestus and his siblings grew up, they found that they would have to work to survive and feed themselves. Krestus, like a few of his brothers and sisters, became a servant to a wealthy noble who needed minions to do their own work. He had been around the nobles, serving one for a few years, then carrying on to do odd jobs. He would spend his time reaching books and learning about the arcane as much as possible, but he gained little progress.

It wasn't until Krestus worked under a young elven woman who was in the upper ranks of a local Magistry sect. It was easily done due to some political moves from her noble House, covering up the fact that the woman was a lesser mage herself. Krestus was given a new wealth of books and tomes, and was able to research and study more as his mistress was an active and lively woman who attended parties only to become so wasted that Krestus had to bring her to bed, spending the rest of the night in her library. There was a light flirtation between the two, but it was cut short as soon as the woman's father heard of it. A noble mixing with a whelp was bad for the family's reputation. Krestus was fired soon after. However, when he was laid off, the Magistry took some notice in his growing arcane knowledge, and gave him an initiate position.

When the Scourge assaulted the Elven lands, Krestus was in Silvermoon, attempting to assist the mages in creating portals to safe locations for the non-combatant civilians to flee. He witness first-hand the destruction that war caused, as he saw families torn apart and love ones dying in each others' arms. He soon feared for his own life, and fled as well before the city could fall.

In the aftermath of the Sunwell's corruption, Krestus grew weak and frail. As the Magistry and the rest of the now Sin'dorei kind attempted to pull themselves together, Krestus was on the verge of becoming one of the Wretched. His arcane addiction toppled with the agony of losing a few of his brothers and sisters almost spelled death for him. It wasn't until a shipment of Fel Crystals were brought before the weaken elves for them to feast on. He eagerly drawn the mana, regardless of the taint that cursed his eyes.

His addiction sated for now, he begin to rely on mana crystals rather than the fel type, and continued to progress as a better mage. He was given simple tasks by the Magistry, nothing that involved combat. Krestus, in time, was promoted to the rank of Arcanist soon after the fall of the Lich King. A steady income was gathered from this occupation, which he sent most of the funds back to his mother and father to give them some financial support after losing three of their children.

His new, and current task brings him to Booty Bay to research the mysterious migration of Sin'dorei to the goblin port town. The Blood Knights are worried that it might be another reformation of Kael'thalas loyalists, as recent attacks brought them on edge. The Magistry are simply curious that there might be some sort of disease, or something wrong with Silvermoon itself. Regardless, Krestus seeks to find the answers, and hopes that he will be able to save these lost Sin'dorei before something else claims them.