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Player: Extrapolater

Character Full Name: Katharina Dawnrunner

Character In-Game Name: Katharina

Nickname(s): Kathy; Katrina; Trina; Tina

Association(s): Darkmoon Faire; The Horde; The Sin'Dorei.

Race: Sin Dorei

Class: In-Game: Mage. Though, she is a traveling dancer as a character.

Age: 122

Sex: Female.

Hair: Long and blonde. When she is dancing it is often tied back to prevent it from distracting her. However, she enjoys to let it down over her shoulders on occasion.

Eyes: Green, of course.

Weight: 135lbs.

Height: 5"10

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.


Katharina is an avid dress-wearer. She enjoys nothing more than to support only one garment of clothing at a time. (Yes, only ONE.) Depending on her mood, these robes may conceal little, or much of her body. For the most part, they tend to be lacking in the cloth department.

Other: Katharina is a health nut. She will not smoke, nor will she over-indulge in those fattening Azerothian delights. She is agile and VERY flexible.


Katharina is as quick-witted as she is quick-footed. This however is often not a good thing. She acts upon impulse rather than logic and always speaks her mind. A people-person by nature, Katharina is the type of woman who many kind find -something- in common. She tosses around the word "Friend" lightly, seeing as though in her mindset anyone who does not threaten her is a friend (Within reason.). She is very sensitive to the words of others and is often over-emotional over little things. Not dramatic, simply emotional. She is a sucker to the men of the Sin'Dorei race and can often be found subconsciously flirting with them. Katharina is not above putting her physical desires above logic, nor is she above going behind the backs of whomever she needs to get what she wants.


Her entire life, Katharina had never been anything her family deemed important. Her brother had become a Blood Knight and her sister, a powerful healer. Katharina, being the youngest, had grown up in their shadows. Her first few decades of childhood contain nothing of importance to her other than the fact that she was thoroughly ignored. Of course, she was provided with the necessities. As she approached the age of adult-hood, Katharina began to study the Arcane Arts under her grandfather, Lucas Dawnrunner. This was something she could handle.

As the years passed, Katharina became adept in bending and contorting the fire element. She had learned to manipulate its flow and had discovered a passion behind the art. Although her studies skimmed over the Arcane and Frost portions of Mage-hood, Katharina became dedicated and devoted to solely mastering the fire aspects of her trade. Though she is nowhere near "Mastering" this sect of magic, she has developed some skill in summoning flames upon a whim. This is where she began her career as a dancer. Katharina often claims that she could feel a force within the fire guiding her. So, as any young Magi would do, Katharina began to practice outside of her studies. Conjuring flames became her hobby and she soon learned to harness their movements and move her body with them. As luck would have it, arrogance soon took the best of her. She began to display her techniques in public and received much positive feedback.

Years of this passed, which lead only to the nearly-perfecting of her art. She had become somewhat confident within the other areas of Magi-Magic when the incident occurred. During a leisurely stroll outside of Silvermoon City, Lucas Dawnrunner decided to stray from the path. This was a bad idea and being at a venerable age only made things worse. Sometime during his walk, Lucas was trampled by a herd of rampaging Hawkstriders. Death occurred shortly and no resurrection was provided. Katharina had lost her Grandfather and her mentor, leaving her with little. Acting irrationally and upon impulse alone, Katharina left home. She became a nomad and traveled within territories of the Horde, performing for gold and food ( This occurred when she was 120, roughly.). Another year passed, which found Katharina in Mulgore. Because of this, Katharina developed her relations with the Darkmoon Faire, who were passing through the area as well. Upon a demonstration of her art, Katharina was accepted into the performance and traveled with the group for two years.

Nowadays, she is once again a nomad. Her travels bring her to many places in search of an audience. She is renown amongst the Faire for her skill, and still does the odd show for them on occasion.