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Player: Jacula

Character Full Name: Marcus Sidmoor

Character In-Game Name: Karkun

Nickname(s): None

Association(s): The city of Stormwind, The Cathedral.

Race: Human

Class: Commoner, Squire. [OOC'ly Priest]

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Hair: Thinning blond hair cut in a common, mid-length fashion.

Eyes: Blue with a gray tint.

Weight: 160 pounds

Height: 5'7 feet


Marcus does not wear fine clothing or jewelry, being a blue-collar laborer he tends to wear crude and durable attires.

Marcus is not a man of imposing stature nor commanding traits, his appearance as a whole is a common one. He is soft spoken and tends to uphold a modest mannerism.


Marcus is a man who values hard work and family above what he deems to be unnecessary personal recreation. He has a firm belief in the light and tries to uphold a modest and righteous approach to those around him.

His ideology is largely influenced by his early introduction to labor which rendered him familiar with waking up early and working late into the night to provide for the livelihood of ones family.

He is not quick to anger and usually inclined to forgive rather than hold grudges. He tries to avoid confrontation and values reason over physical altercations. Having grown up sheltered within the gates of Stormwind he has little perception of other races. Although not a physically strong person he is very stubborn and idealistic, which aids him in accomplishing goals he sets his mind to.


Marcus Sidmoor, named after his loving father was born in what is today the Old Town district of Stormwind. His parents where an elder couple who had struggled to conceive, so the birth of their first child was an event of much merriment. They did everything in their power to give the boy a loving upbringing, although his first years where marred by illness and the lacking income of his parents. Stormwind was still being rebuilt after its destruction, as such there was a grim economical inflation to be had.

Marcus was quite undersized and scrawny for his age, leaving him bound to his bed as he often came down with illnesses. His father worked as a shoemaker while his mother tended to their home. A small, humble accommodation near what is today the center of Old Town.

As the years passed his parents economy worsened, as they struggled to provide for themselves and their son they grew desperate. His father's small practice was failing and soon it was out competed by a bigger company.

The tension within the crippled city grew stronger as the second war ran rampant, malevolent rumors of death and horror spreading like fire through the community. Marcus was still a child when he was first introduced to labor, his parents unable to provide as his mother tended to the house while his father worked multiple jobs. Still, time had come for him to shoulder his share within his family.

His father arranged a job as a courier for him, and so it was that he began to provide for himself and his parents to the best of his ability. As a courier he would run back and forth through the various districts of Stormwind, delivering letters and packages throughout the day. The work was grueling, yet it aided in the financial predicament his family found themselves in.

Fortunately enough the fresh air and physical activity seemed to strengthen him, his body adapting to the activity. The years of illness would soon be forgotten and his mind was soon to follow in his newfound lifestyle. Although sore and exhausted as he laid himself to rest at night Marcus developed a strong work ethic and pushed through the grueling hours to provide for himself and his parents. This work ethic would stick with him as he grew older, his services as a reliable courier beginning to grow known among the townsfolk.

He was offered many odd jobs which he gladly took, an ideology of waking up early to contribute to his community and the livelihood of his family being burnt into his mind. He followed his parents example and prayed regularly, often serving as an altar boy during worship in the Stormwind cathedral. Such strong values rendered him to remain true to himself and the light as he grew into a man.

Marcus began to study during the hours of the day when he was allowed in the Cathedrals library, although a poor reader he would learn to appreciate the many pictures of the various books which where to be had. As time passed the writing would grown clearer to him, being fortunate enough to receive the aid of a good natured priest which he had worked under as a child.

He would often speak to Marcus about the light and guide him when he was in need of advice. His hard work would soon come to pay off as he was recommended by the same priest for a position as a squire under a noble Paladin of the Stormwind court. Marcus parents were proud, yet worried as they knew that they would lose the income he generated.

Still, they sent him off with good wishes and reminded him to stay true to the values which had guided him through life. Marcus humbly accepted the offer, and so it was that he began to serve as a squire to bring pride to himself, his family and the light.