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Player: Jonoth

Character full name: Jonoth Shyemlye

Character in-game name: Jonoth

Nickname(s): Bloodpaw

Association(s): Gilneas, Kul Tiras, Argent Dawn

Race: Forsaken

Class: Rogue

Skills and Abilities: Jonoth is a capable melee combatant, highly skilled at dual-wielding swords as well as daggers. He is also a decent shot, though not nearly as good as an experienced rifleman. Years of experience in the Kul Tiras navy gives him insight into the workings of ships, both structurally as well as management of vessels. Lastly, Jonoth is a talented craftsman, initially making a name for himself as a swordsmith, and to this day he continues crafting and repairing blades for both trade as well as to gather information.

Age: 40

Sex: Male

Hair: Greenish Brown

Eyes: Glowing Yellow

Scale/Height: 0.97/5'10"

Weight: 180 lbs


Usual Garments/Armor: Dark boiled leather and thick linen garments to provide limited protection while maintaining mobility. His sword scabards are simple leather, aged but in good condition.

Other: Jonoth retains a missing jaw and four long scars across his face and back from a bear attack in his youth. When visible, Jonoth has a branding of a paw on his left shoulder and a burn scar on his right thigh. Sometimes carries a shotgun under his cloak, as no problem is too big to be shot in the face. He also carries a pair of self-crafted blue steel short swords at his sides, as well as a dagger in one of his boots.


Jonoth is very bold and adventurous. He takes risks that some would find foolish (and many times are foolish), and charges into battles head on, putting his own life ahead of those he tries to protect. He is a man of his word and values people who keep theirs. He will entreat with most races, preferring to stay out of faction politics, though he is aware enough to understand that most of the living will look upon him with disgust and uneasiness. This feeling is not new to him, having experienced it in life due to his disfigurement. While he shares a kinship with his fellow undead, he does not consider himself part of the Forsaken faction, having distrust in their leader.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral


Jonoth was born a decade before the start of the First War. Spending much of his youth in Gilneas where his father had settled, he grew up on stories of his grandfather, Sir Rhodyngar Shyemlye. He became an adventurous youth, hoping to someday be a great knight, and often went out into Silverpine Forest looking for adventure. One day, adventure almost took his life, as he was beset upon by a large bear in the woods. Jonoth managed to kill the bear with a timely stab in the bear's throat, but not before the bear clawed deeply across his face and back! Fortunately a nearby woodsman heard the cries of the boy, bandaging his wounds with a clean cloth and getting him home to receive medical attention.

Jonoth was heartbroken, his parents frightened, and the boy fell into a depression. Suggesting that he could still be a hero, his father recounted how Rhodyngar took a strong interest in his son's smithing, and that perhaps Jonoth could follow in his footsteps. This seemed to temporarily quell the fire within him, as he learned the ways of swordsmithing. But as a young man, he became more passionate about joining the fight. Fate would have him carrying out a shipment of blades to Kul Tiras, a thriving naval and trade nation. Amongst his belongings, he found a note written by his mother which read "Home will always be home". Writing back to his parents, he decided to remain there, taking a position as a deckhand while still smithing in his downtime. Despite a lot of ill looks around town for his ghastly appearance, Jonoth quickly won the respect of his peers, rising through the ranks and eventually becoming First Mate aboard one of the ships, The Risen Phoenix. To remind himself of how far he had come, he branded a bear paw on his shoulder.

One day, some of Jonoth's letters returned unopened, and he was informed about the Greymane Wall, his parents being trapped behind it now. Saddened and angered, he waited for the opportunity to help free them. The opportunity came when many fleets were ordered to attack the Scourge presence in Lordaeron. Jonoth's vessel landed off the coast of Silverpine Forest, and the captain ordered Jonoth and many of the crew to strom the land and fight back the enemy while he used cannon fire to beat them back even more. Jonoth eagerly took the order, the pride of his grandfather coursing through his veins. He and his crew fought with valor, until suddenly the canons off the coast became quiet. He turned to watch his worst nightmare: the boat sailing away and leaving the crew abandoned. Enraged and overmatched, he rallied the men to battle, deciding it was better to die as men and fight than to flee like the captain. Ultimately they would meet their deaths after a long battle. But fate was not done with Jonoth yet.

Jonoth was among the many who were raised into mindless undeath. When the Lich King's grip loosened, he rallied with the others behind Lady Sylvannas Windrunner to fight against their former Scourge masters. Jonoth remained with what would eventually become known as the Forsaken up until Sylvannas' murder of Grand Marshal Garithos. A man of his word, Jonoth could no longer be in service to a leader who failed to keep her own and made her allies expendable, much as his captain had done to him and his fellow crew. For a time he served in the ranks of the Argent Dawn, where his experience at sea aligned with the guerrilla tactics used by the organization, and he took part in raids via small boats under the cover of night. After the formation of the Argent Crusade, Jonoth quietly moved on rather than joining the much larger group, continuing on as a sellsword and swordsmith while trying to come to grips with his undeath.