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Player: TimtheCannabis

Character Full Name: Jhava Garnet

Character In-Game Name: Jhava

Nickname(s): Fangs

Association(s): The Consummate(Group), Gilneas(Origins).

Race: Human-Worgen

Class: Warrior

Skills and Abilities: Regarding Jhava's size, Weakness' are as follow: He's a much bigger target, is heavier than normal, can't fit into places which would generally require him to be of average size. There is also a degree of speed lost, though more-so in his human form than his Worgen form. In terms of Advantages, he has: Heightened strength, in both the form of resilience and muscle-mass and height.

Age: 38

Sex: Male

Hair: Shoulder length raven black hair.

Eyes: Blue in Human Form, Yellow in Worgen Form.

Scale/Height: 1.15


Usual Garments/Armor: Almost always wearing a eye patch over his right eye. Beast Lord Armor (Mail). (Can be found in more casual wear, which includes a Brown Gilnean Jacket, a Red t-shirt with suspenders, Black Pants & Brown Leather Boots.)


Alignment: Dancing on the border of simply Neutral and Chaotic Neutral.

Jhavas personality is a vivid one. He can be light-hearted and funny at some moments, where he's generally nonchalant about things and his curse. At others times, he can be cold and distant and even sadistic. And more rarely, he can be wild and without reason. This is all leading up to the fact that Jhava has a tendency to change how he acts, quickly, based on what's happening around him, even sometimes without his knowledge of the change whatsoever. Triggers vary and at sometimes may not be coherent with what may have triggered the change before. This can be both helpful in some situations and a complete and utter disadvantage in others.


Born in the year -8 on June 20th, Jhava was born to Diana and Mathias Garnet whom of which are two mere common folk. Raised in the proud and powerful city of Gilneas. Being known as a under-achiever (despite aiming for high points in life) and a troublemaker at a young age, he'd oft get into the trouble even when he had nothing to do with what he was blamed for. As he aged, he was rather quick to mature and was found to be a rather charming, if not manipulative boy. Either convincing a few of the boys on the corner to help him out with some errands for a few coins they owed him, to getting the old lady that owns the bakery to think he's 'cute', tug on his cheek and give him a bit of a discount. When he reached the age of eight, the first war would come around, and news of the fall of Stormwind would reach Gilneas. While others would be (at the least) a bit frightened, Jhava remained calm, and unreasonably convinced that no harm would come of him, his friends or his family. Continuing on as if nothing had ever happened, as he reached the age of 13 and Lothar flees with survivors of Stormwind, him and his parents would find that Jhava would be undergoing a great deal of growth-spurts, and would by the age of 14 be standing at the same height of his mother, 5 feet and 11 inches.

However, the simple days of running errands and having fun were soon to come to a end, as the second war had come around, and a bit between the 6th and 8th year the Alliance of Lordaeron rose into existence as the Second War came to fruition. Talk among the smallfolk of Gilneas soon began to get to Jhava, and he like most others soon found himself afraid and shivering at the idea of the orcs bashing down his door. As he aged, and the Second War continued along, Jhava found himself becoming much larger, and growth spurts weren't uncommon at all, and it'd be more of a rare occurrence if he wasn't having one. (These growth spurts would come to justify his size as a simple genetic anomaly.) When he came to the age of 17, his father by then had enlisted within the Gilnean military, and Gilneas joined the Lordaeron Alliance to fight against those whom wish to threaten their way of life. With his father off to fight the very things he feared that'd take his fathers life, Jhava couldn't help but worry as to what his fathers fate would be. Pulling through with his errands and doing his part for the city of Gilneas, word would come back of his father's demise a while after Jhava had become 18. Devastated by the outcome in which he feared would happen Jhava devolved into Depression, though did not take it as nearly as bad as his mother did. From a sociable and rather talkative mother and wife to a woman of few words, in such a short time.

Days passed and turned into weeks, and week into months, and months into years. Ten years or so would have passed, and by then the construction of the Greymane Wall would almost be complete. Content with Genns decision to isolate themselves from the troubles of the outside world, Jhava helped with the construction of the wall from start to finish. However, Jhava soon came to regret this decision as he witnessed the total isolation, and the refusal to let any refugees in during the Scourge's invasion of Lordaeron. Inner struggles sparked within Jhava, questioning if he had done the right thing or not, though that soon ended when rumors of the howling of large creatures outside the walls began to spread around, as well as soldiers outside the walls beginning to go missing. Jhava only really became suspicious when he heard that the number of Gilnean soldiers stationed outside the walls had dwindled to almost none, not even to deny the refugees entry from the scourge. When the Northgate Rebellion came along, Jhava again began to question whether helping in the construction of the wall was correct. Jhava continued along with his life up until the civil war sparked, conflicted as to choose as side, he was soon to join the rebels before Crowley found himself by Greymane's forces. However, he wasn't given much of a chance to choose before the assault of the feral worgen began upon Gilneas City.

Jhava was working when the attacks began and the Cataclysm has shattered the Greymane Wall, and as such him and his mother were separated when the initial fray began. Fleeing with other workers, with their tools in their hands as weapons, they just barely made their way through towards a much larger group, their numbers of 10 had dwindled to four in such a fast time. Still without his mother in sight, he and the group continued attempting to make their way through the growing and growing hordes of Worgen, only to end up being pushed back towards a local tavern. It is there they made their stand, holding back the beasts as long as possible before eventually being overrun, however shortly after their defeat, a group of Gilnean soldiers and riflemen dragged away the hordes attention, and allowed for others to come in and save the wounded Gilneans, including Jhava whom by that point was practically barely clinging onto life. Coming to, he found himself trapped inside a pillory with a few individuals with vials in hand, one empty whilst the others vials had been left unopened. After freaking out for a bit, he was soon calmed down and explained to that he had been afflicted with the curse of the Worgen, and had been given their cure. (When in actuality, it was by that point simply delaying the feral side's take over.) As he came to terms with his new form, he practiced the basics of swordsmanship with a few soldiers before the initial Forsaken attacks began. He did his part until the offer of aid from the night elves came and Gilneas came crawling back to the alliance. Taking the Ritual that is mandatory to avoid being overcome by the beast, Jhava soon found himself without purpose. His mother is nowhere to be found and his home destroyed, the only thing he could've done was move on.

By now Jhava is a wandering warrior by trade, offering help to those whom he believes needs it, free of charge. Most of his efforts are given to Duskwood, so he may help the populace in defense of the local feral Worgen pack, as well as Westfall to a degree, to try to help eliminate the Defias threat.