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Player: Rigley

Character Full Name: Ishrathiel Ashguard

Character In-Game Name: Ishrathiel

Nickname: Ishra

Associations: Silvermoon City Military (Previous), Shattered Sun Offensive (Previous), Silvermoon City Guard

Race: Blood Elf

Class: Spell Breaker

Age: 163

Sex: Male

Hair: Blonde, pulled along over his shoulders and running down his back. Has a goatee.

Eyes: Green

Weight: 220 lbs

Height: 6'4”


Keeps himself in plate usually, with his tower shield strapped to his back alongside his glaive. Tends to prefer standard-issue style armor with cassocks, but has alternative legwear for travel and riding. Often wears shades of red and gold.

In casual wear he usually still keeps a light chain tunic on.


Alignment: Lawful Good

Ishrathiel is a patriot and guardian of Silvermoon, ever interested in the betterment of the elven people. Having been a veteran of many of his kingdom's conflicts he has developed a strong sense of camaraderie with his fellow Sin'dorei, especially so after the fall of Silvermoon. Despite this he is by no means adverse to the other races of the Horde, particularly gracious when possible to the Forsaken due to their aid in the Ghostlands. He was raised in elven culture though, and often does find most Horde races somewhat barbaric-- in private speech and thoughts alone, though.

Though not disinclined to magic in the slightest he does show much restraint when it comes into play. He believes in a good sense of moderation when it comes to the arcane, and has become increasingly wary of its possible corruption due to the decline of his people in regards to fel.


Ishrathiel was born in Suncrown Village, the first child of three to a pair of merchants. Despite the hopes of his parents he wasn't one inclined to magic, or studies; though they had hoped he would have found his way into the fold of the magisters or the government, instead it was evident even at a young age that he was meant for much more physical matters. From youth he found himself excelling at athletics and dueling his friends with sticks and wooden blades; though he was intelligent enough he just had no interest in a quiet life in the capitol.

When Ishra was of age he enlisted himself into Silvermoon's military, against his family's wishes. With hostilities ongoing in the southern kingdoms of the Alliance they feared that he might be sent onwards into battle-- although in his own mind the battlefield was still a far off though, and one he found himself more eager to experience firsthand with each bout of swordplay he engaged in on the training grounds. It was much less a sense of bloodlust and one much more of heroics and fantasy, both from childhood legends and tales spun by elders and veterans back from battle with the Amani.

When the orcs rampaged across the kingdoms of the Alliance in the Second War, Ishra was given his chance on the battlefield. Though he had taken part in small skirmishes with the trolls he had yet to see any battle of large scale-- but, what he found upon disembarking for the southern lands changed his entire view of war. He saw courage rewarded with defeat, valiant efforts betrayed by subterfuge and sabotage, and scores of his comrades massacred in the claiming of small gains, lost within days. Though he fought bravely alongside many soldiers of the Alliance his tour abroad was cut short soon after the fall of the Stormwind; he was sent back home alongside many of his peers already war-weary from their defeats in the southern realms of the Eastern Kingdoms; but there wasn't much celebration to be had at home either.

Ishra and his compatriots returned home to find another battlefield awaiting them, this time right upon the doorstep of Quel'thalas. While the rest of the Horde was beaten into submission Ishra spent the rest of the Second War in combat against the Amani and their allies in the burnt groves of Quel'thalas, and remained there afterwards as part of the defensive force. Having the war literally reach so close to his home had shaken much of the valor of battle out of him, and by this point his whole attention was towards the preservation of Quel'thalas and his home in Suncrown Village.

The time between the second and third war was one of recovery for Ishra. He spent much time back in his home alongside his family, at the time stationed as a guard there following the end of the orc's aggressions. He took up an interest in the developing Spellbreakers around this time, interested in finding something to preoccupy his thoughts away from those of the war. Though not overly inclined to magic he was able to master enough of it to better learn how to control it. Dealing with mostly domestic issues now he found this of particular use, and in his spare time took to the art of enchanting to better explore the ways of the arcane. It never quite took root with him, but nevertheless he found much of the skills he learned of fair value, particularly the ability to augment his armaments.

Peace didn't last in Eversong, of course. When murmers of the Scourge of Lordaeron began to reach the elven lands Ishra was not particularly one to take interest in any investigations. Their orders as part of the military were to remain uninvolved with the conflict to the south-- and he followed the mindset alongside his superiors that Silvermoon was better off in recovery than spending funds and throwing more lives away in a battle of the Alliance. The closer the undead crept towards Silvermoon's borders though, the more unsure of this he became. At last when they were upon the gateway into the blackened woods he took to arms alongside his people in an effort to defend the kingdom-- all for naught, as they shortly would see.

The ravages of the Scourge was a terrible sight. All around him death and suffering ran rampant; and the sight of his brothers and sisters of the Silvermoon military turned into wraiths and shambling monstrosities against their own people chilled him to the bone. Despite being a participant in the initial defensive of the realm he managed through the Scourge's onslaught intact, finding shelter with a small band of allies shortly after the call for retreat was given. Unable to regroup with the main contingent further down the black scar being dragged through their homeland the band made their way to the Quel'Lithien Lodge, just south of their position. Dodging through encampments of Scourge they made it upon the doorstep of the ranger's lodge, and thanks to the more concealed location were able to aid in the defensive there throughout the rest of the Scourge's campaign.

Life at the lodge was dismal. News came slowly to them, and when it did arrive it was always in the form of a haggard messenger, with no sense of good news in any part of his appearance. First the blackened woods fell, and were turned into the abomination which would later be known as The Ghostlands. One by one, news of fallen villages came; Windrunner, Tranquillien, Goldenmist, and finally Ishra's home of Suncrown itself. The Farstriders and the few assorted soldiers waited on baited breath for any news of victory or survival within the kingdom-- but for the longest time they were without reprieve.

News of Kael'thas's movement arose though, and for the first time since the Third War had reached their lands, there was hope. There was no care given as to where they were to march-- Dalaran was where their people were gathering, and so they flocked towards the prince's side with great fervor. Blindly seated in their hopes of restoration under the hand of the new Sun King, both Ishra and his allies followed Kael'thas's troops all the way to Outland. They were zealots-- the consumption of fel, the alliance of the Naga; nothing was too little to see the Sin'dorei's rise to the level that the Quel'dorei once knew in Silvermoon's great walls.

Of course, it all came with a price. The dark pacts that the Sun King made with his newfound allies were lost to Ishra and his fellow soldiers, but only to a point. Their return to the struggling reconstruction of Silvermoon was a sobering reminder of what was becoming of their people. Fel crystals and warlocks were abundant, foul creatures of the nether by their side as they walked the ruins of the city. Silvermoon was still in ruins, and their people were as well.

When news of Kael'thas's treachery reached Silvermoon, Ishra had become disillusioned already with the promises of their leader. He had since rejoined the guards, finding himself on patrol with less and less vigor each day. He had returned to the survivors of Silvermoon to find no news of his family; nothing of his childhood friends, only ashes and ruins to rebuild. Though he did rebuild the change which had been wrought upon his people weighed heavily upon him-- even more so as he had been once so zealous for the one who had led them to their current state.

His disenfranchisement with Silvermoon continued all throughout the resurgence of his people and their joining with the Horde. It seemed to him that each new action was another step further away from what his nation once was-- servants to fel, and now allies to the very race which set fire to their homes in the second war. Even when ambassadors arrived with well enough attention Ishra paid them little mind, just finishing his rounds of the city and then taking flight to a bar to drown his sorrows.

It wasn't until the time of the Shattered Sun Offensive and the retaking of the Sunwell that his faith returned to the Sin'dorei people. The re-dedication of the Blood Knights, the upheaval against the Sun King and his followers-- it all gave a sense of hope to the veteran, and saw him out onto the battlefield once again. Though he did not participate in the final strike within the Sunwell each battle fought on Quel'danas was one which returned some rays of what the Blood Elves once were. With the victory against the Burning Legion claimed Ishra returned home with a new sense of zeal, keen to immediately pledge his blade...

To his people. Though Lor'themar had brought great change to the Sin'dorei, Ishrathiel knew far too well at this point than to throw his allegiance fully behind a single man. His faith was with the elven people first, and their leader second; he did not continue his tour of service in the military again, but instead set himself amongst the ranks of the city guard, content to protect his homeland in their homeland than follow a leader's orders abroad. Though not adverse to travel he prefers to keep within Silvermoon's walls still-- adjusting to life alongside the Horde's people has not been without difficulty, but the Shattered Sun Offensive has given him a good start with relations to the other factions within the Horde. With time he may even be able to find himself at rest within Orgrimmar or the Undercity, but that remains to be seen.

Skills and Abilities

Ishrathiel has a firm grasp on martial combat. Besides that:

Ishra is capable of casting Feedback spells which afflict damage upon a caster, affecting their casting abilities temporarily. He is also able to purge minor magical effects from foes, such as magical shields and temporary enchantments.
Ishra's armor is enchanted and refined to mitigate magical damage-- though spells do harm him his gear is able to absorb a fair bit of the effects.
Shield Wall
Ishra's shield is almost as valuable a weapon as his blade. He commonly uses it to shield bash foes into submission, and prefers to do this in most cases in lieu of lethally wounding his targets.
Capable in the craft of enchanting and disenchanting objects with good skill.