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Inuleki has had a miserable life as of late. His cheek was left disfigured after a failed suicide attempt, leaving his mind frail and his personality altered.

Player: Jacula

Character Full Name: Inuleki Aran'jael

Character In-Game Name: Inuleki

Nickname(s): "Aran'jael", "The Rat".

Association(s): Silvermoon City

Race: Blood Elf

Class: Rogue

Age: 110 years old

Sex: Male

Hair: Long blackened hair. Often tangled and filthy, he tends to keep it tucked behind his ears.

Eyes: Big child-like eyes with a vague fel-green tint to them.

Weight: 150 lbs

Height: 6'1"

Other: Given his scrawny build and overall demeanor Inuleki is not an imposing person. The thought of physical confrontation scares him, and thus he is not much of a fighter. He rather relies on pistols or rifles which he considers the great equalizer if faced with someone bigger and stronger than himself. He has an almost child-like fascination of firearms and the mechanics that goes into them. However, the idea of injuring other people does not appeal to him. Thus he prefers to settle disputes verbally, or simply cower away.

Alignment: Neutral


Inuleki tends to wear common attires which are light and durable. He is inclined to dress himself in black and gray garments, not wanting to draw any unnecessary attention to himself. He has a poorly made tattoo of a web on his right hand as well as a small dagger on the side of his neck.


Inuleki's overall mannerism is a nervous one. He is extremely suspicious of other's intentions and is inclined to be frightened if approached. His nervous compulsion's causes a stutter in his speech if finding himself in a conversation with someone he does not trust, or know. He tends to handle most social interactions awkwardly, given his lack of experience from having grown up an outcast. He craves the acceptance of others, often resulting in him tending to their needs and wishes before his own. He has a very lively imagination, which leaves him to appear absentminded at times. However under his jittery and odd behavior, he simply wants to fit in. This usually leaves his attitude towards other races and factions a product of his peers perception, leaving him inclined to adapt to the opinions of others rather than create his own.


Like most Inuleki was born in Silvermoon. His mother was a commoner, where as his father was a devoted mage. His mother was warm and kind to him, whereas his father was harsh and uncompromising. As a child Inuleki was often lost in his own thoughts, preferring to keep to himself rather than socialize with other's his age. His anti-social tendencies and insecure demeanor often led to him being ridiculed and bullied. Unable to fit in to society and lacking purpose Inuleki was a burden to his parents. His mother chose to accept his odd behavior, referring to him as special. As well as a gentle soul. His however father didn't share his wife's notion of the boy, often abusing and humiliating him out of frustration.

As time passed his parents decided to have another child. In many ways Inuleki felt as if he was a disappointment, the shame and insecurity which slowly grew within him causing him to withdraw further from society. Under his mothers pregnancy he found himself disregarded by her, his only source of affection ignoring him. Leaving him at the mercy of his abusive father.

Regretfully his mother died in childbirth, as well as who could have been his brother or sister. His father was crushed by the tragic event's, and he unjustly blamed his son for the demise of his beloved wife. The coming years where cruel and torturous, beatings and insults grew to be a routine within the household and slowly but surely Inuleki retreated within himself to withstand the pain.

The boy had no understanding of war and the scourge which where soon to shatter the walls which held the the only world he knew within. He would spend days deep in thought, disregarding reality for his imagination since it would serve as a refuge where no one would hurt him. His illusion of the borders of the world came crashing down as Silvermoon was besieged by the scourge.

The streets ran red with blood that day, the morbid scene of fallen soldier's and commoner's alike left for all to see. His father where quick to leave Inuleki to his death as the walls began to crumble down, fleeing for his life without any remorse. Terrified of the fearsome event's Inuleki hid deep within the remains of the city, his survival an unlikely one as he blocked out the haunting screams of his kin. Retreating deep within himself to survive as he had done to endure the cruelty of his father.

After the destruction of the Sunwell those remaining within Silvermoon began to rebuild. Now an orphan Inuleki found himself without the means to survive on his own. During the long road to recovery others who had suffered the loss of their parent's at the hands of the scourge or fate itself roamed the ruins. Theft and robbery soon became a necessity for survival in the harsh environment they found themselves in. Gangs where formed and led by the strongest of It's members, elevating themselves above the other's through violence and intimidation. Inuleki was soon accepted into one of the minor gangs to strengthen their numbers. Being an outcast he found himself used and ridiculed by It's members, yet knowing that he wouldn't survive on his own he tended to their commands. And soon enough he began to crave their acceptance. Not wanting the name of his father to live on he chose to refer to himself as Inuleki Aran'jael, the latter meaning "City rat" in Thalassian. A rather insulting nick-name that his peers had given him as a form of ridicule.

As time passed most of the gangs merged, their numbers having decreased given starvation as well as poor leadership. Forgotten by society and not wanting to remain in the ruins given as most of Silvermoon had been rebuilt, Inuleki followed the others to old Augur row which grew to become their new home. Through theft and criminal feats they kept themselves alive. The row soon began to be referred to as "Murder row" given the shady individual's which inhabited it. Inuleki remained an outcast fighting for his peers acceptance. forced to a life of crime, fueled by the yearning to fit in.