Guild:The Lodestone Company

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Merchants that's dropped by the dwarven port of Menethil the last weeks has, as a part of the rumour-exchange when they visit Taverns in more homely lands, been spreading the word that a band of Adventurers, War-Veterans, hunters, warriors and other kinds of drifters has been coming together up at Khaz Modan for some time. There's a fair chance that this is just another one of the countless groups of Mercenaries that's been popping up like mushrooms since the Scourge hit Azeroth - After all, the Alliance Military is far too short on manpower to safekeep all of the Alliance alone nowadays!

There's undeniably something interesting about the name of this one though, The Lodestone Company, but Mercenaries always had a weakness for interesting names. Sometimes they turn out to be just the opposite. Anyhow. Rumour also has it that the band's been formed by the notorious Treasure-Hunter Hogral Coalbeard, a dwarf that's always spoken loudly of his own abilities, even outside of the Drinking Halls. Perhaps there's more than Mercenary work to this? There's just a few worn-out posters hanging outside the more popular bars and inns that does'nt really tell all too much, but most of the Merchants are surprisingly accurate when it comes to describing how to get into contact. Probhably bribed the whole lot, but then again, that seems to be the mainstay of the whole business in days such as these.


The Northrend Company without Northrend just won't be the same, so consider the Lodestone Company the same thing, just put into it's early beginnings.

Basically, this is a poor band of greasy mercenaries and adventurers, doing easy jobs for the Alliance Military in exchange for a modest payment, and filling in with searching for old tombs and ruins between the assignements.

The Company relies on a mix of crude strategies, and the pool of tricks and knowledge gained by the Company's members during their years of fighting, exploring, hunting, or similar.

The idea is that the Lodestone Company will, over time, evolve into a somewhat respected and wealthy company quite similar to the Northrend Company, and thus have a solid reason to expand their interests northwards when time comes. If not, they'll probhably go anyways just for the change of scenery and opportunities.

The Company is not bound to any location, atleast not yet, but will go to wherever opportunities present themselves. If this turns out well IC'ly, then a permanent office or storage will probhably be set up, although I leave this to the RP. The lucky members will also get an Insignia made out of Lodestone, and a full guide to all the wonderful things you can do with it when stuck in the wilds! Note that the Company is loyal to the Alliance, get's most of it's work from the alliance military, and is as such not open to Horde Characters.

Rank Structure:

Captain: While the rank-structure was never all that rigid, it's common knowledge that the Military Types find it difficult to deal with Civilian Types. For that reason, the Company's leader is adressed as Captain. The Captain's in charge of getting assignements, negotiating prices, and devising strategies to keep the mercenaries alive, and the gold flowing into the Guild's coffers.

Sergeant: The Sergeant(s) are experienced veterans, that know the in's and out's of the business. Not required to posess overflowing amounts of leadership-skills, the Sergeants have the experience to get the job done, and make sure that the rest does the same. They also have a hand in employing new members, as well as general day-to-day running.

Member: Ordinary sellswords and adventurers, these people are into the business for the gold, or a crude patriotism, but usually both. While not rank-and-file soldiers, they are expected to maintain a slight bit of discipline and creativity when the fighting starts.

Without more blabbering from my side, contact me ingame, and a Quick Talk will let you into all the fabulous chances for RP offered by the greasy adventurer-business!