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Player: teege

Character Full Name: Garothmuk Stormseer

Character In-Game Name: Garothmuk

Nickname(s): N/A

Association(s): Horde, Orgrimmar, Warsong

Race: Orc

Class: Shaman

Age: 59

Sex: Male

Hair: Gray

Eyes: Brown

Weight: 395lbs

Height: 6'5”


Usual Garments/Armor: Dislikes anything new or fancy and as such typically wears a worn out robe that he's owned forever. He still owns a worn leather set that he used in the past for battle, which he rarely does anymore due to his old age. In addition he usually wears a couple necklaces; some are beaded while others have teeth.

Other: Uses an old cedar walking stick to aid in moving around.


Garothmuk is what you might expect out of an old Orc; he's very keen on strength and honor, dislikes technology, blood elves and will not apologize for the past nor accept apologies from others. With his old age he often questions the methods and lifestyles of the younger individuals around him and often complains about them moving too quickly for him or not respecting their elders. Also he is very spiritual.


Garothmuk was born part of the Warsong Clan in Draenor during the times of the Civil War where he was trained into fighting, though at an early age he felt inside that the path of a warrior was not for him; something else out there was calling him. His father was a warrior who heavily participated in the bloodshed while his mother took the path of the fel magic. Figuring that was his path he got into lengthy discussions with his mother, hearing stories and even attempting to learn a few things on his own.

During the first war all kind of violence and rumors broke out, Garothmuk tried hard not to think about everything going on around him and as many did, Garothmuk entered the Dark Portal leading to Azeroth as things got worse. The new world was strange to him and it'd take him a while to get used to it however that would not deter him from continuing to seek out the ways of Shamanism and attempt to become close to the spirits that we undoubtedly around him.

After a period of somewhat peacefulness word once again spread and rumors became true as a Second War broke out. The Orcs suffered much loss and many, including Garothmuk, were imprisoned in internment camps by the pink skins where he was often beaten, yet he held onto hope and continued to secretly practice the ways of Shamanism he was taught along his journeys. Things would take a turn for the better as an Orc by the name of Thrall freed the Orcs in his camp and led them away to recover, eventually landing on Kalimdor.

When the third war hit Garothmuk was not nearly as active however he did find himself at Mount Hyjal with others, communicating with the spirits and scouting a little. Currently the old Shaman finds himself wandering around Orgrimmar but more recently has made his way to Shattrath, where he hopes to visit areas of the past, where can find out more about his ancestors and the spirits around him.