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Player: timmyd123

Character Full Name: Garokk Stormbreaker

Character In-Game Name: Garokk

Nickname(s): Stormbreaker

Association(s): Orgrimmar, Frostwolf Clan

Race: Orc

Class: Shaman

Age: 54

Sex: Male

Hair: Garokk has fairly long hair for an orc. Being quite well aged, his hair has lost its natural dark colour and has become grey. He wears it twisted into several long braids which are bound by string at each of their tips.

Eyes: Hazel brown eyes.

Weight: 330 pounds.

Height: 7 feet tall.

Alignment: Neutral good


Garokk is keen to show his shamanistic roots in what he wears, and as such he decorates himself with garments and relics that make it clear he is a shaman from first glance. He can often be seen wearing simple leather shamanistic kilts and mantles while in Orgrimmar or other Horde friendly areas, however if he is to meet battle then he will don his highly decorated mail armour that is once again adorned with totems and relics that show he is a keen shaman.

Garokk will often be seen walking with a stave which he uses as a walking aid, though oddly enough it is not needed, he seems to use it because he believes it makes a visual point of his age and feels it makes him look wise. He thinks highly of his wisdom and wants other people to do the same.


Garokk is old and wise and has many years under his belt as a shaman. Because Garokk was born into the Frostwolf Clan shortly before they were exiled at the early stages of the first war, he has spent a lot of his life with the corruption of fel behind him and surrounded by shamanistic teachings (After Drek'Thar renounced his warlock ways and re-discovered shamanism sometime during the exile of the Frostwolf Clan). He is heavily devoted to his deep routed shamanistic beliefs and ancestral heritage and as such he takes great offence when such teachings are ridiculed, frowned upon or sneered at.

He is proud of his people. Proud that they had it in them to shake off the burning legions corruption where he had originally believed all hope was lost for them. If someone speaks ill of his people or their now shamanistic culture he will be quick to respond though otherwise he is a patient and personable character that feels it is his duty and calling to help his Horde brethren re-connect with the teachings they had lost many years ago.

Garokk despises warlocks and the practice of fel magic and as such he finds it very hard to consider the Blood Elves his allies and it will take a lot to get a Blood Elf to be on good terms with him, though it is not impossible. Strangely, contrary to this, Garokk can be a fairly open minded individual that has been inspired by Thrall and his views on the other races making Garokk less quick to act and jump into needless battles in many ways; however he will fight for the honour of his people when push comes to shove. In extension to this, like many Orcs, Garokk has a deep routed respect for the humans and how they met battle with strength.

Garokk believes in his heart of hearts that it is his purpose to teach others, and help the Horde re-establish itself with the old ways and as such he will offer what teachings and council he can to others, often whether they ask for it or not. When he has a strong opinion or belief he will try to instil that same belief into others and he will be quick to speak his views on any situation.

Garokk's age is beginning to ware upon him and he doesn't have the youthful energy that he once did, however it is not so hard on him that he is without use. Garokk, despite aging, will fight should need be. He thinks of himself as wise and see's that as his most important feature and he wants other people to respect and see him in that same way. He is a proud Orc.


Garokk was born on Draenor into the frostwolf clan a few short years before the dark portal opened and the clan was exiled at the order of Gul'dan for (despite being fel corrupt) refusing to partake of the blood of Mannoroth. His few childhood years on Draenor were spent in comfort on the plains of Nagrand, nearby to the mountain of spirits or what is more commonly known as Oshu'gun. After the dark portal had opened at the start of the first war, and the Frostwolf Clan was exiled, they took to hiding in the Alterac Mountains and it was here that Garokk began to learn how to fight, however the path of the warrior was not an easy fit for Garokk, especially given how wise he was. Had the elements never abandoned the Orcs, it was clear to those above him he would have made a fine shaman.

Sometime during the Frostwolf Clan's exile, shortly before Durotan and Draka were killed, Drek'thar turned his back on the warlock ways and re-discovered shamanism. This surprising feat triggered something within Garokk and he quickly became aware that he too wanted to become a shaman, much like his Orcish ancestors had been before the spirits left them.

In the years that followed, Garokk began training and had begun to make what would become strong connections with the spirits and the elements. He would commune with them and engage in vision quests often. The spirits would occasionally reveal things to him through these vision quests, such as how the fel corrupted Horde had invaded Azeroth and how they had lay waste to human settlements, villages and ultimately Stormwind itself. It was through these visions that Garokk came to truly hate the fel and what it had done to his former brethren. He believed there was little chance of the Orcs redeeming themselves and shaking off their legion granted bloodlust even though more surprising things had happened, such as the elements returning their guidance and support to those of the Frostwolf Clan.

Little changed for the Frostwolf Clan with the close of the first and second wars. They remained in hiding much as they had always done in their time on Azeroth. It was the events which followed the wars which would shape the future for the Frostwolf Clan and Garokk in particular. Some years after the Horde was defeated and rounded up into internment camps, the Frostwolf Clan was approached by Thrall, Orgrim Doomhammer, Grom Hellscream and the rest of the warsong clan under him. They had broken free from their captors and swore to re-unite the Horde under a new banner, one without corruption.

Thrall too, had began down the path of the shaman under Drek'Thar himself and this gave Garokk and many others of the Frostwolf Clan hope for the future of the new Horde that they were founding.

It was a calling that Garokk felt was his to answer. Many dreams and vision quests had lead Garokk to believe that it was his calling to follow the Warsong Clan and its new leaders and act as a teacher to those who would seek to re-connect with the old ways that were lost to them so long ago. The Frostwolf Clan honoured that Garokk believed the spirits had mapped out his destiny upon distant shores and they allowed him to leave their clan behind on good terms.

Garokk left Alterac with the forces of the Warsong Clan and its new leaders, though he never truly joined them as a member of their clan. He walked with them as an ally walks with an ally but never truly took on the Warsong Banner. This was out of loyalty to the Frostwolf Clan. Garokk was not ready to shake off their banner so completely just yet.

Garokk spent his time with the warsong teaching the old ways to any who would seek guidance and council from him and doing battle with the Human internment camps to free his brethren. Shortly after Doomhammer's fall at the final internment camp that is now known as Hammerfall, the new Horde set out for Kalimdor to escape the wrath of unforgiving humans.

Upon reaching Kalimdor, Garokk's part in events changed little. He continued to offer his teaching to those that showed promise and he did battle with new enemies and new threats. With the battle of Mount Hyjal closed and the founding of Durotar well underway, Garokk realised that his ties to the Frostwolf Clan were now broken and that he had a new way of life and a new purpose in a Horde that he could be proud of. While the Frostwolf Clan will forever hold a special place in Garokk's heart, he had finally found what he believed to be his purpose and destiny. Now, Garokk continues to teach and guide those who wish to learn the old ways and stands ready to defend his new home at whatever cost.