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Player: ForsakenSoul

Character Full Name: Flan Gebur

Character In-game Name: Flan

Nickname(s): Lead

Association(s): Bronzebeard Clan, Kingdom of Khaz'Modan, The Grand Alliance, Alliance Volunteer Army

Race: Dwarf

Class: Warrior

Age: 140

Sex: Male

Hair: White

Eyes: Blue

Weight: 85 kg

Height: 1,5 m


A set of leather armor, similar to one of a mountaineer or a rifleman, or his ceremonial “Grand Marshal” outfit.


Alignment: Chaotic Good

Flan's a stern and a determined person, who ain't afraid to confront his problems directly, and is a risk taker. He harnesses a lot of distrust for Horde races after facing most of them in war, but values fellow Alliance races a lot, especially Humans and Gnomes. He easily gets into a fight, where his reckless behavior usually gets him in trouble.


Flan was born 106 years before the first war, in a small village in Loch Modan to a family of merchants. As hew grew he was slowly gaining interest in joining the army and serving his race and nation. Not interested in his family business, he spent his time learning to fight around the village. Upon reaching the required age, he convinced his parents to spend their life savings for his education, and thus he joined the military academy as an aspiring rifleman. After only a few months, he got into a fight with other students, in which he seriously hurt his class mate, and he was expelled from the military school.

He returned to his village, and not having the fund to rejoin the academy, he started working in his father's store. After a year he left the village again, being unhappy with such a way of life. He wandered into the world, looking for adventure. His somewhat moderate fighting skill got him into a mercenary gang, which was doing various jobs around Khaz'Modan. At the age of thirty, the gang was assaulted by a group of bandits who destroyed most the gang, leaving only but a few survivors including Flan who fled from the attack.

After spending last of his earnings, he returned home looking for job and shelter, only to find out that his parents died and his brother inherited the house. He refused to take Flan back, and so Flan was left homeless. He started traveling around Khaz'modan again, looking for work until he joined a band of bandits and started raiding on trade caravans across the Kingdom. He spent most of his life fighting for various mercenary, bandit and pirate organizations, earning a lot of fortune, but not much pleased with his life. He wanted greatness, and this was not it. As he was reaching his nineties, he fully stopped working for bandits and pirates, and has worked only for mercenaries and bounty hunters.

In his late nineties, he joined a local militia in a small town in Lordaeron, where he made much less for living, but was happy with cause he fought for. The second war did not reach his town which was too far into the north. After the war he got relocated to a bigger town. It was there that the invasion of the scourge found him. His town was lucky enough to be alerted about the plagued grain, and the package from Andorhal was destroyed, but the neighboring town was not so lucky. In a matter of few dies, the population of that town joined Nerzul's ranks, and started attacking Flan's town. They held their defenses for a fortnight, before the town started getting overrun and they retreated. The region seemed lost, but they soon got joined by a Lordaeron army battalion which united the pockets of resistance and liberated most of the area from the undead.

Their success was soon hindered by the betrayer's return, as fallen prince Arthas reunited the cult of the damned and started devastating the Kingdom of Lordaeron rapidly. As the scourge was consuming everything, Flan was forced to join a group of survivors who were fleeing to the south. They managed to reach Southshore, where he grabbed a boat which ensured him a safe retreat to Khaz'Modan.

In years following the war, he joined a group of bounty hunters again, and they got an assignment to track down and destroy a group of pirates, which they did. He got a large reward from the mission, and decided to settle down in Dun'Morogh. He bought a few properties in the mountains, and settled down in Ironforge.

In summer of year 34 since the Orcish invasion, he joined the Alliance Volunteer Army. After the old leader left, Flan decided to take up the leadership of the organization, and after rallying old members by his side, he proceeded with reorganizing the guild. He now refers to himself as “Grand Marshal Flan Gebur, Supreme Commander of the Alliance Volunteer Army.”