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Player: Velasco

haracter Full Name: Erodora Ebondawn

Character In-Game Name: Erodora

Nickname(s): N/A

Association(s): The Dawn of Nova

Race: Blood Elf

Class: Death Knight

Age: 212

Sex: Female

Hair: Blue grey

Eyes: Blue glowing, death knight style, not high elf style.

Weight: 56kg.

Height: 5'11"

Alignment: Neutral Evil


Erodora's plate armor remains in her possession, wrapped and preserved away from the elements. She often wears a black and teal dress, woven of saronite thread.

Other: Erodora's Runeblade is special for her, its blade looks like Damascus steel, because when the Scourge corpse wagon came around, it plucked Erodora's body up, and even in her death, she still clutched her spellbreaker's shield. Forged into her Runeblade is the remnant of her shield.

Also special note should be made of the massive head wound she has, which is constantly weeping pus, and blackened blood. The reason will be found under her history.


rodora has changed in death from a kind, caring spellbreaker, to a cold, calculating, mistrusting grouch. She is prone to becoming angry at the drop of a hat, and can be quite tempermental. She doesn't easily come to trust anyone, she dislikes humans, and most anyone who is not Sin'dorei, though she tolerates Horde races. The exception being fellow Deathknights, who she shares a common bond with. The rest of the time, Erodora is pretty level headed, but constantly tormented by her fractured memories, and can't live down her physical afflictions either. Her devotion to the blood path of deathknighthood, has led her to have a strong affinity to blood, and can become entranced by it. All said, Erodora is best left alone, for she is an unpleasant character...


Erodora's life, as a living Sin'dorei is mostly a hazy mist of random faces, or thoughts, with no names for faces, or names with no memory of their faces. With exception of one thing, her final moments alive. She had shown herself to be a promising up and coming Spellbreaker. When the Scourge showed up at Silvermoon, she was given command of 30 of her fellow recruits, and placed in a reasonably defensible position. However, when the walls of Silvermoon fell, her unit found itself on the frontlines suddenly. Scores of Scourge swarmed around the unit, and a great many of her brothers and sisters fell around her. After two hours of holding their ground, and countless Scourge slain, she was left standing with only 5 of her fellow recruits. Of these 5, only two would survive. Erodora was not to be one of them. A massive abomination trundled up to where they were holding, and began its relentless assault, its unholy massive arms swinging down their oversized hooks and cleavers at the elves. Their resistance was decent, but absolutely undermanned for the task. The two elves to the left of Erodora suddenly disappeared in a red spray, split in two by a massive hook, and by the time Erodora looked up a massive cleaver was dropping straight down upon her. She raised her shield in defiance, but it was no match for the sheer power of the massive brute. As she stood there, the shield began to split down, under the force of the blow, until the cleaver tore through her helmet and into her upturned head, the last sight she saw was the dirty, bloodstained axe as it chopped through her. The survivor to her right explained that the abomination was puzzled at her fierce resistance and wrenched the blade free eventually, Erodora wasn't totally chopped in half because even in death, she never let her guard down.

Some unknown time later, Erodora woke up, looking into the eyes of her 'saviour'. The one she would only ever refer to as 'Him'. He had resurrected her, and brought her back as the deathknight she is now. He enjoyed toying with her, running his fingers through her gray matter in her head, implanting ideas into her mind, until she broke. Then, he patched her skull back together, and most of her scalp, leaving a massive infected scar, clear down to the bone along her face. It trails from just above her forehead, down the left side of her nose through her nostril, both her lips, and chin, skipping her neck and stopping as a deep scar on her chest. Leaving it there as a reminder, He also infused a dark magic to cause it to weep and fester, dripping dark fluids, whenever she would stray from her training or show signs of anything but stone cold killing.

Erodora was there the day they were sent in like lambs to the slaughter, to Light's Hope. She hesitated a moment, not wishing to disappoint Him, and be subject to more tortures. However when he was repelled, she made up her mind, and left the ranks of the Scourge with all the others of her new family - the Ebon Blade.

After her reinitiation to the Horde, and her shameful walk through Orgrimmar, she returned to her own lands, and met with a fellow Sin'dorei who was the captain of her own company, and she briefly sailed with her, acting as bodyguard. However things became ugly for her, and she departed her employer's service in the Outlands, only to meet another Sin'dorei, and a fellow Deathknight, he had an air of charisma about him, and she rapidly formed a bond of trust with him, and soon he had her take a small contingent of deathknights, and some hunters, to Northrend to make way for a larger detachment of this small army. Much to her dismay, the army never arrived, and her unit was once more slowly eaten away by the forces of the Scourge. Disheartened, with no orders, and no sense of direction, she took the remaining survivors and left the base camp they had established and headed back to warmer climates to discover what had happened to her newfound leader...