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Player: Tyr

Character Full Name: Erminas Arnason

Character In-Game Name: Erminas

Nickname(s): N/A

Association(s): The Holy Light, the Alliance

Race: Human

Class: Paladin

Age: 34

Sex: Male

Hair: Black

Eyes: Light blue

Weight: 92 kg

Height: 1,89 m


Erminas Arnason isn't much different that any other man. His middle-aged body, though still muscular and relatively well-trimmed, shows marks of age that are evident to a man of around his age. A few wrinkles here and there: some more pronounced than others.

His long black hair and his nicely-kept beard suit him well, most would say. Usually with a warm smile upon his face, the man himself radiates friendliness, yet also respect as he walks around in his armor, with weapon and shield.


Compassion and wisdom shine through the entirety of Erminas' personality as he speaks, as he acts and by the way he stands. Atleast, that would be what those who know him would say. In any case, Erminas is always friendly to the people he meets, regardless of his mood at the given time.

Erminas supports the Alliance, but more so he supports belief. Belief in a higher power, belief in the Holy Light, and belief in that people can change the world to a better place. However, more often than not, he has an extremely hard time believing the latter, as the world sorrows only grow.

He hasn't had much contact with Horde races, and as such he hasn't personally made up his mind about them yet. He would most likely be on his guard when facing an individual of the opposing faction, but would not be the first to make the aggressive move. In fact, he has heard rumors of some enlightened individuals of the Horde that believe in and wield the Light, which is something he values high. However, he does have a particular fear of Orcs, ranging back to his unfortunate childhood where he and other survivors of the sacking were fleeing from them.


Erminas was just a young boy when Stormwind fell to the ravaging Orcish Horde. Being picked up by people fleeing the land to survive, he managed to evade one of the most devastating attacks against Stormwind yet.

Having lived a safe life in Stormwind before, Erminas was lost as to what to do, and what to think. He had been ripped from everything he took for granted--home, parents, friends, and more. Now he was living in a tent, amongst strangers he didn't know, boys of his age he hadn't yet spoken to, and in a place he had never been.

Months and years later, Erminas was beginning to grasp more of who he was, what had happened, and where he had been all this time. He was aware of the fact that his former home, which he now had a hard time remembering, was Stormwind, and that it had been sacked by green monsters known as Orcs. He was also aware of that he had no family, and was now living in Lordaeron with another family, as a servant--a role he had no trouble accepting, seeing as he didn't know how to be anything else.

Erminas would serve as an unpaid servant to the rich family for years, until one day, when Erminas was a teenager, a man came and spoke to him, and the family. He spoke of the Light, the truth that it represented, and the purpose it could give--if you would just dedicate to learning about it and using it to do good. After several more meetings, the head of the family and the man of the church had come to an agreement: Erminas would be taken in to be trained as a warrior of the light. Since the family's financial status at that time had been falling, and was continuing to do so, they were more than willing to make the deal. One less mouth to feed meant more money over for everything else, after all.

Years went by, and Erminas would develop into a fine, intelligent young man with a heart of gold and a constant will to improve and learn more about the world and the Light. After being taught most that there was to be taught, Erminas would soon leave Lordaeron and travel back to the new Stormwind, where he would settle down and get work at the cathedral. Living a rather poor life overall, Erminas felt blessed to be a man of the Light, and being able to breathe the same air as he did when he was a boy. Some of that unsettledness that revolved around the subject of his childhood disappeared, contributing to Erminas' personality as an optimistic man.

Nowadays, Erminas still lives in Stormwind. Having learned some of the art of being a blacksmith, his income is now more steady than it used to be. His financial state, while not even near excellent, is decent enough, and does provide him a few extra coins on the side to do whatever he pleases with. Now that age is creeping up on him, he has begun branching out from the safety of Elwynn, visiting new places and enjoying the local terrain and environment of every place he's at. You'll never know where to find him when he does--once he disappears from Stormwind, he will be gone until he returns!