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Player: Thar

Character Full Name: Eogden Stormshot

Character In-Game Name: Eogden

Nickname(s): Eog

Association(s): Everyone that requires his Engineering skills.

Race: Dwarf

Class: Marksmanship Hunter

Age: 95

Sex: Male

Hair: Eogden has a light-brown hair color with a few black streaks. Eogden does not care as much for his hair as he cares about his beard. His beard is always well-groomed and crowned with precious bands. His moustache is tied into a two ropes and adorned by one exquisitely carved titanium band on each side. His main beard wears a big silver band at the end of it.

Eyes: Gray.

Weight: 201 lbs.

Height: 4'11

Alignment: Neutral


Eogden has a standard suit for most of occasions, it consists of some finely crafted leather overall pants and a simple white shirt underneath the overalls. This suit also contains a pair of cloth shoes and a set of his most prized socks. He can usually be seen wears a pair of goggles. Another one of his outfits is what he calls his "Fishin'" outfit, although he rarely does any fishing in it he finds it the perfect suit to just get dirty. Eogden has two pairs of goggles: One, his pilot goggles which he uses when he pilots a zeppelin, two, a craftsman's monocle which he uses when he is working on an Engineering device, for it has the power to zoom on small details.


Eogden is a very quiet guy, he is usually seen in some tavern, sipping a mug of ale and reading a book. His practice of Engineering has taught him much patience. Thanks to all the patience acquired over the years, it now takes him a lot to offend him. But when he is greatly offended he goes into a blind fury.


Eogden was born at the Dwarven town of Thelsamar to a family belonging to the Bronzebeard clan. He was never really involved in any wars and lived a very quiet and hum-drum life. When he reached the age of 23 he got a job at his local tavern, it was there he first encountered Engineering. One time a traveling Gnome stopped by the tavern. The Gnome ordered a drink and once Eogden had brought the Gnome his ale Eogden was fascinated by the whirring little gizmo the Gnome has placed next to himself. The Gnome had stayed in the tavern for many hours and asked to stay after closing time to work on his schematics. Eogden could not contain himself anymore and his curiosity had overtaken him, he asked the Gnome about the gadget and the Gnome was kind enough to explain to him the basics of Engineering. From there after much practice in the confines of his own home Eogden had reached the age of 35. Eogden left the little town of Thelsamar to move to Ironforge.

Once in Ironforge. He made a really good friend that served as a Rifleman in the army. His friend asked him to try shooting a gun, hesitantly, Eogden took the rifle and fired out a steady shot at the target dummy, Eogden enjoyed the activity and developed quite a skill for it, he spent every spare second of his life practicing his skills with the gun.

He got a job at the local gunsmith, and he had an idea to use his Engineering skills to better the guns sold at the store. Eogden now 55, had developed his natural affinity for Engineering and and made marvelous weapons for the Dwarves of Ironforge, he was able to afford a big house and expensive things. He left the gunsmith and became a private Engineer, forsaking his skills with the guns. Eogden had reached the age of 75 and accumulated a lot of wealth over the years, Eogden has felt that he was rich and practiced what he loved with great ease, because of this he had alot of free time on his hands. Eogden took up his old rifle and begun training his forgotten skill. His skill had quickly gone back to him and has grown more powerful then before.

Eogden knew that the confines of Ironforge would not help him develop his Engineering and gun skills. Eogden had left Ironforge with only his gun and a pouch of gold coins, Eogden had planned to see every corner of the world. He firstly had planned to visit the jungles of Stranglethorn to practice his gun skill on the local wildlife, it is there that Eogden had begun to love the sheer pleasure of bloodsport. He enjoyed slaying wild animals. He spent numerous months in the jungles hunting the wildlife. After finding the town of Booty Bay during one of his hunting trips he was shocked to see all the races combined into one pot. He knew this was opportunity to share his skills with the world. Now he travels around Booty Bay and Ratchet sharing his skills with the travelers.

Having a hard time finding anyone to buy his gadgets, Eogden has recently applied to a Goblin traveling agency for a job as a zeppelin pilot, he loved this job and dreams one day buying the zeppelin and travel the world by himself.