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Character name? Samantha Landon 'Endling'


Describe her posture. Does she carry herself well? Is she crooked? Endling carries herself as well as she can manage. She attempts a proper posture, but when tired slumps against whatever is supporting her at the time.

Is she in good shape or out of condition? Is she muscularly weak or strong? Very frail. She cannot walk a mild distance without becoming tired, though this does not stop her from continuing on. Muscularly she is weak as well, and at most can drag a person if required.

How is her health? Any illnesses or conditions? Any physical disabilities? Being an undead she has little trouble in way of sickness, but her casting of holy magic has greatly affected her body. Her hands are almost always seared from previous castings, wrapped in bandages.

Is she physically active or sedentary? A fast or slow mover? More sedentary than anything, as she prefers to simply keep company while seated than while attempting to walk. She tends to move slow.

Is she clumsy? Awkward? Graceful? Endling is only graceful until it comes to casting magic. After that she becomes ragged, and struggles to move much without simply stumbling around.

Is she physically tense or relaxed, nervous, controlled? She is quite nervous of almost everything around her. The only time she comes near relaxed is near friends.


What are their favorite articles of clothing? A black and purple dress.

Are their clothes new or old? Homemade, hand-me-downs, expensive? They were obviously once very nice; Expensive, though the years have given them a dusty look. Most of them have mends where she has been injured on the arms.

Do her clothes fit well? They have obviously fit better, but for the most part they still fit the figure.

Is she comfortable in what she wears or does she “fight” his clothes? Comfortable.

Does he have to dress a certain way because of his job or position? If so, do his usual clothes fit his real, basic character? No. The look is more of a clinging to the vanity that she still has.


Does she speak in a high or low-pitched voice? When might she be higher than usual? When lower? Usually in the upper range. Fear can make it go higher, or possibly excitement.

Is she a loud or soft-talker? Very soft. It is hard to hear her in a crowd.

Is there a wide range in the voice in pitch, volume, and/or quality, or is the voice pretty consistent and even? The range is somewhat wide, with her choir training. Her volume tends to be low. She tends to have pauses in her speech, usually reconsidering each word carefully.

Is there an accent? Anything unusual in pronunciation, emphasis, phrasing? She has a hint of an accent towards Lordaeron nobility [British].

Is the speech clear or muddy? Does he mumble, is he distinct? Usually clear. She mumbles if she is unnerved about a subject.


Does she think quickly? Slowly? Is she quick-witted? Dull? Endling usually thinks over all of her words and decisions. When pressed to help another though she becomes a bit quicker, if more indiscriminant; if a battle becomes hectic she begins to just heal regardless of injury.

Is the character impulsive or deliberate in reaching conclusions? Is he logical, rational, or emotional? Deliberate, logical and rational only when a situation is calm, usually in a social setting. When pressed she becomes much more instinctive.

Emotions and Personality

Is she an extrovert, an introvert? Very much an introvert. Prefers few close friends.

Does she like people? She enjoys the company of others, but does not actively seek it.

Does she have many friends? Any close friends? Few. The friends she has she somewhat clings to, these mostly being the Dawnsends.

Is she hot-blooded or cool-headed? Cool-headed. Everything should come to a peaceful solution if possible.

Does he have a narrow or wide range of emotions? Do they show? Endling, despite being undead, has a rather wide range. She has trouble communicating them all, and in some cases simply does not want to.

Would you say she is basically sensitive or callused? Sensitive. She is easily hurt, whether it shows or not.

Is she suspicious, cautious, trusting, or naïve about new people or situations? Endling is trusting, bordering on the naive. She believes there is good in everyone, but she is not always so foolish to just believe everything she is told.

In a danger or emergency situation, would she go to it or run away from it? Get to it. If people are in need of aid, she will help them.

Is the character basically nervous or calm? Usually very nervous.

Is she a practical joker? What is her opinion on tricks or jokes played on other people? Not at all. She tends to look down at humor at the expense of another.

Under what conditions could she be harmful or cruel to another person? The only possibility would be her healing another undead.

Is she a loving person? Is she full of love and giving or rather bound and tight in this area? Endling can be very affectionate. She gives what she can, but there is little beyond her healing.

Is she capable of relating to others in a loving way? Is she capable of relating to one person in a romantic way? Yes. Endling is a bit idealist; She doesn't expect to find love, but somewhat holds out for the off chance. Wishful thinking.

Wealth, Power, and Influence

Does this person have much money? Does it provide position or respect from others? Very little money. What money she has, she usually gives away.

Is she generous or selfish with her money and possessions? Nope. She gives when she is asked.

Does the character rate high on the pecking order with her household? Town? Area? Nation? World? Endling has no authority on anyone.

Can she command others to do his bidding, by word or manipulation? Not at all.

To whom is she subservient? Is this submission willing or unavoidable? Endling bows to the will of almost anyone, so long as she can believe their purpose is for good.


What does this character do when he is bored? Read her prayer book and poetry book. They are short, so she has read them many times.

What does she do when he's excited or nervous? She usually tends to feel over her right palm. There is a symbol of the church of the holy light burned into it.

What things does he really like to do? Heal, and comfort others.

What things does he really hate to do? Participate in battle. She does not like to see suffering, even if it is an enemy.

What are her leisure activities? Pastimes? Recreations? Reading, walking. She talks when she can. She once enjoyed singing, but does little of it by now.

Does she play games? What kind? None.

Does she like to eat or drink? How important to her are food and drink? Cannot do either.

Favorite Things

Colors? Purple.

Food? None. Used to enjoy soups.

Drinks? None. Used to enjoy grapes.

Smells? Flowers!

Time of day? Sunrise and sunset. She is usually awake to watch them.

Season of year? Spring, for the flourish of life.

Books? Prayer books, and poetry.

Places to visit? Endling enjoys visiting the churches in Lordaeron. She usually cleans them some, and prays there.

Metals: gold, iron, copper, pewter, etc? Silver.

Building materials: stone, wood, clay, tile, etc? Stone.

Fabrics: silk, wool, linen, etc? Silk; she remembers the feel, and enjoyed it.

Pieces of furniture? Chairs. Endling gets quite tired!

Animals? Endling likes mice.

Miscellaneous? Enjoys choir singing.


What things frighten her? Endling fears visible damage, since it can never fully heal. She also fears anything which could cause danger to others.

Is she motivated by fear? Endling can become very motivated by fear, yes. She becomes very hectic, trying her best to give aid wherever she can, regardless of her own damage.

To what extent is she motivated: never, occasionally, usually, constantly? Constantly. She aids people whenever she can manage, as a sort of repentance for her mindless state under the scourge.

What would this character think were the three most terrible things that could happen to her? -To be unable to give aid to another. -To harm another. -To lose the light.

What would she think were the three most wonderful things that could happen to her? -To return to life. (Impossible) -To find love. (Improbable) -To exist without fatigue. (Unlikely)