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Player: Vrahn

Character Full Name: Eldren Kaster

Character In-Game Name: Eldren

Nickname(s): None

Association(s): The Alliance

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Race: Human

Class: Warrior

Age: 32

Sex: Male

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Green

Weight: 156 lbs.

Height: 5'11


Eldren is typically seen in clothing that makes him come off as an evil sort of man, clothed in black leather adorned with small bones and other trinkets, perhaps good luck charms and wards to get rid of undead and evil spirits. He carries with him a quiver and black wood bow, along with a well crafted sword.


Eldren is a nice guy, though he does tend to lean towards a bit darker, grittier humor from his time spent in Darkshire. He tends to come and go as he pleases, without any real commitment to anyone, though he comes when a friend is in need, he is a bit of a survivalist in nature, good at living in the wilderness.


Eldren was born in Duskwood before it became what it now is. He lived a fairly normal life until the time of the corruption, he started to grow bitter and worried as the skies darkened until eventually there was the night when the four Black Riders came to the town of Raven Hill and utterly destroyed it. Upon hearing that news he grew worried that Darkshire would be next, and so he left his home, much to his shame, taking all his belongings to Stormwind and catching a boat to Theramore Isle where he stayed for a time, however he had a hard time coming to terms with his feelings of abandoning his homeland and it drove him to leave his new home yet again, heading out into the wilderness.

In the Marshes he managed to survive on his own for a while, hunting, hiding, killing, until he finally came upon a lone tavern in a small village near the Barrens, a town known as Shady Rest. There he stayed a while as well, helping defend the land with a small garrison of private mercenaries. However it wasn't long until the tavern had been burned to the ground and so he simply moved on once again, heading down through the Thousand Needles and across the woods of Feralas where he continued to hunt, live, and sleep on his own, seeing many great sights until finally the barren land of Desolace became open to him, there he stayed for a few years, settling in with the human and elven settlement to the north and aiding where he could.

Finally, restless once again he set out to the north, through the Stonetalon Mountains and across the Barrens, becoming a wanderer in Kalimdor, usually aiding the Alliance he met along the way, and killing the Horde whenever they crossed his path. Only recently has he considered returning to Stormwind, still burdened by the shame of abandoning his home so many years ago.