Dwarf Timeline

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  • 260 years ago

War of the Three Hammers - The Dark Iron clan, Wildhammer clan, and Bronzebeard clan go to war with each other after High King Anvilmar's death for control of Ironforge. This war raged on for years before ending with the Bronzebeard clan as victors. The Bronzebeards and Wildhammers soon afterwards band together to fight off the Dark Iron forces. As an end result of the war, Grim Batol is left uninhabitable. The Wildhammer Dwarves later build Aerie Peak in the Hinterlands.

  • 24 years ago

Second War - The Orcs begin to attempt to take over Khaz Modan, the Dwarven lands, and the Dwarves join with the Humans in an attempt to stop this menace from completely destroying everything in their wake.

  • 10 years ago

Third War - The Alliance completely lose Lordaeron to the Scourge and the Orcs escape to Kalimdor. The Alliance gains the Night Elves as allies and fights to protect the World Tree from the Burning Legion's attack upon it.