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Player: Holycowman

Character Full Name: Drekgar

Character In-Game Name: Drekgar Axebite

Nickname(s): None

Association(s): The New Horde, Orgrimmar.

Race: Orc

Class: Warrior

Age: 28

Sex: Male

Hair: Long black hair, with a short unkept beard.

Eyes: Brown

Weight: 300

Height: 6' 8"

Skills and Abilities: Standard warrior.

Appearance: Almost always seen in heavy plate, with an Orgrimmar tabard. He is also almost never seen without his two axes. Generally, Drekgar wears a wolfs head as a cap.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral.

Personality: Drekgar is an honorable orc, holding glory and character highly. When in battle, he often loses himself to bloodlust, forgetting who are his friends and who are his enemies. In opposition to that, out of battle he is gentle and accepting, believing that every race has the potential for honor. History

Drekgar was born a year after the orcs entered Azeroth through the dark portal. His mother, Grishna, died birthing him, leaving his father Grikar to raise him alone. The Old Horde was imprisoned five years after he was born, leaving Drekgar to be raised in the Internment Camps. Grikar was one of the few orcs who hadn't been broken by the orc's enslavement, and he taught Drekgar about the orcs before the camps, filling the young boy's head with stories and legends. His father also trained Drekgar when he could, teaching his son the basics. When Drekgar was 17 years of age, he heard rumors of an orc named Thrall who was apparently freeing the imprisoned orcs. When Thrall and his forces came to Drekgar's camp, he was ready. It was during his escape from this camp that he gained his first kill, snapping an archer's neck to stop the soldier from shooting his father. However, his father would die as the orcs stormed Durnholde Keep, pushing Drekgar out of a claymores path.

Drekgar became devoured by an all consuming hatred for the Human race. He set out for Kalimdor with Thrall and his forces, sailing on captured Human ships. He stayed with the bulk of Thralls forces, seeing the Trolls and Tauren and eventually hearing of the death of Grom Hellscream. During this period, Drekgar trained with the fighter's of the Horde, learning quickly. His aptitude with the axes was especially noticeable, and Drekgar enjoyed training and living with his fellow Orcs. Then Thrall allied with Jaina Proudmoore at the behest of the Prophet Medivh.

To Drekgar, this was unacceptable. His loyalty to the Warchief kept him from leaving, but he vowed not to work alongside a human as Thralls forces marched towards Mount Hyjal. All of his anti-human promises were forgotten when the battle actually started. He allowed bloodthirst to take over, so as to conceal his fear of the demons, and he fought alongside Human and Night Elf. During the battle, he was knocked down by a demon, who was about to stab him until a human in plate bashed the demons head in. The human then helped Drekgar up and waded back into combat. This deeply confused Drekgar, and as the Orcs migrated to Durotar and began building Orgrimmar, he realized that while some members of a species are cruel, some are also kind. With this knowledge in mind, he helped to build Orgrimmar, all the while honing his skills with the axe. When the city was completed, Drekgar left, deciding to travel and see the world and it's people for himself.