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Player: WingedReaver

Character Full Name: Draga Stoneaxe

Character In-Game Name: Draga

Nickname(s): -

Association(s): The Horde

Race: Orc

Class: Warrior

Skills and Abilities: -

Age: 26

Sex: Female

Hair: Black

Eyes: Blue

Weight: 273lbs (128kg)

Height: 6” (1,83m)

Usual Garments/Armor: Being a traveller, Draga normally avoids heavy plate armor, favoring more lighter mail armor. However, if on a battlefield with her fellow orcs, she’ll probably wear plate armor.


Alignment: Neutral Good

Draga is a different orc than most of her kin – that, however, is not to say that she disregards the traditions of her kind, nor the orcish honor inherent in her people.

She is quite reclusive, choosing to stay away from populated towns such as Orgrimmar or Booty Bay. At heart, she is a true explorer, always wishing to be on the move. As such, she sleeps more comfortably in a tent than a bed.

Races mean little to her; unless they are humans. While not exactly friendly towards Alliance races, she will not immediately pull her axe from her back and attempt to kill them outright.


Draga was born right after the orcs came to Azeroth – being born in the Blasted Lands, a swamp back then. Indeed, much of her toddler years were riddled with war and death, but somehow her own parents survived. Fate, unfortunately, was not kind on Draga herself, after the Second War ended. Her parents had died in war – an honorable death, but a loss regardless.

She ended up growing up within an internment camp, until she had become an orc of 15. An orc – known only as Thrall – raided the internment camp she had been in with the army he had raised along with the legendary Orgrim Doomhammer, and had rescued her along with the numerous other orcs in the camp. Immediately, she started to train, quickly learning how to fight – with honor.

Two years later, the Warchief Thrall ordered for their people to voyage across the sea, to Kalimdor, at the behest of a mysterious hooded man in a dream. Along the way, when their people stopped at the Broken Isles, she fought off the murlocs assaulting the Darkspear trolls. Now, with the trolls having joined them, the orcs reached Kalimdor – meeting yet another people – the Tauren. Draga found herself quite liking these creatures, for they were peaceful, yet ferocious when their way of life was threatened.

Very little time passed, and she was pressed to fight in the Third War. She ended up on the slopes of Hyjal, fending off demons and Scourge forces to buy time for Malfurion Stormrage to execute his plan. In the end, she managed to make it to safety before her and the human base were overrun.

After the war was over, her elders decided that she go on her Om’riggor, and she was given nothing but a loincloth, a linen vest and an axe of stone to do so. For a day, she prowled the barren lands of Durotar, and at last, she found a worthy creature – a large raptor. The fight was relatively quick, and the beast had its head hanging from Draga’s side. She had smeared its blood on her face, as was traditional for an Om’riggor.

When she returned to Razor Hill, the elders tasted the blood and confirmed that it was real. Draga adopted the family name “Stoneaxe”, in remembrance of the weapon she had used to kill her prey. Now an adult orc, she took to travel, travelling the lands of Kalimdor, namely everywhere south of Ashenvale.

Her role in the war in the Lich King was severely limited, as she was in Tanaris when the Lich King’s forces had attacked Orgrimmar. When she had managed to return to Orgrimmar, the war was all but over, the final stages of the assault on Icecrown beginning.

Now, she wanders the world, still exploring and finding new things. Catetory:Warrior