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Character name? Dascki Nightflame


Describe his posture. Does he carry himself well? Is he crooked?

She carries herself well, straight back and everything.

Is he in good shape or out of condition? Is he muscularly weak or strong?

She is in good shape. She is not muscularly strong, but she knows martial arts/self-defense

How is his health? Any illnesses or conditions? Any physical disabilities?

Perfectly healthy.

Is he physically active or sedentary? A fast or slow mover?

She is physically active, it goes with the training she does. She can run at a decent speed.

Is he clumsy? Awkward? Graceful?

She's graceful.

Is he physically tense or relaxed, nervous, controlled?

She is relaxed and controlled.


What are their favorite articles of clothing?


Are their clothes new or old? Homemade, hand-me-downs, expensive?

She likes expensive clothes.

Do his clothes fit well?


Is he comfortable in what he wears or does he “fight” his clothes?

She is comfortable, wearing what she would normal wear.

Does he have to dress a certain way because of his job or position? If so, do his usual clothes fit his real, basic character? No.


Does he speak in a high or low-pitched voice? When might he be higher than usual? When lower?

Her voice is high.

Is he a loud or soft-talker?


Is there a wide range in the voice in pitch, volume, and/or quality, or is the voice pretty consistent and even?

The voice is pretty consistent and even.

Is there an accent? Anything unusual in pronunciation, emphasis, phrasing?


Is the speech clear or muddy? Does he mumble, is he distinct?

The speech is clear.


Does he think quickly? Slowly? Is he quick-witted? Dull?

She can think quickly, in dangerous situations or in a fight, but in normal circumstances she thinks kinda slowly.

Is the character impulsive or deliberate in reaching conclusions? Is he logical, rational, or emotional?

She is impulsive.

Emotions and Personality

Is he an extrovert, an introvert?

In the middle.

Does he like people?


Does he have many friends? Any close friends?

No, but she would like some.

Is he hot-blooded or cool-headed?

In the middle.

Does he have a narrow or wide range of emotions? Do they show?

Wide range of emotions and they do show.

Would you say he is basically sensitive or callused?

A little more sensitive then not.

Is he suspicious, cautious, trusting, or naïve about new people or situations?

A little trusting and naive.

In a danger or emergency situation, would he go to it or run away from it?

Go to it, ready for a challenge.

Is the character basically nervous or calm?

She is very calm.

Is he a practical joker? What is his opinion on tricks or jokes played on other people?

A little bit of a joker. She likes to play with peoples minds sometimes.

Under what conditions could he be harmful or cruel to another person?

Is the person had done something really bad.

Is he a loving person? Is he full of love and giving or rather bound and tight in this area?

She is full of love!

Is he capable of relating to others in a loving way? Is a capable of relating to one person in a romantic way?


Wealth, Power, and Influence

Does this person have much money? Does it provide position or respect from others?

She has a pretty good sum of money.

Is he generous or selfish with his money and possessions?

She is generous.

Does the character rate high on the pecking order with his household? Town? Area? Nation? World?

Kind of.

Can he command others to do his bidding, by word or manipulation?

By word.

To whom is he subservient? Is this submission willing or unavoidable?

She tries not to be.


What does this character do when he is bored?

Train and draw.

What does he do when he's excited or nervous?

Smiles and jumps around. When she's nervous she is a lot quieter.

What things does he really like to do?

Train, draw, talk and smile.

What things does he really hate to do?


What are his leisure activities? Pastimes? Recreations?

Training, drawing.

Does he play games? What kind?

Mind games.

Does he like to eat or drink? How important to him are food and drink?

She likes eating.

Favorite Things




Vegetarian, anything non-meat.





Time of day?


Season of year?




Places to visit?


Metals: gold, iron, copper, pewter, etc?


Building materials: stone, wood, clay, tile, etc?

Stone and Wood

Fabrics: silk, wool, linen, etc?


Pieces of furniture?





What things frighten him?

Being alone.

Is he motivated by fear?

To an extent.

To what extent is he motivated: never, occasionally, usually, constantly?


What would this character think were the three most terrible things that could happen to him?

Seeing her friends die, losing her own life and being raped.

What would he think were the three most wonderful things were to happen to him?

Seeing her brother again, finding a lover and bring her mother back as a perfectly normal live human.