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Player: Kenshiro

Character Full Name: Darkor Redeye

Character In-Game Name: Darkor

Nickname(s): Warlord Redeye

Association(s): The Horde, The Mag'har, The Argent Crusade, The Kor'kron Guard

Race: Orc

Class: Warrior

Age: 59

Sex: Male

Hair: Long greyed hair, with braids that fall on both sides of his face. He has a equally as grey, trimmed beard.

Eyes: Red

Weight: 468 lbs

Height: 6'9"


Darkor is always wearing his eye patch over his left eye. He is usually seen wearing his battle-harness, attached with his plated lower body including, heavy plate leg-guards, plated boots and plated belt.

Other: A large, blackened scar can be seen coming from the top and bottom of his eye patch.


Alignment: Neutral Good

Darkor is haughty, arrogant, and bitter as a result of the destruction of the orcish way of life and the abuse his race suffered at the hands of the humans. He is immensely proud of his orcish heritage. He is also quite serious, rarely exhibiting humor. When he does so, his humor is very dry and in some rare occasions, it is black. He does, however, delight in mocking his enemies in order to push them to their limits. Darkor is extremely aggressive and angry, delighting in the thrill of battle. He can be very vengeful and pursue those who have wronged him. He is more of a tactical fighter who often rushes in the brawl without hesitation. However, his rage or arrogance usually causes him to underestimate his opponent.

Despite this, he does have a kinder side, especially to those who do not place themselves on a pedestal as he does. He is usually very respectful to those who show him the same and will show the utmost respect to those who prove their physical or spiritual strength.


Darkor was born into the Warsong Clan shortly after the slaughtering of the Draenei, into the 'new' Horde. His parents believed in 'tough love', but this was common practice among the 'new' Horde. In this Horde, his parents wanted him to grow into a powerful warlock and serve the clan proudly. During his childhood, he had no friends or connections to others. He was taught to forget others and to focus on the betterment of himself and, in turn, the Horde. However, Darkor was unable to grasp the concept of demonic magics and was immediately sent to become a Grunt. The training was a brutal competition, in which the weakest of the orcs were killed and several were maimed. Fortunately for Darkor, he was a healthy boy who grew into a rather large orc, his size aiding in his training.

Eventually, he had become a full-fledged Grunt of the Warsong Clan, completing his Om'riggor. At this time, the world had flipped upside down. The clans were fighting amongst themselves, the planet was not producing edible, if any, agriculture and some began pointing their fingers at Gul'dan, blaming him for his reckless use of warlockery, which began to cause the planet to become sick. Darkor, was a prominent force in discussing with others about how they would not survive, how they would all be wiped out. He often got into violent arguments with the other clansmen about it. Until Gul'dan pulled another wicked scheme from his sleeve. The construction of Hellfire Citadel and the Dark Portal began. It was after the completion of the Dark Portal, where the orcs learned of Azeroth and the advantages of taking it. Darkor saw glory on the battlefield and a chance to rebuild in a new, beautiful land. And he jumped for that opportunity.

As history tells, the First War was a success. With thanks to a disgusting half-breed, they were able to destroy the kingdom of Stormwind. Darkor raided the city, looking for anything of interest. He came upon the local forge and soon began to make use of the humans materials. He began to forge weapons, smiling pleasantly at the pain he received from his first few weeks of learning. Eventually, an older orc came and showed him the proper techniques to forging weapons. He did so, until the Horde began their second campaign. However the Second War was loss for the Horde. Most of the orcs were taken to internment camps, but Darkor and the Warsongs survived and hid. During this time, many of the younger and older orcs died, whether by sickness or starvation, it didn't matter. Hope began to dim as his people hid and died all around him. Despite this, he and a few of the stronger orcs managed to steal what they could from the humans in order to survive. Until, Thrall and Orgrim found them. Together, with the help of the Frostwolf Clan, they freed many of the orcs from the internment camps and were reminded of their shamanic roots in Draenor. During this time, he was considered a Legionnaire in the armies of the new Horde. His battle skills and his morale boost provided good support to the Horde' armies and soon, it was time for them to leave. The Warsong Clan met with the Thrall and the Frostwolves and they journeyed across the ocean to Kalimdor. Along the way, they picked up the Darkspear Trolls on the Broken Isles.

Arriving on Kalimdor, Darkor and the orcs were thrust into the Third War. Darkor battled valiantly, but had his eye sliced open to a blade of the Legion. He returned to camp for the shaman to heal his wound. But the fel-corrupted blade was too much for the eye. They covered it and prepared to remove it when they could. However, he decided to keep it upon finding out he could still see through it. He did learn, that when he was able to see through it, he found himself full of rage, which helped him to continue his battles in the war. He was given the name, Redeye, and promoted again to Champion. At the end of the war, Darkor aided in the construction of Orgrimmar and resided there a few years, training a new wave of grunts and preparing for the inevitable war with the humans. In Orgrimmar, was where he met his future mate, Valra. She was a deadshot with the bow and they soon found themselves romantically involved. Despite his haughty attitude, she accepted him due to unbreakable will and orcish pride. Darkor regularly found himself in combat with the night elves in Ashenvale, determined to make the forests their own.

With the re-opening of the Dark Portal, Darkor remained in Azeroth protecting the portal from any Legion attacks, until they were finally quelled. His work in organizing the troops by the gate and hunting any escaped demons earned him the title of Lieutenant General. He spent the next year in Nagrand, with the Mag'har, learning from them. Upon returning to Azeroth, he was called upon to join the Horde Expedition. He was promoted to Warlord and given a group of Kor'kron Elites to perform powerful, tactical strikes against the Frost Vrykuls. Together, this group managed to crush any Vrykul opposition they encountered and, upon returning to Orgrimmar after the defeat of the Lich King, were given commendations. Warlord Redeye, however, returned to Orgrimmar with his soldiers and began a training regiment, to harden them even further. A war was coming. The Alliance were going to attack and they would be ready.

Skills and Abilities

Generic Warrior skills.

Weapon Mastery
Due to his experience, Darkor is a skilled warrior, able to use most types of weaponry quite effectively.
Darkor is an Illustrious Blacksmith, able to forge and maintain the quality of weapons.