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Player: Thayan

Character Full Name: Daria Prianne

Character In-Game Name: Daria

Nickname(s): Missy, Glitter

Association(s): Few permanent associates, as she tends to side with whoever is willing to pay her the most for her services.

Race: Human

Class: Rogue

Age: 19

Sex: Female

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Blue

Weight: 130 lbs.

Height: 5' 2"

Alignment: (Optional) Neutral, leaning toward good.


When she is relaxing she tends to enjoy dresses of various kinds, from common to extravagant. For work, she wears a simply set of brown linen clothing, pants and a shirt. In either case, she usually is found with a sword, and various daggers secreted around her person.

Other: A special fondness for a large diamond ring, which she will openly display, can be closemouthed about her reasoning. In fact, this object was her first major theft.


Daria is a money-centric person. This isn't to say she is obsessive, or that she does not care about other things. Indeed, she values art and beauty... but given the choice between the two will ultimately pick gold. This is the origin of one of her nicknames, Glitter, because she wants to collect all that is valuable, sparkles, and shines.

She can be blunt and rude to those who find a way to irritate her, often flaunting her gathered wealth over those who had less than she did. She views money as a symbol of status more than others, and will sometimes outright ignore the existence of the poor.

When not under hire, she tends to have more good-aligned actions, but will not shy away from evil deeds if the price attached to them is appropriate. Her temper is short and volatile, but vanishes just as quickly as it appears.

History: Daria was born and raised in the Alliance capital city of Stormwind, which may explain her disdain of the smaller towns and such. Her father was a merchant who traded as he could. While not amongst the wealthiest, they were certainly not among the needy. Daria's father rarely refused her anything she desired and he could afford, which helped foster her innate greed. Her 'mother', on the other hand, dispproved of Daria's very existance. Daria was the daughter of another woman, her father's first wife, who passed on when she was eleven years old. When her father fell desperately ill, his wife did her best to twist him against Daria.

Ultimately, she was successful, and was left out of her father's will when he passed on. She was sixteen at the time, and effectively thrown out of her home overnight, surprised her vile 'mother' had allowed her to leave with her own possessions. Truth was, she didn't want to be bothered selling them. Daria did, except for the bare necessities of clothing. She had no reason to remain in Stormwind any longer, but she had one last thing to do, before she went. She didn't have nearly enough money...

The next day, she was whistling softly as she rode a respectable horse out of Stormwind on a brand new leather saddle. Her mother would awaken to an empty jewelry box, but could buy it all back from various people in the city, if she knew where to look. All except one piece, which she kept as a memento. A large, diamond ring.