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Player: zenethen

Character Full Name: Dara Goldmoon

Character In-Game Name: Dara

Nickname(s): Blooddaine, Blood

Association(s): Knights of the Ebon Blade, Blades of the Silverfang

Race: Blood Elf

Class: Death Knight

Skills and Abilities: Average abilities of a Frost-trained Death Knight.

Age: 234

Sex: Female

Hair: Silver

Eyes: Frost Blue

Weight: 134 lbs without armor

Height: 5' 9"

Usual Garments/Armor: She is always in one of two suits of armor; A red variety of her normal armor or a blue variety of her normal armor. While she prefers the red armor, she wears the blue armor for the sake of appeasing her Lord.

Other: N/A

Alignment: True Neutral

Personality: Dara's emotions were torn from her when she was raised and turned into a Death Knight, and she is forced to 'say' what she -might- feel if she still had emotion, which she tries to do on a regular basis. Over all you could say she is a serious person, and doesn't care how something is done, or what is done to do something, just so long as it's done.

History: Dara was the second and middle child of the two High elf lovers Anaster and Jelian. She had an older brother, Celras, who preceded her by thirty-three years, and she lived a simple life with her parents. At eighteen, she signed into the Silvermoon Ranger Corps and began her long career within the Corps in both the defense and offense of Quel'thalas. For twenty-nine years she fought all enemies of the High Elves - mainly the Trolls -, and after a while, she received news of a new sibling - a sister, Belania. She rejoiced with her comrades at the front, and took a temporary leave to the City to watch over her new little sister, and teach her how to properly judge among friends, and also to turn her away from the military life. Celras, their brother, served in the Dragonhawk Division while Dara served in the Ranger Corps with pride, but both of them agreed that war should not govern the life of a third sibling, as the Goldmoon's had enough fighters.

Dara and Celras successfully convinced their little sister to never join the military and afterwards returned to their active duties. Many times over the next two centuries the two older Goldmoon siblings fought together and beside each other for the sake of many - from aiding Stromgarde against the Trolls to the many encounters across the south. A long history of charging and fighting began for the two Goldmoon siblings, but they held themselves together, assured that their cause was the right path.

Before the beginning of the First War, Dara left Silvermoon to go to the human nation of Stormwind to train archers from their military. She arrived and spent a long time training amongst the human archers, watching, and teaching. Life went on as normal, until there came cries from nearby towns. A large army of creatures simply called Greenskins were attacking Stormwind. Dara instantly mobilized alongside the humans in their scrambled defense of the nation. Battle after battle, the Greenskins pushed the humans back, with Dara alongside them. Their numbers seemed endless, and it seemed as if for every Greenskin that was slain; three took their place. Often she received strange stares from both humans and Greenskins, for most all of the other High Elves that had been in Stormwind had fled at the very rumors of the Greenskins. Dara stood, however, hoping to make an example of her race as a people that were willing to fight to the last.

The First War raged on, for four bloody years of combat. Finally, Lord Lothar and several other leaders of the nation commanded all forces to retreat to Lordaeron - one of the Kingdoms in the north. Their retreat was covered just barely by the assault of the reinforcements from the north; the brave men and women of Stromgarde, Lordaeron, Hillsbrad, and other nations from the north, giving the refugees of the south enough time to escape the turmoil of the War. Stormwind City laid in ruin, and the nation itself was racked by the war, sending despair across all lands.

Dara returned home, and she received many greetings and pardons from many in the City, mostly her friends and family. They had been scared for her, but she had persevered and lived. A year passed, and word from the south went to the wind, silence in the nation of Stormwind. Dara went south again, to visit a dwarven friend of hers, Orlof Stormhand, in Thelsamar. It was not long into the visit when she was stuck in her most unlucky hour - drums of war echoed in the deep. She was called to arms alongside her dwarven friend, and the two stood at the front lines of the Loch. This was not the first defeat, nor was it the only defeat. Many battles stretched across the continent as Dara fled alongside many dwarves on the way north, to Menethil Harbor. Stormhand, a dwarf named Grenalin Coldwind, his brother Dalin Coldwind, and several other dwarves, accompanied Dara as they sailed north to Hillsbrad.

When they set foot on the shores of Hillsbrad, news reached Dara's ears of the eastern fronts. Grim Batol was under siege, along with Ironforge, and Stromgarde had fallen to treachery from the north. This news put heavy burdens on her heart as she and her companions moved northward to Lordaeron. There, she fought alongside several humans, one of them Arthur Godford, and another Drako Black and Black's Drakes. The struggle went so far as bringing her back to Quel'thalas. She rejoiced at the sight of home, but despaired when she saw the smoke coming from the distance... The Horde approached.

Dara met up with Celras in the southern forests of Eversong, and she and her dwarf and human companions held the line against the Horde in Quel'thalas, bringing the Second War near to its climax. The combined armies of the Alliance of Lordaeron moved forward to Alterac City to wipe away the taint of these traitor humans. The armies then moved quickly to Lordaeron City, to bolster the walls and barricades, and stand at siege of the Horde forces. Yet, as Dara and Celras began to despair, they saw on the horizon an army leaving... The Orcish Army. Cheers erupted across the City, and victory was made!

Dara, Celras, and all of their companions pressed forward to drive the Horde back all the way to the cursed Blackrock Spire itself. On the victory that day, Dara and Celras broke from the Alliance charge, and returned home in victory. The sister and brother praised the days alongside their sister, and mother and father. The days passed and news came from many corners of the continent... The recapture and rebuilding of Stormwind City, the entering and deactivation of the Dark Portal...

Dara returned to life as usual, patrolling the lands of Quel'thalas, and fighting trolls. Years passed, and then news came from the southwest. A Plague in Lordaeron, and the Horde on the move, broken from the internment camps. Dara dismissed these things as minor and hoped that the humans could handle such disturbances. Little did she know, the Horde escaped across the sea, and the Plague erupted into the greatest known force on the world - the Scourge. Lordaeron erupted into War, and news came quickly of Arthas's betrayal, and the death of King Terenas Menethil II. Dara despaired at this news, knowing that Quel'thalas was likely the next target of the Scourge.

Dara stood as one of the few defenders of her village in the first assault by the Scourge. The Village was easily overrun, leaving Dara among many pained survivors, left to suffer rather than given clean deaths, as torture by the necromancers. Time passed very slowly for the writhing survivors, who could do nothing but wait for their demise. Over the day each survivor passed through, leaving Dara as the last one to go. However, she was blessed with luck when, in an unlikely moment, a high elven priest emerged from the forest. The man-elf quickly found Dara and healed her so that she could get to her feet, and they left the village together.

Dara learned that this elf's name was Mathredis and that his village was also destroyed, though he was fortunate to escape before it was assaulted. The two made camp near the river, and waited out the struggle. A day passed, and then they were discovered by a Scourge scouting party. The ghouls charged furiously at the two elves, and they did all that they could, and fled. The ghouls stood hot on their tails, and Mathredis demanded Dara go ahead, leaving him behind to fend the ghouls off. Dara did go ahead with a heavy heart, and the last she heard from Mathredis was a scream from him and the bright flash of the priest's final holy nova. Dara continued down the river, and lost the trail of the ghouls, but ended up stumbling down a cliff and landing wrong, rendering her leg broken. She cried out in pain, and simply sat in the woods, looking to the river. What she saw there was something not even in undeath she could forget... Her brother and his dragonhawk floating down the river, mangled by ghouls. She sobbed at the gruesome sight and rested there in the forest.

Dara made her way towards Silvermoon City where she caught up with some survivors of her squad in the Ranger Corps. They immediately set out for Quel'danas to join in the likely final defense of their lands. Upon landing on the shores, Dara and her companions watched with despair as behind them trailed Scourge vessels on the horizon. They quickly made their way to the defensive lines where Dara's broken leg was tended to, and her companions were also treated for injuries.

The Scourge landed on the shores of Quel'danas, and the last stand and last slaughter of the High Elves began. The island erupted with war, and elven arrows exchanged with death coils from across a death-ridden battleground. The elven lines were slowly pushed back, steadily lowering the numbers of the defenders. It came down to Dara and a large handful of High Elves at the Sunwell. The Scourge stormed through, shedding horrific sights on the elves, with the banshee queen Sylvanas Windrunner coming at the head of the line. The Elves despaired and were quickly dispatched, leaving Dara suffering on the ground once again. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a blurry show of Kel'thuzad's resurrection by Arthas, and then slowly blacked out.

When she awoke months later, due to a comatose-like state from her injuries, she was surprised to be alive. She found herself completely unable to move her body due to injuries, but tended to by friendly High Elves in a very ruined building. But these High Elves were different than her people, for they bore green eyes, not blue. She was told of the Fel, the thing that 'saved their race' from the magic addiction that Dara felt even as she laid there helplessly. She could do nothing to resist as she was given Fel to sate the addiction, rendering her eyes green as the rest. But, as fortune had it, the crimes of those elves on that day were punished as a stray group of Scourge, and their commanding necromancer, discovered the small alcove of resistance and slaughtered them all. Darkness took Dara as she was given the final blow, and she fell into death.

Years passed, and the necromancer preserved Dara's corpse, seeing her as potential for a future design of the Lich King. This design turned into horror. She was brought to Acherus to be raised among the Death Knights, and rose to her feet a servant of the one person she had fought so long against. Without a will of her own, she inspected her form, enhanced by unholy magics, and risen with a purpose... To kill -all- of the Lich King's enemies, down to the last man, woman, and child. With this will and stripped of all other emotion, she was given a suit of armor and a dark runeblade, and with these gifts, she wrought havoc alongside her brothers and sisters in the Scarlet Enclave. After victory after victory against the weak Scarlet Crusaders, Dara was called among many to join in the assault of Light's Hope Chapel.

She did not remember much of what happened in the Battle for Light's Hope Chapel, but what she did remember was the feeling of being free once more - having a will of her own once again. With her mind freed she looked upon her new self, and barely stood to tolerate the new form she was stuck with, and her own mind stripped of emotion. While she did not argue with her now blue eyes, she stood among many as outcasts of power - Death Knights. She stood under the banner of the Knights of the Ebon Blade and charged into battle as a Death Knight of the Horde.

She cared little for what she heard of her brethren, now called Blood Elves. She only cared for fulfilling her final vengeance against the Scourge and the Burning Legion for defiling her homeland, and causing her people to become corrupt and vile. She rode into Outland in the last days of the War against the Gronn, and fought alongside many companions. In a battle against one of these Gronn, Dara found herself being thrown into an ogre building. She came out with no real injury, granted much physical injury, though she could not feel it. Among her injuries that day were her right eye, permanently damaged and now inefficient to her use. The War against the Gronn ended slowly, and Dara was called to Northrend alongside the Knights of the Ebon Blade, to bring the final vengeance against Arthas and his Scourge.

Dara landed alongside the Horde in the Borean Tundra, as the region erupted into a warzone between Alliance, Horde, Scourge, and the Blue Dragonflight. Slowly the Horde pushed forward into Dragonblight, and Dara accompanied many heroes and other Death Knights in the war against the Scourge, Blue Dragonflight, and even the Scarlet Onslaught. Days, weeks, and months wore on and news came of the incident at Wrathgate. Instantly Dara set out for the north to aid her brothers and sisters in Zul'drak. After many battles against her oldest and most familiar rivals, the Trolls, Dara was called to Icecrown where the final push against the Scourge began.

The plagued lands of Icecrown laid before Dara's feet, and the armies of the Argent Crusade, Knights of the Ebon Blade, Alliance, and Horde moved through the Scourge defenses slowly but steadily. Dara stood strong in many of these decisive battles, eventually finding herself at the feet of Icecrown Citadel itself. After a long and hard battle against the Lich King's forces to provide a distraction so that the Ashen Verdict could penetrate the defenses and eliminate the Lich King, Dara heard once more the cheers of utter victory. The Lich King had been slain.

Dara then found herself without a purpose, without a meaning... The Lich King had been slain and so her final vengeance fulfilled. So she tried to ask herself; what next? But to no avail. She fell quiet, cold, and unkind, continuing in her battles against the remnants of the Scourge in all regions of the planet, eventually down to returning to her homeland to fight at the Dead Scar. She continued this hunt for the months and soon found herself meeting many - Ruibarra Silverfang among them, lover of her sister who still lived, Belania. She agreed to serve as a Captain in Ruibarra's Blades of the Silverfang and used this as the last thing to drive her with purpose. She has remained in this position until current time, where only fate can decide what happens next...