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Player: Rowgen.

Character Full Name: Danothil Seregon.

Character In-Game Name: Danothil.

Nickname(s): Dano, Dan.

Association(s): Quel'thalas, Silvermoon, House Seregon, the Horde, the Scryers, the Shattered Sun (formerly the Spellbreakers, the Alliance and Kael'thas's forces).

Race: Blood Elf.

Class: Paladin.

Age: 341.

Sex: Male.

Hair: Ashen blonde, carefully groomed and allowed to fall down onto his shoulders.

Eyes: Pulsating with a dim, jade green light.

Weight: 173 lbs.

Height: 6'7".


As could be expected, Danothil is an echo of his father in almost every aspect of his appearance, to a point that if he stood beside him, he could easily be confused for a younger version of him. Like his father, he is broad-shouldered and tall, with regal traits and posture alike. With a well-trained, lean and athletic physique, Danothil cannot be mistaken for anything but a career soldier. Complimenting this, his sense of order and personal hygiene matches his father's, keeping an orderly and neat facade. The key in differing the two, apart from the obvious gap in age between them, is their demeanor. In that aspect, Danothil is more similar to his mother, typically far less imposing than his father. His good-hearted nature is usually kept in check with a somewhat neutral, albeit friendly expression, although a smile or two might make it's way through.

His apparel, while quite anonymous and neutral, is usually of high quality, and he usually keeps it as spotless and orderly as his body. Like his father's, his armor is a family heirloom of enchanted mithril and truesilver, specifically suited for him. While the same ornaments are present in his armor, there's a noticable difference in that he has kept the armor's original color scheme.


Danothil's personality is heavily influenced by the life of a soldier, along with his father's strict discipline. He is loyal and obedient to his superiors, his parents included, and treats his peers in a courteous and friendly manner. As a noble, however, a certain amount of arrogance and confidence can't be avoided, and he is every bit as stubborn as his parents, although in arguments with them, he usually yields out of respect for them. Towards commoners and Farstriders, Danothil keeps a civil and polite, yet somewhat indifferent stance, unless they somehow catch his attention. He has a slight distaste for the Magisterium and it's members, rooted in his lacking magical talent. Being bereft of any form of magical competence, Danothil instead prides himself on his swordsmanship. As is common among soldiers, Danothil also prides himself on a sense of honor and gentlemanly conduct, another thing passed down to him by his father. And because of this, he views dirty tricks and dishonorable tactics with a subtle distaste.


Born the eldest son of the union between two Nobles, Danothil was apparently destined to a life of luxury, wealth and comfort. At least he got two out of three. At an early age, his father introduced him to the ideals he had learnt from Maenar Seregon; Ideals such as righteousness and devotion to the family. It had already been decided for him that he would follow in the footsteps of his father, Ciaphas Seregon, even though he was barely a child by Elven standards. He had early on come to respect his father a great deal, and despite doing his best to suppress it, he felt very nervous in his father’s company.

While his father was indeed a devoted one, albeit stern, his mother’s company was still a welcome change from the nearly military discipline and order of his father’s. Anadrael Seregon was warmer than her husband by far, and as a child there was nowhere he’d feel as welcome as in his mother’s arms. Wherever she went, he was usually close by, and particularly if he accompanied his parents to the city would he stay close, if not downright cling to her at times, oblivious to the looks or reactions it might’ve caused. However, the child eventually grew older, and his confidence with him. Soon enough, he was walking at their side, rather than behind them. Training with his father gave results, though, and formed him into a promising young man.

After many a challenge and years of training in the techniques of the Spellbreakers, his father deemed him ready to fulfill his so-called destiny at a few decades past his first century. A humble age, although it did not quite match his father’s accomplishment. Another fact that remained was that despite being deemed suitable for serving with the Spellbreakers, he still didn’t seem quite ready for a marriage, and neither did he seem to display any signs of being a talented politician. He was honest, sometimes to a blunt point, and he was perceived as quite naïve for a Noble. He was unsure what to think of this, as he was concerned he was disappointing his parents, but he had no issue with having an excuse to avoid politics. In the meantime, he could enjoy the life of a Spellbreaker. Or so he thought, at least.

The Spellbreakers was not as harsh as he had expected, judging by the training he had received. His expectations had been high, but when he was finally admitted into the Spellbreakers, he found little use for it. He found the work somewhat boring, although he did everything he could and took it as seriously as everyone else, he still found that standing guard and patrolling the city was hardly what he had expected in his vision of a bright future. Nonetheless, he took what he was given, and performed to the best of his ability. The only true indication of any “spellbreaking” was whenever one of the magisters had meddled in arts he oughtn’t to have, or lost his mind one way or other. He grew accustomed to it over the years, and served with distinction, no doubt in an attempt to fulfill his father’s high expectations of him. While he enjoyed it, he doubted he would ever see any real combat.

Wrong again. During the Second War, the Orcish Horde marched towards Quel’Thalas, seeking to invade the Elven forests. For many, Danothil amongst them, this was the first taste of real combat. Despite his training, Danothil hardly made any difference in the battle. Many of his fellow Spellbreakers were trained for the traditional ceremonial duties, not for actual combat, and most were no match for the brutish, Fel-infused Orcs. Despite this, the Elven defenders drove the Orcs away from their lands, and they never set foot in Silvermoon. After this event, Danothil devoted a great deal of his time to training with his fellow Spellbreakers. They couldn’t afford an invasion like that happening again. Yet it happened, as just a couple of decades later, the borders of Quel’Thalas were once again threatened by war.

This time it wasn’t Orcs that invaded their lands, but an army of unholy creatures, brought back from the dead. Danothil had fought the Horde’s Death Knights and Necrolytes, along with their foul magics, but he had never imagined large armies of them. The battle was long and harsh, and countless Elves, soldier and innocent alike, died in the invasion of their homeland. When the rage of battle calmed, he couldn’t find any sign of his family, neither did he know whether they were dead or alive. He searched tirelessly, but his attempts were thwarted by a sudden, indescribable sensation. He felt like a part of himself had been forcefully taken from him, and a feeling he couldn’t understand, a hunger or a thirst, built up in him. It took long before he heard the dreadful news, and he couldn’t believe it when he did; The Sunwell had been defiled.

While the people struggled to drive the Undead out of their lands, Prince Kael’thas took a majority of the remaining men who could still fight, Danothil included, and embarked on a journey towards Dalaran. Danothil was distrustful of the Humans of the mage kingdom, due to a quite bothersome scandal some decades before. To their surprise, they ran into Kaldorei on their way towards Dalaran, who explained they were pursuing a dangerous criminal. Still, Danothil couldn’t fathom why they were in the Eastern Kingdoms of all places, and only grudgingly cooperated with the other elves. As they fought the undead, he nevertheless came to respect the savage grace of the Kaldorei warriors.

As they drew closer to Dalaran the undead only became more and more numerous, and soon they were joined by the vicious naga. The serpentine creatures came as a surprise for most of them, as they had never seen anything similar. Apparently, the Kaldorei had encountered them while pursuing the naga and Danothil wasn’t too happy about not being warned about it. The two elven forces managed to push their way through the naga and the undead, and confronted the so-called criminal. Danothil was surprised to find that the criminal looked like something in between an elf and a demon, and was intrigued by the strange power he felt emanating from in, albeit disgusted by it, too.

They left the demon in the Kaldorei’s hands and continued on their journey towards Dalaran. When they arrived, the Elves were met with a cold welcome from the Human forces there. Danothil had his doubts about the loyalty of the humans, and they were proven correct, though, when the human marshal Lord Garithos pulled out all of the forces from Dalaran but the elves, leaving them nearly defenseless. Danothil’s outrage and annoyance with the humans could be felt and touched when the news reached him, and he discussed it eagerly with his fellow elves.

When the undead attacked, the Elven outposts near Lordamere were soon defeated, and it didn’t take long before only Kael’thas’s main base camp remained. The Elves were surrounded by undead, and there seemed to be little hope for them. But to their sudden surprise, they were approached by the naga. The creatures offered their assistance, something the elves couldn’t turn down in their sorry state. With the naga’s aid, the elves managed to push back the undead forces. This partnership was discovered by Lord Garithos, and to their surprise the elves were rounded up and arrested for treason. They were brought to magical cells in Dalaran, left to rot while they awaited execution.

While imprisoned, Danothil was as plagued by his thirst for magic as any of his brethren, and in the cells of Dalaran it seemed only to worsen. But to his surprise, the naga came to their aid once more, and the naga leader Lady Vashj led her warriors against their human captors. The Sin’dorei slaughtered their human captors and fought their way out of the prison, before they escaped through a portal to Outland. Danothil had heard of it, but he hadn’t expected how different it was from Azeroth, staring in disbelief at his surroundings. He overheard that the naga intended for them to meet with the demon they had fought alongside the night elves, and wasn’t quite sure what to make of it.

As they wandered for days into the rugged land of Hellfire, they discovered that the demon had been captured by Kaldorei. As there was no time to question what they were at all doing there, the blood elves prepared for battle. They assaulted the party that had captured the demon, and managed to unleash him. The Kaldorei were defeated, captured or fled to lick their wounds, while the blood elves celebrated their victory. Illidan Stormrage, the one they had set free, promised that if the elves followed him, he’d lead them to a new, glorious future and all the magic they could dream of. Danothil’s judgment was clouded by his thirst, and he couldn’t help but feel uplifted by these promises of quenching it.

The Betrayer led them against the shattered world’s demonic inhabitants, and soon enough they had closed the demonic gates that fueled their forces, defeated a large portion of their standing army and taken their black temple. In the end, the Betrayer and his blood elven and naga armies had usurped the Burning Legion’s rule over Outland. Danothil was disgusted to find that they sought to control the demons, rather than slay them, and his mood became sour as he watched the Illidari, as they called themselves, establish themselves as the new masters of Outland. However, with their newfound power he couldn’t help but wonder if it was worth it.

Danothil remained in Outland for many years, serving with the Illidari. He began to grow weary of the demonic forces surrounding him, and he grew more and more ashamed of what his people had become for each passing day. But after years of misery, something sparked a hope in him. Danothil overheard conversation about one Voren’thal, who spoke of a vision he’d seen. Initially, he dismissed it as the ramblings of a lunatic, but when he heard that many of the magisters supported this man, he began to listen to his warnings. It did not take long before the Seer had him somewhat convinced, and when Voren’thal led his likeminded towards Shattrath, Danothil marched with them. He knew that they would be viewed as traitors to their people, but he couldn’t tolerate the Sun King’s madness.

When the freshly formed Scryers approached Shattrath, they were met by the Draenei defenders. Danothil was prepared to fight them to get to the City of Light, but to his surprise, Voren’thal ordered them to lower their weapons. The Seer demanded an audience with the Naaru A’dal, one which he received. The sight of the Naaru alone abolished any doubt, and Danothil finally believed the Seer’s words. Admitted into the City of Light, the Scryers settled in and began preparing to fight the Betrayer’s forces and the Burning Legion. The years up until the Dark Portals reopening were spent fighting the Legion, a cause Danothil actively participated in. With the Dark Portal’s opening, news came of his homeland’s state, and he realized there was hope that Quel’Thalas could one day reclaim its former glory. This news strengthened his zeal and he became, if possible, even more devoted to the fight against the Legion. Simultaneously, the Scryers and Aldor were entering an uneasy truce, and formed the Shattered Sun Offensive.

The Dark Portal brought more than just news, though. In Shattrath, he encountered Lady Liadrin’s blood knights for the first time. He was initially suspicious of their presence there, and didn’t trust them the slightest until Lady Liadrin offered her blood knights to the Offensive. Danothil was fascinated by the thought of wielding the power the Naaru possessed, and confronted one of the higher ranking Blood Knights, one Master Theridior, with training him in the ways of the Blood Knights. The Blood Knight was enthusiastic to the proposal, and accepted him. Already having received the harsh training of his youth, this was hardly any challenge for the young elf, and soon enough he was becoming a quite promising addition. But his training was cut short by an unexpected twist. In a conflict with the forces of Shadowmoon Valley, Theridior was killed in action.

It seemed Danothil was going to abandon the path he had begun, when yet another unexpected twist occurred. Another offered to take him. And this other was a Draenei Vindicator with the Shattered Sun, no less. His name was Eerun, and he was a gruff and no-nonsense kind of teacher. Still, the Draenei was friendly as long as Danothil followed his instructions, and the two eventually developed a bond of mutual respect. By the end of the conflict in Quel’Danas, Danothil had finished his training under the Draenei, and they parted ways. Eerun stayed behind in Shattrath to aid its occupants in rebuilding their lives, while Danothil crossed the Dark Portal. As he sat foot on Azeroth for the first time in eight years, he decided that it was time to return to Silvermoon, to see what had become of his home.

Skills and Abilities

In a twist of irony, Danothil is more of a 'shield' than his father, the so-called 'Shield of Seregon', differing greatly from the old Blood Knight's offensive and aggressive style, and focusing primarily on protecting himself over causing damage to his enemy. Although he's trained in a wide array of weaponry, Danothil prefers wielding either a longsword or a glaive, reinforced by a shield. His focus differs even more from his father when it comes to the use of the Light, using it in a more defensive fashion, in which he forms barriers or mends wounds while he fights. Something of a wildcard, his techniques are mixed with that of the Blood Knights and that of the Aldori Vindicators, resulting in an unorthodox, but effective hybrid of the two styles.