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Horde Claynt Shadowblight
Player Kira13
Gender Male
Race Forsaken
Class Necromancer
Age 88
Height 175 cms
Weight 82 kgs
Eyes Hollow
Hair Blue, in a dead manner. It stands loose.
Affilliation(s) Himself, The Undercity, The Horde
Occupation Polymath
Mentor(s) Human NPC (dead)
Status Alive


Player: Kira13

Character Full Name: Claynt Shadowblight

Character In-Game Name: Claynt

Nickname(s): Professor, Teach

Association(s): Undercity

Race: Forsaken

Class: Polymath, Necromancer (Mage)

Skills and Abilities: A skilled necromancer, Claynt can raise the dead, heal them with the necrotic energies he now posseses, make corpses explode, form shadowballs, spread plague-like spells on his enemies, either weakening them, fatiguing them or even spreading a made disease, attack his enemies' minds with thoughts of fear.

Age: 88

Sex: Male

Hair: Blue, in a dead manner. It stands loose.

Eyes: Hollow

Weight: 82 kgs

Height: 1.75 metres


Usual Garments/Armor: Claynt usually wears a dark robe with a little brooch in a form of a skull, which he usually hides from unwanting eyes. He always has a hood, but usually wears it off; only his black mask, to hide his absent mouth.

Usually carries a normal-looking staff and a tome in his robe's inside pockets, along with a skeletal wand.


Claynt is a rather calm and calculated forsaken, as he was in his life. He often chooses not to talk and ignore the people he does not like. Instead, he stares them down with his hollow eyes, appearing exactly like an arched, statue gargoyle whose eyes are absent.

When annoyed, though, he begins threatening people around, saying how he will mutilate them in the most strange ways. He's also found talking about their race's mistakes in the past; a topic, which, most of the times, he makes it annoying, at best.


Everything Claynt remembers from his life is that he was raised by a mage, at the border of the now-known lands of the Eastern Plaguelands. The mage, of which Claynt forgot the name of, gave him a little understanding in the ways of arcane, and then books, and a good training. Thus he has started his study into arcane. The lessons were long, and Claynt has reached a quite big age. But, unfortunately, before he would be perfectly understand everything the now-old man could've teach him, he died of a disease, yet unknown.

But Claynt was a curious mage, and did not dwell long on his 'father's death. He soon left, hungering for more knowledge. He turned towards a most peculiar circle of magi, and joined them in no time. They were a rather small group of arrogant magi that chose to delve into everything they find, whatever the nature, even dark ones like necromancy.

And so he began learning more, and more about the magic of the world; he learned about everything, but was most interested in the ways of warlockry, of summoning of demons. But this circle was not without its dangers. At some time after after, Claynt has seen how fel was corrupting him, and decided to give up on it, and become, once again, a mage. It was a very painful process, but after years of torment, he's done it. He managed to turn, once again, to arcane, and leave fel behind. When Claynt was around 80 of age, he was caught for stealing books, and put in chains in a prison somewhere in Lordaeron.

There, he met his end. When the Lich King attacked and killed everyone, the prison was one of the first to be raised, and its inhabitants to be turned undead. And so he was raised as a simple zombie; but this simple zombie was to accompany the prince in many missions.

Finally, the Lich King's power waned, and Claynt found himself back in control of his own thoughts. Soon, he realised he was still shackled, but more powerful than he's ever been. In the months that passed, he has joined other 'survivors' in the Undercity, and joined the Apothecarium.

Inside, he quickly found a mage master, who began teaching him in the arts of necromancy. And soon, Claynt was given the title of necromancer. Though it is only barely accepted by some races, hated by most, he does not care, and he carries on day by day.