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Player: Unlucky17

Character Full Name: Chuun Dourhorn

Character In-Game Name: Chuun

Nickname(s): Elder, Elder Chuun, Elder Dourhorn.

Association(s): N/A

Race: Tauren.

Class: Warrior.

Age: Ninety-seven.

Sex: Male.

Hair: Coarse black fur covers his back, matted down with dirt and other unmentionables, while his belly fur is much finer. His horns are black.

Eyes: Blue.

Weight: 612lbs.

Height: 8’7”


Chuun often wears heavy plate leggings, Orcish design, though made for a creature his size. He has matching plate legwarmers buckled above his hooves. A leather vest adorns his chest, sinking into his soft belly fur. Twin straps hook over his shoulders.

Other: Chuun has war paints stained into the fur on his broad shoulders, an earth brown colour against his natural black. His horns curve outwards, then forwards, perfectly capable of being used as a weapon. An axe as tall as he is himself is looped across his back, and a dagger hangs from his belt, the blade long enough to be a shortsword for a smaller race.


Alignment: Chaotic Good.

Chuun is often quiet, and can be seen as grumpy the majority of the time. He is very slow to trust, but can be a fast friend in times of need should anyone be able to make their way past his emotional barricades. He doesn’t take insults to his own self very lightly, but doesn’t much worry for insults to his people, unless it directly relates to himself. As such, he can stand any abuse towards his former tribe.

He sometimes speaks in easy-to-decipher riddles, and can lapse into an odd third-person method of conversation. He doesn’t start conversations unless absolutely necessary, but will answer any questions given to him unless he feels the need to hide the answer. He doesn’t, contrary to what some might think, dislike it when people talk to him, but he does find people uncomfortable.


Chuun was born to a warrior of the Ragetotem tribe. He was raised since childhood to hunt and prowl the plains of the Barrens and Mulgore, travelling with his nomadic sub-tribe across the grasslands and arid deserts. This life taught him how to survive without dependency upon others, which he took to heart, often spending days, weeks, and in rare cases months away from his people, alone.

Chuun’s first Great Hunt he set to himself, the task of destroying a Centaur warband alone. To perform this task, he ambushed the semi-equine creatures by night using a series of campfires set in the hills. He would hide among the nearby terrain, usually on higher ground, and set heavy boulders to tumbling down the hills when he saw the blurred shadows against the light. The actions, however, were scolded by his tribe’s elders, as well as his father. As punishment, he was forbidden from leaving the tribe without a Brave to ward him. This didn’t stop him from leaving alone.

As he neared physical maturity, he began spending less and less time with his tribe. Barely a year after the milestone of adulthood, he had completely forsaken his tribe as a family. He still kept to his people’s nomadic way of life, and bartered for items he would need to survive; trading hides, meats, furs and other resources for arrows, axes, knives and the like. During this period, he bonded with one of the enormous plains kodo, a young beast, strayed from its herd. The kodo could be seen as Chuun’s only friend.

As he aged, Chuun trained with a heavy war axe he had traded for among the wandering tribes. He had always been strong, and his lonely life only made him more so, adjusting him both physically and mentally. Although his preferred weapon quickly became the axe, he also took to keeping a Centaur shortsword at his belt, finding it much more appropriate for both skinning and combat than his Shu’halo made dagger.

As he neared mid age, Chuun found a small group of no more than seven other Shu’halo, each having left their own tribes to live alone. These of his people were much more to his liking, and he stayed with them for several years, hunting the plains. Soon, he became known to the group as a fierce warrior, and they quickly decided to make small, quick, and decisive attacks against the Centaur of the regions.

The group’s activities did not go unnoticed for as long as they might have hoped, and their plans were rapidly discovered soon after. As they readied their plan one night, a large sortie charged them from above. Chuun, being the strongest, was hidden among the rocks when it happened. As such, the Centaur passed him by, setting to his friends with their weaponry. Chuun stayed in his natural fortress for the whole night and next day before emerging.

Descending from his place, he found his friends, people he had seen as kin. Their bodies were broken and bloody, surrounded by dead Centaur. As Chuun went to the grim task of putting them to rest, however, he realised that not all were dead. Forgiving himself for not burying the others, he crafted a sled of wood and tried to nurse his wounded kinfolk back to health. At first, it seemed as if the Shu’halo would pull through, but they passed almost two weeks later.

Chuun returned to wandering the plains, alone but for his kodo. He cut off all contact with his people, not even trading with them for supplies. He started his own personal campaign against the Centaur, returning to his old tricks, but it didn’t last long before his blood boiled at so much as the sight of four hooves, and he traveled south, to the lands known now as Desolace. There, his kodo, having been with him for so many years, made its way to the Kodo Graveyard, where it waited to die.

In the recent past, Cairne Bloodhoof’s allying with the Orcs and calling themselves “Horde” reviled Chuun. To his eyes, these newcomers from across the sea would be no better than the Centaur in the end, oppressing the Shu’halo beyond measure. As such, he turned his hooves towards the newly existent Grimtotem tribe, where he put his great strength and combat skills to use against the lesser races of Azeroth.

Chuun left the Grimtotem, however, after taking one too many insults from a fellow warrior. He challenged the warrior to a bout of honour. The younger warrior underestimated Chuun in his old age, and paid for the mistake with his life. Chuun was banished from the tribe, and sentenced to immediate death by combat. He managed to fight and flee, however, and now travels Kalimdor’s furthest reaches.

Skills and Abilities

Strong: Even in his old age, Chuun is physically large for his people, his arms, legs and torso thick with hard flesh. He has achieved this like most of his people, keeping active throughout his days.

Combatant: While self-trained, Chuun has tested himself against Centaur, Orcs, Goblins, and other Shu’halo alike. He has taken battle scars, but true defeat has not been served to him often.