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Player: PuncturedWords

Character Full Name: Cerunel Ivyclaw

Character In-Game Name: Cerunel

Nickname(s): None

Association(s): Cenarion Circle, Druids of the Grove

Race: Night Elf

Class: Druid

Skills and Abilities: Thousands of years has lent Cerunel a great deal of patience with things that even some of his fellow kin might find grating. He is well-practiced in herbal and animal lore, both in Azeroth and the Emerald dream, and has a way with animals and humanoids alike with his slow smile and gentle demeanor.

Age: 9,931

Sex: Male

Hair: Green

Eyes: Gold

Weight: 289 lbs

Height: 6' 11"


Not one for overly-fanciful wear, and certainly not one to cut himself off from the sensation of the earth and sky, Cerunel wears little more than a kilt for modesty, occasionally donning bracers and a drape for warmth. On his rare excursions to colder climates, he bundles up in fur-lined leathers of the same nondescript browns and greens as his usual wear.


Alignment: Neutral Good

Infuriatingly patient and startlingly gentle for a Kaldorei of his size, Cerunel is the epitome of an ancient Night Elven druid. He is slow to rile, with a great respect for all forms of life and a quiet sense of humor. Unlike his childhood friends, who were brasher and somewhat goofier in their play, Cerunel has always had a warm, reliable presence. Steady hands and a low, even voice coupled with a warm smile has often made this elder welcome in most places. He enjoys children immensely, teaching them and telling them stories, for he drinks in their wonder at a life he's lived at far too long, and had far too long to become bitter about. He keeps his joy for life alive with the help of the young, and is never too tired to tell a story or too old to play a game.

All of this even-tempered-ness and gentle kindness has it's limits, however. Age has not slowed his perception or his reflexes, and while Cerunel prefers to be considered a Druid of the Grove, with his strength in the healing properties of druidism, he is no stranger to taking the form of a dire bear and mauling those who would threaten what he loves. Sleeping far beneath his soft heart is a ravaging beast of massive size and unrelenting anger and strength. He prefers not to take such drastic measures if he can help it, mind you, preferring to speak calmly and rationally, but he is no fool, and will revert to battle at the blink of an eye if he deems it necessary.


Born after the creation of Nordrassil, Cerunel bore witness to the separation of the Quel'dorei and the Kaldorei at a young age, with more than a child's understanding of the depth of this rift. He was an attentive student when given the history of his people in story and in song, and it was with pride that he found druidism came naturally to him. Plants bloomed obligingly for him, and animals were not afraid if he drew too near. The gentle young Kaldorei grew well, with great study and care, and it was not long before he happily joined his brethren in the Emerald Dream, joining the others in their bargain with Ysera. Being a foolish child, he loved the dragon aspect too well, and spent countless years Dreaming and studying her realm in the hopes of a greater connection with her. His passion led him away from the other druids, some who entered the Dream only grudgingly.

He met Maladras and Celadrin during one such excursion, a pair that at first seemed unlikely to be friends with such a serious and dour young druid. Their good humor and relentless pestering of Cerunel slowly warmed his heart, and although he was deemed the "boring one" of their little trio, he was always welcome in their escapades. He even deigned to join them on Azeroth in their waking years, drinking and merrymaking as much as he worked to preserve nature's beauty.

He bore witness to the courtship of Anuil by Celadrin, and saw Maladras' heartbreak. Had he been less of an honorable Kaldorei, he might have conspired with Maladras to keep them apart, for the love in Cerunel's heart had turned away from Ysera in these years and found a home in the bright, merry laugh and wicked smiles of Celadrin. However, he treasured their friendships more than any romance, and joined Maladras in his cups, drowning their romantic sorrows as Celadrin and Anuil paired off.

Then came the Third War. At the battle of Mt Hyjal, Cerunel bore witness to the death of his beloved and the savage wounds taken by his dearest friend. He saw the glaive thrower groaning and snapping. He could tell that it would misfire. To this day, regret lives like a worm in his heart that he said nothing, only watched as the mighty glaive ripped through Celadrin like a knife through tissue paper and went on to mark Maladras for life. Perhaps Celadrin's death was the only reason Maladras was alive, but Cerunel only blamed himself. He wept over the two halves of Celadrin's body as a lover would, blinded by tears, desperately trying to piece him together despite the dim dead eyes staring upward. He was brought to his senses by the Sentinels, forced to tend to Maladras' wounds before they grew grave. Celadrin's body was taken away, to Anuil, and Cerunel felt some of himself die that day.

In agony, Cerunel took to the Dream. He took years away from the rest of the world, coming to terms with what happened, who he was, and what he wanted out of life. He could have gone mad, or killed himself now he was mortal, or sought vengeance upon something or another, or any of a thousand outcomes. Instead, he found peace, and found a reason to live in a promise he had given so long ago to Celadrin.

He returned to Azeroth to seek out Surienna Oathkeeper, daughter of his beloved, and mentor her as he'd promised.

No one told him it was going to be an easy promise to keep.