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Player: Cowssaymoo

Character Full Name: Besdle Suckershot.

Alias: Sqiddle Littlewrench.

Character In-Game Name: Besdle

Nickname(s): Bess, Diddle? Sqidd

Association(s): Alliance.

Race: Gnome

Class: Warrior/Fighter/Whatever, Brawler?

Age: 56

Sex: Male

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

Weight: 44 lbs

Height: 94 Cm's

Other: Allergic to nuts, and puffs up like a... puffer-fish in his cheeks should he consume some.


Besdle is usually either seen in a simple black and brown jacket, pants, shoe outfit, or a brown colored set of plate and mail armor, his gloves are quite tight... and therefore it takes him a while to take them off... or on... Sometimes he sports an Mechanic's overall but it's mostly just for show, the only thing he knows about cog's and gears are how guns work, and how to upgrade them, or fix it. He sometimes wears, and always keeps a brown Diver's Helmet that uses the melted down remains of his fathers old one, in honor of him.


Besdle is a person who thinks of fighting as ruthless, with little or no rules, he's the type of person who'd do what he can to gain an edge in a battle, so he uses his alias to make people underestimate him whenever he can.

Besdle holds a larger then normal dislike for Goblins, and also has a hate for Orcs, due to the fact that they're both Green, and worked together in the Second War.

He dislikes the color green, and turtles, and he -really- hates green on turtles.

Besdle has an out-look that almost everyone, if not all, think quite lowly of his kind, and are out to get them, therefore he often gives people of other races an Alias and acts as a bumbling gullible mechanic, so to surprise them for when they try to screw him over [However he usually refrains from this if a fellow Gnome is present.] However, he does become friendly to non-Gnomish individual's sometimes, and after the years of Gnomeregan's fall he holds a trust to Dwarves.


Besdle, like many others was born in the grand city of Gnomeregan, his mother an inventor and his father selling various knick-nacks [although he mostly took care of the home.]

He sometimes bullied other children and often got into fights, however never anything serious happened and he led a quite happy Childhood.

When the second war rolled around Besdle's father was chosen to pilot a Submarine and fight on the behalf of the Alliance, after he left Besdle often found himself thinking about his return of his father, and even wondering if he'd come home a war-hero.

However a year afterward a letter was delivered, marked for his mother and him.

It had come from the man who was the gunner of his father's Submarine, it was written and sent to notify them of his fathers death, it went in detail, saying that his father died in a mission to prevent a outpost of the Horde from getting oil, they had two different small groups, one to distract the Horde boats and the other to destroy the Oil Tankers, while it went well it said that a projectile from one of the Horde's Goblin operated Giant Turtles slammed into their Submarine and crushed his fathers head.

Besdle and his mother were devastated at the news, this had gone on to create his hatred of Orcs, turtles and Goblins... and even the color Green, for a few months he spent whatever money he could get on buying Turtles from pet shops, and buying Turtle Soup, he killed the ones he bought slowly and painfully and ate soup with zeal, to him, that being the only vengeance he could extract.

After the end of the Second War, Besdle started to take up Marksmanship and did what close-combat training he could do, figuring that he could kill Orcs and maybe Goblins in the next big war... whenever it'd be, and decided to prepare for it.

When the Troggs attacked Gnomeregan Besdle was quick to sign up and join the desperate fight, when the order for the radioactive waste to be released was given out, Besdle and a few other fighters ran out of Gnomeregan to wait for the Trogg's to die out in the fresh air, they were surprised when later large groups of soldiers and civilians fled out of the city, puzzled but not bothering to find out they followed them... only when they stopped, quite a far way from Gnomeregan did they find out the horrible news, after swearing and sobbing and swearing that they'd retrieve their home like many others, they went to Ironforge and to their new neighbors.

After a year of selling the odd trinket here and there like his father used to, Besdle traveled to the cooler, more opportunity filled, rebuilt Stormwind and decided to give work as a Merc a try, after being swindled out of pay, unsuccessfully mugged, and having other unpleasant encounters with taller folk, he adopted his Alias and mindset, he did a job here and there as Besdle and sometimes lured people into a easy-seeming barfight as Littlewrench, taking a bit of their cash after beating them 'till they say good night.