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Player: Darksaber

Character Full Name: Belvalak Nilas Tsu'noniere

Character In-Game Name: Belvalak

Nickname(s): None

Association(s): Silvermoon

Race: Blood Elf

Class: Paladin

Age: 254

Sex: Male

Hair: Dark Red, usually concealed under a helmet

Eyes: Jade Green

Weight: 122lb

Height: 6'1

Alignment: Neutral Evil


Rustic Brown armour with orange metallic symbols engraved onto them. A flowing red and amber cloak and a Red-tailed helm.


Belvalak is a twisted individual. He has a hunger for Arcane magic like any other elf but is willing to put more of his resources to attain it. He is a cold, calculating and ruthless in his decisions, acting on instinct and always seeking to level his position in the world.

Belvalak is very xenophobic, looking down on most races and actively despising the relations between the Forsaken and Blood Elves but not to the point of being repressed.


Belvalak was born in Goldenmist Village within the current Ghostlands, a bastard son to one of the soldiers in the Ranger Corps. Upon coming of age, he was told to leave by his mother, a constant reminder of her acts in the past.

Willingly, he departed Goldenmist and settled down at Suncrown Village. There he was trained by in the use of the blade and while his knowledge of magic is lacking, he is by no means incompetent.

As a young High Elf, Belvalak was very a very calm and encouraging individual, even finding a partner and eventually betrothing her. Although bearing no children, they led a happy life. He lived the majoratory of his life in general ignorance to the politics and military events of the elven lands, instead choosing to remain within Suncrown leading a docile and what some may consider, a 'boring' life.

He did not fight in the Second War. Although it was frowned upon in common society not to take an active involvement in the affairs of the nation, he shrugged these off by becoming a Ward for Suncrown village.

While the main military force of Silvermoon were out of the kingdom, each town kept a small garrison. Being a ward, he was essentially a guard, fending off troll encroachment when it got out of hand.

When the scourge invaded the Eversong forests, Belvalak fought along with the others of his kind, even his wife. Despite being pushed back constantly, everyone kept their head. The turning point in Belvalak's life was when he watched in horror as she was torn apart before the first elfgate.

Seeing his obvious distress, he was recalled back to Silvermoon as a precaution (along with so many other widowers) to prevent pointless sacrifice. However he deserted the ranks out of rage and returned to his home before it was burnt down, reclaiming the family money (fortunately for him, he had married up) and retreating into mountains east of Silvermoon where many had gone to seek safety.

Come the dawn of the Blood Elves, Belvalak found him to be in a surprisingly strong position. Combat worthy, with a fair bit of wealth to his name as well. However that calm individual who had existed months before had gone, replaced with the embittered ambitious elf, lusting for power like so many more of his kind.