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Player name: dannyhero

Character Full-Name: Bellum Gerreo Valorbane

Character In-game name: Bellum

Class: Death Knight

Race: Undead/Human

Age: 46

Height: 6'4"

Weight: 238 lbs.

Sex: Male

Hair: Deathly Pale

Eyes: Blue Glow(Yeah.)

Alignment: True Neutral


Blackish-Red plate that covers every inch of skin, head to foot, he's never seen out of it.


Bellum... is an angry man to say the least. The son of a warrior, who was the son of a warrior, taught surrender wasn't an option, being a son of Stromgarde his Militant view of the world governs much of his life. He was raised to believe heavily in Stromgarde's great history, being the only human's who stayed in the ancestral lands of Arathi after the others left the city in pursuits of magic, the Light, Trade, and so on, that as a warrior of Stromgarde he held the tradition of fighting the enemies of humanity since the dawn of civilization. So he has a very strong bias to martial prowess and strength.

He's single minded and some would call him stubborn, he says he's dedicated. His brain like train tracks, once he gets going, it takes alot to stop him, and more to force a change in direction. Having always been a patriot he finds himself fiercely loyal to anything he takes part in, so his recent journey into the folds of The Ebon Blade seem to give him a outlet for his violent perseverance to thrive, carrying out even suicidal missions with a grinning heart and a roar in his throat. His rage has twisted to bloodlust in undeath, taking a all to enjoyable experience in destroying undead.

Yet under all his great fury, all the yelling, thrashing and death he's surrounded himself with, there's a hint of sadness in his eye, a pain running deep into whatever black, shriveled soul he has left. A bitter-sweet love of his duty, but a constant thorn in his mind of some event during his life. A moment when his rage forced him to betray his duty, his status and his battle brothers. Bellum's accidental murder of a fellow soldier in a bar fight has cut deep, enough to keep the scar through onto being a knight of death.

He's known to blunt and over all, impatient and explosive, most emotions expressed a burst of energy rather then mellow or build-up, like a storm, his feelings tend to just surface in one swoop. He has view emotional attachment to physical items, usually seeing them as means to an end, a sword is a weapon, nothing more, armor is used to protect you and has few other meaning otherwise, practicality is his middle name, people have been added to this list of expendable items in his mind, all of these things, with the single exception of his runeblade, which he seems to treat as the most precious item in the wide world.

While he considers his fellow knights, allies and nothing more, they are not brothers, they are not his friends, they are soldiers, and his duty is to protect them.


A son of Stromgarde, Bellum was raised from the youngest age in the military under the Red Fist of his people. His father was either fighting, or in the barracks, so his father figure was the trainers who over saw the children's physical conditioning. There was not much to speak of in that regard, long days of hiking in the highlands, lifting rocks, battling the other children of age with his fists, drills, and studying military tactics. He wasn't much of a social butter fly, he had an obsession with doing things perfectly, doing things by the books, exactly correct, he held himself to a terribly unfair personal standard, which he always fell below. He grew, and soon advanced in training, with an idea of the soldier at his side, being the most important thing, more so then his shield and his sword, they were the key to victory, he watched their back, they watched his.

About the age of twenty six, a slightly more seasoned warrior of Stromgarde's Calvary, he was one of the large number, nearly half of Trollbane's warrior's sending them into glorious battle, he saw much blood, fighting the Orc's invading Khaz Modan, and slowly being pushed North until the he was left defending the city, and harbor, the whole of Stromgarde suffering heavy loses, but not bending to the Orcs, fighting them at every turn they could. He was left at what was left of the city to help rebuild while others sent to Alterac devastated the traitors.

Things returned a relative normality when the orcs were cast back into the Dark Portal. He stayed in the city and helped it rebuild, a difficult task with ogres and bandits moving in, soon only parts of the once glorious nation were left under the Red Fist, but Bellum did his duty, and guarded the few remaining countrymen with his heart and soul. Yet, this endless battle, which seemed to have no end, no closure, he fell into a bad habit of getting drunk and violent when he was off duty. Aging and bitter, Bellum turned into a shadow of his former self, where had his honor gone his comrades thought, Bellum though the same. Regardless, this habit would continue, until one faithful night. Bellum slew a battle brother in a drunken rage, blood on the blade of his family, something that stood for honor, for duty and loyalty, was stained, his hands wet with blood, Bellum fled the city, running into the more dangerous areas, infested with Ogres and rogue wizards, anything to escape a traitor's death, under the cover of night, he retreated from the hearth of his ancestors, and fled to the North.

The Tirisfal Glades and Plaguelands of Lordaeron's former capital were no more hospitable then a hangman's noose, Bellum fought through pockets of undead, and struggled to find food in the wasteland, due to a lack of physical needs being met, and his shattered resolve, Bellum was easy prey for a Scourge ambush. His penance would not end there, being raised as a unholy warrior of the Lich King, would open a new chapter in Bellum's journey to redemption as he would join the Ebon Blade and devote whatever existence he had left to regaining his honor, still gripping the blade that carried him and his fathers through so many battles, as a symbol of his guilt, and eternal servitude.